Randel's heart raced in his chest as he focused on nothing more but rushing forward, away from the flood of the black liquid.
Jeremy clung to him, eyes close as he shivered.
Ringo matched his pace, holding his arm with his hand.
George was a few feet ahead, but Randel couldn't even calm down enough to know who was behind him.
The liquid sounding like rushing water as it came crashing down into Pepperland, and it was quickly covering the ground. Most of the populous, being taken by surprise by the oncoming flood, either stood still or ran.
There were small puddles of the same liquid everywhere, and Randel took notice that so many other people and blue meanies were too terrified to notice them until they had already set foot in it.
Panting, Randel forced himself to keep up his pace.
On top of the pyramid structure, the yellow submarine was already half-covered with goo, making it too dangerous to be used to escape. However, that didn't stop a few people from climbing up the stairs on the structure.
Ringo turned his head to look behind him and gasped.
A wall of pitch-black ooze had come crashing down, and the sound echoed in his mind, along with the screams of those who it had caught.
He turned his head back, just barely being able see to the the bandstand that sat atop the large hill in the distance.
If they got to higher ground, they would be safe.
John and Paul held onto each other tightly, running as fast as they could. The Chief, matching their pace, carried Max, who was now screaming.
Old Fred, starting to fall behind the small group of blue meanies that followed behind the Chief, had been forced to carry Lord Mayor, who was too old to run fast for long.
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band were running in the same direction some distance away, and it seemed that they had their eyes on the bandstand as well.
Once they were all halfway there, the liquid behind them began to slow down, finally allowing the group to slow down.
Taking extra care not to step in a puddle, Randel gave Jeremy to Ringo, starting to feel exhausted.
Suddenly, a blue meanie, legs covered in the black liquid, reached out toward him, making Randel trip and fall. Acting quickly, he stood up, but he found himself frozen as he stared at it.
The blue meanie was slowly being covered with the ooze, and he cried as it started to come in contact with his body.
Breaking out of his trance, Randel dashed forward in response to Ringo's scream.
However, the ooze began to slow down even more as they came closer to the bandstand.
After another minute of running, Randel and Ringo stopped on the bottom of the hill, both panting heavily.
Jeremy wasn't shaking now, but he just stared empty-eyed around him.
George, who had stopped halfway up the hill, turned back, only to see that the liquid stopped in its tracks several dozen feet away.
However, the sight of Old Fred and Lord Mayor trapped on a small hill made both him, Randel, and Ringo take in a breath.
John, Paul, and the Chief stopped next to Ringo and Randel, all panting heavily, and didn't seem to notice the trapped pair.
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, some blue meanies, and several other people stopped on the flat field in front of the large hill, some collapsing to the ground in exhaustion.
The Chief set Max on the ground, who observed the sparsely placed puddles around.
This area didn't seem to be that bad compared to...
"Help! Somebody!"
Old Fred's scream made all turn around.
Lord Mayor, now standing next to the panicking sailor, were trapped on the small hill that was surrounded by the liquid, which was climbing closer to them with each passing second.
The Chief, taking in a breath, stepped forward.
Randel finally fell back onto the ground, covering his mouth as he continued to survey the scene, thankful that there weren't any puddles on the mountain.
"H-how do I-"
"D-don't worry about us, yer blueness..."
Old Fred stared down at Lord Mayor, being taken aback by both the older man's words and calm tone.
"We've lived our lives already. It's up to you to take care of them now, okay?"
The Chief, mouth opening in shock, stepped back.
"Just take care of them until one of you can find a way to stop this..."
Lord Mayor, tears forming in his eyes, stared up at Old Fred, who was now starting to understand him.
"Y-Young Fred... I am sorry that things had to end like this f-for you..."
"I-it's not y-your fault... sir..."
The two went in to hug each other as the liquid finally overtook the top of the hill.
Everyone took in a breath at once, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band shaking as they watched their leader and the old sailor begin to turn grey.
Once all color disappeared from the pair, the ooze started to climb up their legs.
Randel watched helplessly as Lord Mayor and Old Fred were completely engulfed by the liquid.
In an instant, the newly formed ooze sunk back into itself, not leaving a trace of the two men.
Max fell onto his knees and wailed.
"We're all going to die!"
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