Meet the characters

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Rain Amber :

Age- 18

Gender- Male

Height - 5'5

Hair colour- reddish Brown

Eye colour- Light brown

Ability- Elemental control 'Light Manipulation' (gifted by fate)

Light Manipulation techniques-

Dark light Manipulation - the darkest light in existence.

White Light Manipulation - create sacred light from the divine.

Photokinesis - create and manipulate pure light.

Force-Field Generation - create protective shields of solid photons.

Invisibility - be unseen.

Laser Emission - bend light wavelengths to create lasers.

Light Absorption - absorb the light around you.

Light Generation - emit blinding light or glow in the dark.

Light Mimicry - take on the traits of light.

Photoportation - teleport by using photons.

Projective Invisibility - turn other things invisible.

Evil Banish - rid and banish all spirits of evil and black magic.

Han Sookyoung:

Age- 18

Gender- Male

Height- 5'8

Hair colour- black

Eye colour- light brown

Ability (after awakening) - thunder and super strength.

A/N: this story will revolve around Han Sookyoung after he possessed Rain's body. I might add original Rain's story in the epilogue.

That's it. Hope you enjoy this story^^

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