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Y/n Abyssal
race: Abyssal Lagiacrus Fishman
the one on the right and also has a tail
- Fishman karate is a master level at it when Luffy arrives. You begun training in this department
- Producing lightning from himself and forming attacks from it by implementing in his marshal arts or shoots them out of his mouth as a ball of electricity. He can also release a devastating attack by releasing all the electricity stored up in a attack around him after this he has to recharge again for 5 min before using the move again.
- Haki: was taught it by Jinbei when he was training to become Shirahoshi's escort against Van der Decken so she may see the forest. He has a different power similar to the kings haki but is weaker than it because people can feel your willpower as an intimindating dark aura that surrounds you forming your animal you closely relate to. I call it guardians haki .
Berserk: This is Y/n's uncontrollable power where he becomes a mindless monster. his electricity becomes stronger which goes up to a level which threatens your life at the age 9 (It won't be fatal when your older but it takes a toll on you) in a sense when you are in your berserk mode you are a Seaking and only listened and calmed down to Shirahoshi on the day her mother was assassinated.
You were found in fishmens district with no family and was taken in by the only orphanage in the district. At the age of 7 y/n dove in front of the queen taking a bullet before threatening to shoot the world noble with your electrical power, before you could the queen hug you begging you to not shoot the world noble that we should live in harmony calming you down and pass out from blood loss. after the ordeal you were taken in by the queen after she discovered you were an orphan and thats when you meet the siblings.
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