never again.

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Louis was called to Orlando. I packed up my things for my return to Atlanta. The week had been a whirlwind and I was beyond ready to go home. More pictures of Harry & Cassidy surfaced the following days, which brought more confusion and more questions.

I literally just wanted to ask why he had ditched me. At the airport, I found magazines with my picture on the cover. It was humiliating - I felt like such a fool.


"Hey, Mona," Niall greeted me as I walked through the gallery door. "Welcome back."

"Thanks," I smiled, happy to be home. "You're here early."

"Well, Selena is making her way here to visit," he blushed. "I'm thinkin' of proposin'."

I chuckled as his Irish accent became ever-so-present - a sign of nervousness.

"Wait, marriage proposal??" I was shocked. I knew Niall could be impulsive, but wasn't this too soon?

"What other type of proposal is there?" his smiled brightened.

"Well, if you're happy, I'm happy for you," I faked a smile, then climbed the stairs to my office.

I sighed loudly as I stared at the stack of papers on my desk. Normally, I was a tidy person so it was slightly unexpected. I set my bag on the chair and began sorting through the mounds. There were quite a few invoices that needed to be sent our accountant, so I organized the paperwork according to importance.


"Are you hungry? It's past dinner time," a familiar voice woke me. I opened my eyes and saw only my computer screen - had fallen asleep while entering the last few details of Niall's latest paintings.


I rubbed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair before looking up. Harry.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, thinking I must still be asleep.

Shocked, I stood from my desk and started packing my things. At nearly 7 pm, I couldn't imagine Niall would've left without waking me.

"I came to apologize," he sighed.

I stared at him, still trying to process that he was in front of me.

"You think 'sorry' will make up for the interrogations? You think 'sorry' will make up for the endless questions floating through my brain at any given moment?" I practically shouted.

"You have every right to be upset, but please, let me explain," his eyes looked sad, but then again, he had won an Oscar.

"Get out. Do not contact me again," my voice lowered as I pointed toward the exit.

"Mona, please, at least let me tell you what really happened," he begged.

I felt short of breath. This was the way I felt whenever Kyle would come home drunk. I needed to get away from him.

"Leave now, or I call the cops, Harry! I could care less about your 'status'," I screamed.

"Cassidy nabbed me!" he screamed back. "She drugged me and took me aboard that yacht. I was stuck and couldn't go anywhere!"

No. There's no way it was true. He went willingly - they looked like they were thoroughly enjoying themselves and each other.

"She made me pretend to love her. It was so sick and twisted," he read my mind.

"I couldn't ask anyone for help," he looked at the floor. "I jumped off the boat while she was showering. A local saw me and pulled me on board his boat. I went straight to the police. There's been no media coverage because she's been missing."

"I don't believe you," I glared at him.

"How could I have possibly made this up?" he asked incredulously.

"You've had time to think. You may feel bad, but I'm not moving backward. I should've just left you as a dream - kept you on the pedestal," I started crying.

"Mona, I have no reason to lie, I have nothing to lose or gain," he whispered. "I really had a great time with you. I'd hoped for more than a weekend, but she stole that from me - from us."

I looked at his face. He seemed to be telling the truth.

"I'm sorry," I said shaking my head. "I don't know what you want from me."

"Nothing. I'm just sorry for everything that happened," he looked straight into my eyes. "I have to leave now, I'm going into hiding until she is found."

I glanced at him and nodded, then put my bag over my shoulder.

"Harry, I've had a lot of shit happen over the past few years," I explained. "I know what it's like to live in fear. Know that I am hoping for a good outcome for you."

"But you don't accept my apology?"

"It's too soon," I said. "We were having a wonderful time when you just up and left."

He sighed before he answered.

"I was only trying to help a friend - well, who I thought was a friend."

The wind nearly blew us over as we exited the gallery. It was cold in the night - the weather was changing.

"I hate that you were hurt," he whispered. "You made me feel like a normal person again."

"I'm not sure what to say," I replied honestly. "Our experiences were quite opposite."

He nodded knowingly.

"Mona, I promise to call you sometime," he held on to the limo door before he sat inside.

I watched as the car disappeared.


At my apartment, I took a shower and made myself a peanut butter & jelly sandwich.

"Who does he think he is?" I slammed an empty cup on the counter. "He can't just show up and expect all to be forgiven! I refuse to be in this Crazy Cassidy game..."

I glanced at my buzzing phone.

"Hey Louis," I said, trying to smile. "How are you?"

"Alright, and you?"

"I'm fine," I replied, deciding not to mention Harry's visit.

"So, have you heard the news today?"

"Not really - I had a long day at work," I answered.

"Well," he sighed. "Harry Styles was seen at the Atlanta airport today. I think he may be coming to see you."

"Wh-why-why would you think that?" I asked casually.

"Well, it'd be wonderful PR for him," Louis clenched his jaw.

"What else is bothering you, Louis?"

He cleared his throat before answering, "I was hoping you and I could have a chance to see what would happen..."

I bit my bottom lip. Of course, I like Louis. He'd been such a great friend all these years and even better over the past week.

"You have nothing to worry about," I told him. "Will you be here soon?"

"About that," he said slowly. "I have to be here for two more days. The good news? That gets me more time with you. I demanded more time in Atlanta."

I smiled. Louis was so well put together - he had goals, followed through with plans and was super committed.

"I am excited to see you," I whispered into the phone. "We'll have a great time."

He chuckled, "well, me love, I must get some rest. I'll call tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Louis," I ended the call, grinning ear to ear.

As I sat on my couch to watch House Hunters International, a few thoughts ran through my head: Louis is so successful, he's really into me, and he's never hurt me. So far, I don't see a problem. Which brings me to Harry. Oh, Harry Styles. Your torturous good looks, the emerald sea of eyes, the luscious brown locks, and the body of a god. Why did you hurt me? It was a dream going in, a nightmare going out.

A knock on my door startled me. I pulled my unruly hair back into a ponytail and put my glasses on my face.

"Hello, Mona," Kyle's teeth practically blinded me.

"This day couldn't get-"

"I'm sorry that you and lover boy didn't work out..." He smirked, pushing his way into my apartment. "Quaint place you have here."

And by 'quaint', he meant small. I rolled my eyes and continued to glare at him.

"You need to leave," I demanded sternly. "I don't want you here."

"You aren't curious as to why I'm here?"

Something about the look on his face brought along a very unsettled feeling. I tilted my head and looked him over.

"No, now leave," I crossed my arms.

"Oh, Mona, I'll tell you anyway," he laughed. "I know where to find Cassidy."

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