What kind of fruit is in your tree?

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What kind of fruit is in your tree?
Matthew 12:33

A man's life is like a tree. Since your life is figuratively illustrated as a tree you must answer this question: What kind of fruit is in your tree?

Those around us know what type of person we are because of the fruit we bear in our daily lives.
Just as a tree can't produce fruit that's not of its kind,ย  neither can we.

No person is such a deceiver that he or she can produce consistently what he or she does not believe or embrace.

What do you have to give?
It is sad to realize that we concentrate on picking fruit instead of producing it.

In John 15, he gives the formula for succesfu fruit bearing:
1. Be connected with the right source. Have a right connection/relationship with God.
JOHN 15:4-5
~Many people who are frustrated by the lack of fruit in their lives have never had a right relationship with God.
What a difference it makes : His power become our power,ย  what's His becomes ours.

2. A person must be pruned and disciplined to be fruitful. John 15:2 says:
God wants you to bear more fruit. For this to happen,ย  allow him to cut all the hindrance. Pruning is the price for production. As christians we have to discipline ourselves.
Areas to be disciplined:
a. Finances. We have to limit our expenses but rather save and give the right amount that belongs to the Lord.
b. Friendships/Relationships

The bible says: Love one another and not love another.๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜Š

c. Feelings. Know how to control your anger, jealousy,ย  etc.
d. Habits. It's okay to do your favorite habits but make sure to give time to God.
e. Use of Social Media.ย  Not all happenings in your life is to be posted on social medias. Give some privacy for your life.ย  Its better to remember things on your memory and not on network sites.

3. A person must realize that God's purpose is important . Once God purpose is discovered , it's much easier to do His will. If you are continually connected with the vine,ย  blessings,annointing and victory will be given to us by our Lord himself.

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