Who are you?

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Your pov

I slowly fall asleep with Mia on my lap. I may have slept well last night but as always Mia wants to take a cat nap with me. She hasn't changed a bit. As I fall into a dreamless sleep a small hiss sounds from above me along with the sound of movement among the branches and leaves in the tree. But I was already asleep, to deep in sleep to care or worry.

No ones pov

Mia shifted slightly in her sleep as an all to familiar smell came closer and closer to the slumbering tiger and your form. He had been sleeping soundly in the new tree he had claimed as his home. But the sound of a rock falling woke him. He shifted to look towards the sound only to see something that made his heart stop. In the water you looked around for the source of the sound to only find out it's a bird, but it was you. The human he had bitten out of anger when transported to some kind of shelter. He never dreamed in a million years that you would be here of all places.

As you got out of the water he couldn't help but stare at you from afar. The way you smiled and how your wet clothes stuck to your body bought back so many good memories for him. The only good memories he had. But as soon as the tiger walked past her towards him he silently hissed in anger and hatred. He always despised that tiger, always dragging you away some how. You followed and sat down beneath him, leaning against the trunk of the tree with Mia's head on your lap.

"That stupid tiger." He thought angrily as you started to pet her head lovingly. "Always trying to have y/n all to herself." His tongue flicked out his mouth quickly, showing he was mad, annoyed and any other way to say irritated. Old memories of the large cats always made him this way.

His mood changed immediately as you gave a small yawn, making his worry's melt away and longing to get you away from Mia stronger. Your yawn was like a kittens. "So cute~" He thought as you slowly drifted into sleep, soon followed by the stupid tiger.

Hissing happily he slowly shifts his body towards you, sleeping soundly and unaware of the dangerous predator eyeing you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He slithered so that his tail was still raped around a branch, holding him securely as his head moved so that he was looking at your face, upside down. Admiring you for a second he looked towards the tiger. 

Carefully he moves her off your lap, not waking her, and then starts t rap his coils around your body. He relished in the feeling of your soft skin and amazing smell. Slowly he bought you up into the branches of the tree to properly encase you in his coils. Starting by raping the very bottom of his coils around your ankles then around your thighs, waist and chest, causing to to shift at the feeling of him squeezing you a little tightly. you could still breath easily but the way he made it was so that you can't escape, so he could have you all to himself, with Mia clawing at the bottom of the tree trying to get you back.

"Take that tiger." He thought smugly, hissing in triumph. Then he sees two of the strange half snake creatures that live on this land. But his attention was quickly drawn back to you, seeing your eyes begin to slowly open.

Your pov

Groaning sleepily I slowly open my eyes. Only to come face to face with the boa constrictor's face that I used to work with.

"KAA!" I yell. He raps a coil around my mouth before I can say anything else and looks at me happily. He moves closer and starts nuzzling me with his head against me cheek. He tightens the coils around my body slightly -his way of a hug- keeping my arms by my sides so I can't push him away.

He continues to nuzzle me as I try and fail to get free. Sighing in defeat I look down to see Mia trying to climb the tree but failing badly. I look at her reassuringly before I glare daggers at Kaa. He may have once bit me but once he got to know him he would never stop trying to keep me for himself. He loves cuddles and will do anything to get me away from Mia. For some reason they really hate each other. He along with all the other snakes I looked after get jealous very and I mean VERY easily. A guy comes up to me and we have a conversation: they will scare him away and rap their coils around me to snuggle. Ever when I was with Zeus Kaa would gently lift him up, place him in another room and the others would keep me there, then more cuddling. It seems nothing's changed.

Kaa looks at me and I swear he's smirking. He is very aggressive and will attack any human if he wants to, except me. He's also very cocky.

He reluctantly releases my body, I'm still in the tree. He rests his head on my shoulder and leans into my neck.

My expression softens a bit and I hug his head happily, "Nice to see you to." I say. He hisses happily and raps his body around my chest and lays on my shoulders. He is really heavy but I got used to it a long time ago.

"You were jealous weren't you." he looks away, resting his head on my left shoulder and squeezes me. 

Yup he's jealous.

"Ok. Now can you please get off me so I can get down." He stares at me with a blank expression. Rolling my eyes I say, "I'll let you cuddle me when I'm back on the ground." He gives in and releases me.

Quickly I look for the lowest branch and onto it, then jump onto the ground not loosing my balance on impact.

Mia leans onto my legs and starts purring happily. Smiling I scratch her ear. Kaa comes down and hisses possessively at her.

"Kaa." I warn. He looks towards me and flicks his tongue out at me. Now that I look at him he looks a lot bigger than he should. Male boa constrictors are only supposed to grow to a 2.4 meter length maximum. He looks like a good 4 meters. He gives one last hiss to Mia before raping around my legs and causing me to trip.

"Kaa I swear if you even think about it I'll get ice." At the word ice his eyes widened and he released me. What I was talking about is that he has a habit of raping himself around my torso completely..... underneath my shirt. He likes the heat my body gives off so yeah it's weird at first but I got used to it. Like a lot of things.


No ones pov

Sari, Ultra Magnus, Optimus and Megatron stared at you wide eyed and mouths open. Well only Sari's and Optimus' mouths were but they all look equally shocked. Who wouldn't. A huge boa constrictor just raped his coils around you and held you hostage and you act like it's an everyday thing.

You turn your head towards her only to see her and two giant lamia's! They stared at you with shocked expressions before but now they stare you curiously almost nervously. 

They both are huge compared to you. Both towering over her like the trees in this jungle.

One of them looked slightly old. He has a snake tail that looks like it could easily be 5 times your size and that's only the tail. He is a mixture of white and blue and looks like he's in control.

The other ha a blue tail that is about 3 times my size. He looks a lot younger and has these things on his head that I've seen before but forgot the name for. His chest and arms are red and hands blue, it makes him look like he's wearing gloves in a way and has a black stomach.

Your face heats up a little bit when you look into his beautiful blue eyes.

Loud hissing behind you causes you to look and there stands another.

He looks like he is ready to attack. He was massive, his tail easily 7 times your size. He's red and silver. But what caught your attention the most was that he has 4 arms.

[I don't own any of these and yes I know my descriptions are terrible. These are the only Snakeformers pics I've been able to find.]

"Who are you?" you ask hesitantly but confidently. You aren't scared, just shocked I mean you have loved lamia's and wanted to meet one but you weren't even sure they were real until now.

Ultra Magnus stares at you cautiously. You haven't screamed or even appeared to be that frightened yet just shocked.

Optimus looks at you curiously. For some reason his spark started beating rapidly as soon as he laid his optics on you. You aren't like any other human he has ever seen before.

Megatron stared at you. No emotion other than anger present. How dare that snake do that to you and for you to be so attached to it. It made him mad to say the least. It didn't help when he saw Ultra Magnus and Optimus were here.

"O-ok um y/n... this is going to sound a little crazy." Sari says hurridly, scared that Megatron will hurt you. "This is Optimus." She points to him "and Ultra Magnus.". "They are my friends an their the good guys. That guy over there is Megatron and he's really bad. So can-"

To late.

Megatron lunged towards you reaching one of his hands out to try and capture you. But you notice and dodge him just in time. Mia roars and trys to distract him while you make a run for it.

Before you can get to the river Optimus quickly swims across, reaching out to you. You look at him nervously trying to see if it's a trick but looking into his eyes you see the worry and honesty in them.

"I promise I'm not going to hurt you." He say's trying to gain your trust. You nod and grab it.

Megatron sees this and pushes Mia aside. She tried to penetrate his skin but it was tougher then iron, she barely made a scratch.

"Optimus hurry!" Sari yells from the other side, seeing Megatron approaching fast.

Optimus goes as fast as he can, you clinging desperately to his chest.

Optimus' pov

Getting out of the river I look back at Megatron. He stares back at me, a look of guilt present. But.... I must be wrong he never feels guilt.

Sari runs over to me. Looking at the human femme in my arms I see her crying.

"M-Mia? Kaa?" she mutters, eyes wide with shock and searching for something. I place her down and look behind Megatron to see the tiger and boa constrictor sneaking towards us.

"Their ok don't worry I can see them." I say gently, trying to reassure her.

She looks towards them and sighs. She must care about them more than I thought.

"Y/n are you ok?" Sari asks worriedly. She nods but then looks towards where Megatron is. He's no where to be seen.

No ones pov

"I'm sorry you had to find out about them like this. I was going to tell you-"

"It's fine Sari .... can I have a proper explanation though please." you interrupt with a small smile.

Sari looks at you: shocked. She didn't think you'd be so chill about this. "Aren't you mad or scared of them."

You chuckle at her question and reply calmly "Sari of course I'm scared. I was just attacked by a lamia. I've only known you for a day and I can understand why you didn't tell me.And no I'm not scared of them. You cant judge a soul by their species or what one of their same species is like. TRUST me I have had plenty of experience to back that statement up."

sari stares at you for a moment before her eyes literally turn into stars "Your so COOL!" She screams, jumping on you for a hug.

Ultra Magnus looks down at you. He never expected to hear those words from a human let alone you. 'You really are different, just like Sari said', he thought.

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