The transformation

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No one's pov

Suddenly a loud click sounds through the room as multiple small windows open from the huge glass wall. Many of the scientist looking people load what looks like a rifle with small viles of blue and purple liquid. Brown smiles happily at the sight of all your fear, if only you knew how he was saving your life and in turn saving humanity. But you would be finding out soon. For a split second he locked eyes with you.

You stand, along with everyone else, protecting the ones you love. Your face is twisted into an expression of powerful hatred and disgust. He sighs and nods his head at his 'employees', signalling for the process to begin.

"Ready." a man orders all the scientists who place their guns in the small spaces opened for them.

"Aim." they do so and lock onto each of their individual targets.


Multiple loud bangs echo throughout the facility followed by piercing screams of pain.

You double over in pain, being shot right in the stomach with one of the darts containing the strange liquid. All of the others fall back in pain, the very loud cry of pain from Lilly and Lucy causing you to open your eyes.


A searing hot pain floods through your stomach, feeling so hot that it could melt your flesh and bone. It lingers, spreading slowly in short strikes of agony but almost instantly you feel an unnatural sense of overwhelming emotions.

Love, confusion and ... need. Need for the two mechs you hold so close to your heart who you left to protect your best friend, her girlfriend and your friends familys. But yet again Brown had tricked you all. You thought he would let them go unchanged, scaleless. The bastards done the very opposite.

You scream bloody murder, the scorching heat suddenly reaching your lower body. Tears pour down your face and in that brief moment of no pain you hear the screams of the other people, humans who had been tricked as well.

But before you can ask if their okay the pain returns, ten times more intense than before. Your leg's flesh melts, separating and becoming like a liquid before changing colour from a s/c to a pitch dark ash black. You scream in agony as scales poke through and the bones in your legs crack and grow. Your pants had been ripped to shreds and lay beside you. With a silent whimper you roll over onto your stomach in pain. Your legs have now formed a long tail like shape and continues to grow rapidly along with your body. It feels like your body's on fire!

It grows in size, more bones cracking and growing rapidly along with your teeth changing. Becoming sharper, like fangs. You clutch your head and whimper as the pain eases away, panting and steam coming off your body.

All the others had a similar reaction to the dreadful serum, except for little Lilly. She had thankfully passed out before the pain had come, some kind of powerful sleeping drug had been mixed with her's as the scientists would rather not watch a child scream in pain.

All your legs have disappeared being replaced by a snake like tail. They had increased in size rapidly as well as small areas of their upper body's skin having patches of scales matching their tails. 

Windbolt stares at his mate, her body much larger, even more than three times it's original size. All of you are. A snake tail that starts at her waist is a lushes bright green that as the tail goes on fades into darker shades. He quickly picks her up, now about half the size of him. She pants heavily into his arms, tail unintentionally wrapping around his.

A strong scent enters his nostrils causing a predator like instinct to growl possessively at his mate. Smells similar but more unique to their owners come from the rest of the humans-transformed-into-snakeformer-like-beings. Except for little Lilly, Sarabi (Zioni's mother), Jackson, Lucy and Mira.

Mira groans in pain, not moving an inch. Her long purple tail shining brightly in the light of the cell. It starts off extremely dark at her waist then fades to lighter shades of purple.
Next to her Lucy whimpers and hugs Mira's side tightly, her candy floss pink tail with white patterns curling around Mira's unconsciously.

Jackson groans, sitting up and rubbing his pounding head. His dark navy blur tail  with silver patterns lays limply in front of him.

Sarabi sits up with a jolt, breathing heavily and looking around frantically until her eyes lay upon her muddy brown tail.

Little Lilly lays curled up in her magical milk white tail with black and red patterns and a small matching [to the patterns] rattle at the tip of her tail. She sleeps soundly, completely knocked out by whatever drug was put in the serum.

Ben pants heavily, arm hanging over his eyes and cherry red tail with black patterns and a matching rattle at the end wrapped possessively around Harry's body.

Harry is also panting heavily. His eyes are closed and light brown tail that matches his eyes with shining golden patterns all over it.

Zioni lays stretched out on her stomach, purple tail with blue diamond pattern all over it laying straight. Also panting.

You panting heavily slowly open your eyes, feeling blurry and confused and hot. Very very hot. You look down, suddenly falling back down due to pain and exhaustion. Your milky white tail with silver, gold and ruby red patterns curls around your body protectively.

Windbolt stares at Brown with shock and horror. "Y-you..." he stutters, "Their in heat!" he could tell the instant he smelt your scents. Heat there's no doubt about it.

Brown smiles innocently at the huge snakeformer, glad to know it worked completely. "Oh yes, but only for another ten minutes. Turns out if you add a drop of snake venom into the mixture you get them into temporary heat and if you make it 30% of it you get full on heat." his grin only widens as he hears Harry moan as Ben's tail tightens around him.

Windbolt stares at him with disgust, how could he do such a thing?

"Now that I know perfectly well that this elixir works perfectly I will inject it into myself an my coworkers." many of the people around him stare with wide eyes at all the transformed test subjects. Some catching the heavy scents in the air and becoming hypnotised by it.

"Then we will release it into the water supply of every country, allowing all human to instantly evolve and survive the coming storm."

"Alex this ain't the way to save humanity-"

"I'm saving humanity and cybertronians. " he snaps, glaring at Windbolt harshly, "Humans will survive nature's iron grasp and we will reclaim her as ours!"

"Alex stop this madness!"

"Ohh it has barely begun old friend it, barely begun~" 

Suddenly loud screams are heard from all around the facility along with crashing, hissing, banging and war cries. Brown orders his scientist to gather all the serum and research. He stares at your panting and shivering form.

"You will be the start of a new generation y/n." he whispers and then turns around and runs, "A better generation."

"WHERE ARE THEY HUMANS!" Megatron roars, holding two men in his right servos.

"W-we-we w-w-wont te-tell you anything." one of them attempts to shout but it only comes out as a pathetic whimper.

Megatron smirks darkly, an evil glint of the mech who is the ruthless leader of the decepticons flashes in front of the two humans faces.

Without another word he crushes the human in his servo, tossing the limp body aside and bringing the other close to his faceplate.

"Where. Are. They~"

The man points down a hallway towards your cell. Megatron smirks and crushes his body, throwing it aside with a satisfied hum.

"AUTOBOTS! DECEPTICONS!" He yells, "THEY ARE IN THE CENTER!" all hear his booming voice, causing a certain female to whimper, needing to feel his touch.

They had discovered your absence and searched throughout the base for you until they thought of here. Arcee had memorised the map and led them all here with ease.

Now they are all here and ready to get you all back.

Without hesitation all decepticons and autobots alike charge to the centre of the building ... but they didn't expect to be met with ... you all like this.



Almost at the end of the book~

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