Sleep ... I won't hurt you~

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No ones pov

"Awwww." Arcee coos. She couldn't help it, the little seen was too cute. 

Both Kaa and Sentinel are still arguing, not seeing the 3 wild cats receiving small forms of affection from you and your struggling form. If Kaa saw... you don't want to know.

Sari gently strokes Mia's head (her leaning into the young human's touch happily) while her eyes shine with excitement.

"I can't believe you guys can TALK!" she squeals excitedly. Never in her life could she imagine them actually talking, sure maybe as a daydream or something but not in real life. Animals don't just talk out of nowhere.

Mia chuckles and continues to nuzzle into the child's hand. Purring at the softness of them. You smile and hug Zeus closer, still trying to avoid Aslans' tongue. He knows very well that you don't mind him licking you every now and again but at some times you would just like to be left be. And now is one of those times. But like always he still continues, your reaction was always to tempting to pass by.

"Aslan I swear if you don't stop I'll-"

"You'll what?" he retorts smugly. You huff irritation and continue to struggle. "That's what I thought."

Optimus along with almost every other mech has a slight blue blush at seeing you like this. It was cute the way you struggled in their eyes. One in particular who was watching from afar takes out a camera he had stolen from a human recently and takes a picture. Bumblebee was extremely close to having a nosebleed as well as the jet twins. Jazz and Prowl had a slight blush but are more focused on the way you are trying to not harm the predator but still try to escape him.

Ratchet grumbles and comes towards you two. He gently but sternly lifts the lion off of you with his tail and places him away from you. Hesitantly he pics you up (still holding the small cub who is now laughing at Aslans' pouting face) using his arms. You are at his lower chest about so it looks like he's caring a large doll.

"Thanks." you mumble quietly so only he can hear. He nods and gives a small rare smile, but only you can see it. He guessed it was time for you to meet everyone as you would need to know who they are to feel more comfortable. And he thought it was nice to see Arcee's reaction at the little seen.

Carefully he set you down next to Optimus and says gruffly, "Alright. Time for introductions."

"That includes you Sentinel!" He yells so that the prideful leader can hear him. 

Sentinel snaps his helm in his direction, then gives one last hiss at the boa who smirks in slight victory. 

Longarm comes into all their eyesight. They never noticed him before. "I saw the whole thing. I was just coming back from scouting the perimeter." he states.

You stare at him for a moment. Something about him is off you thought to yourself. Your gut was telling you there was more to this guy that met the eye and your senses tell you to not trust him. You listened to them, they are always right but that doesn't mean you aren't going to at least pretend to trust him. You give a warm smile and wave.

"So." Ratchet says, "Who's first?"

-time skip to after your introduced to the whole of Sentinels, Optimus' and Rodimus' team because I want to get to the good part of this chapter faster-

Your pov

Smiling, I look at the sunset. Sari, Optimus, Bumblebee and Jazz next to me. Their all really nice .... except for Sentinel he's a jerk. he wouldn't shake my hand -saying that he refuses to shake hands with an earthling organic. 

Bumblebee was the first to introduce himself to me and I could already tell he was a prankster. The cheeky smile and energetic aura gave it away. He told me about how he had watched me for a little bit last night, apologising and saying he really wasn't trying to spy or stalk or anything. Just that he was curious as Sari seemed to like me a lot and he was good friends with her.

Everyone introduced themselves in their own way ... but I still have a bad feeling about Longarm. At first glance he's a disciplined, respectful guy but something just isn't right about him. I don't know what but I'm going to be on guard around him.

But all in all I like them all (except Sentinel and Longarm), their all very polite and some of them are kinda cool. Jazz and Prowl especial cause well their ninjas. And ninjas are cool. I remember trying to learn a bit of ninjitsue before I came her, I'm okay ish at it but I'm still learning.

The sun slowly descends, giving a glowing golden affect to the land it shine apon and colouring the clouds pink purple and red.

"I love sunsets." I sigh. Aslan hums in agreement from my lap. Mia and Zeus started heading home to Sari's house a while ago. Kaa nuzzled closer into your neck. He had calmed down a bit from the argument with Sentinel and is currently in a good mood. Not giving any cocky or sarcastic comments, just cuddling with me slightly and enjoying the moment. He may be , well him, but he can be nice at times, he just doesn't trust people easily.

"You girls should head home soon. It's not safe at night with the decepticons and your father is probably worried by now." Optimus says. I smile and gently push Aslan and Kaa off of me. For once they don't complain. Standing up I let out a satisfied hum as I stretch my back, earning a small click.

"I'll take them back!" Bumblebee says excitedly and before Optimus or I have any say he picks me and Sari up and darts in the direction of the house.

No ones pov

Sighing in defeat I get off of my throne and head towards the entrance to my cave. I have spent hours trying to think of some way to obtain that human and have come up with many glorious plans. But everyone involves taking her against her will. That isn't what i want. I want her to come willingly to me. There is only one thing that I can think of doing to help me and that is watch her. 

Shockwave came back a few minutes prior, saying how he had met y/n. He showed me a few pictures on a camera he had recently stolen from one of Brown's employees. It showed pictures of her trying to escape that lion who was licking her along with one of the snake and her watching the sunset, him wrapped around her shoulders and head rested on her shoulder.

They were cute and I was tempted to ask him to take more but thought better of it. it would make him look suspicious. He left as soon as he had given me the information to become Longarm again to fool the Autobots.

Decending down the mountain I look at the almost set sun. Earth's sunsets are much more beautiful than the ones on cybertron. I still remember before I began the war, I would sit and watch the sun set. But after the war everything changed. All happiness that remained after the war was drained along with life itself. I watched as countless died due to that plague. Many of my followers died and now only few of us are left. Not even a hundred!

Passing a orchard of energon trees I take one. 

"One of the only things other than ourselves to prove cybertrons existence." I say with no emotion. The glowing fruit's blue glow sometimes reminded me of an autobots optics. Releasing a hiss like grown I bite into the ripe fruit, some of it's juices dripping down my  neck.

I continue on my journey to the humans' home, not paying much attention to my surroundings. The autobots hate to travel in the dark, they will be no problem tonight.

No ones pov

Bumblebee waved goodbye to his 2 human friends as he headed back in the direction he came. he was tempted to stay with you but the way Sari was looking at him he knew she just wanted you to be left in peace for a while. Still he wanted pancakes, so he asked if you could make more tomorrow morning which you gladly agreed to. Thanks to that he had a spring in his 'step' so to say.

Zeus and Mia where both waiting for you, Aslan right behind you. As soon as you both walked into the door you saw Sari's father passed out on the coach by the TV, a note on the fridge.

It explained how he had a long day and there was some f/f in the fridge for the two of you. It also said that Aslan, Mia and Zeus can't come into the house. It was understandable but still.

They said their good nights to the two o you and headed to a small cave they had found a few days before you came that they had claimed as their's. After eating both you and Sari headed to bed for a well deserved rest. You especially.

Your pov

Quickly getting changed into a pair of black and f/c pyjama pants and short sleeve shirt. With a small sigh I lay on my bed. It's not too soft or hard, just how I like it.

... I cant believe it.

I've found Kaa and discovered that he as well as Zeus, Mia and Aslan can TALK! There are giant lamia like creatures living here from another planet and the leader of the evil group just attacked me today. Not to mention i now know that Brown defiantly has something planned involving us, and it can't be good.

Turning over onto my side I look out the window. The abnormal trees stand tall and still, some crickets are chirping along with an owl hooting. It's almost like natures lullaby I guess.

But still ... how can so much happen in 24 hours, just a day ago I was with my best friend. This is amazing but ... what's going to happen next. What will happen now that i know about them, do the others know?

I push these questions aside, I don't need those thoughts before I'm going to sleep. Little bit by little bit I feel darkness cloud my mind until I'm unconscious.

Megatrons pov

At last, the house comes into view. All of the lights are out and not a sound comes from it other than the faint sound of snoring.

"Sumdac.". That human may have helped to heal my body, but he studied me as well. Not to mention he was so easy to fool, believing I was an autobot and not even telling the autobot's pet about me. And then stole her necklace which restored my body.

But I am not here for him. 

Nearing the humans' home I look through the nearest window. The autobot pet lays asleep in a 'bed' as Brown called it. Ignoring her I look at the next.

Beyond it lays the small form of the very femme I have come to see. Y/n lays on her side, sleeping peacefully. Her small form looks as delicate as a flower, a beautiful flower. One that I want.

No ones pov

The window to your room is definitely not big enough to fit Megatron but one of his arms, perfect. And for some reason it is neither bared nor locked. Quietly Megatron slips his bottom right arm into your room. A small smirk makes it's way onto his dermas as he gently lifts you up by your waist, both your arms pinned to your side under his servos. You shift slightly in your sleep but don't wake up. Bit by bit he brings you towards him, careful not to wake you.

Eventually your body is completely outside of the house. He brings your sleeping form closer to him. Suddenly an idea surfaces in his helm. He wraps his tail around your body, covering everything but your head. A shiver runs up his spine as he feels your warm body against his coils. He can't help but tighten around you slightly, his body craving the warmness yours radiates.

But he stops and looks towards the house. He doesn't intend to kidnap you but for a while he should at least be out of eyesight of the structure. If either of the humans wake up and see him holding his little human everything would be ruined.

With you still in his coils he moves between the large trees, mere meters away from the house into a small area that is completely concealed by vegetation. Trees' leaves block out the moon's light and their thick trunks help block out any unwanted eyes along with the massive amount of vines acting as a curtain blocking all view of the area.

He sits in the middle with you, optics lidded. He gently shifts his tail so that you are in front of him so that he could easily admire you. His scales shift, causing you to groan slightly but still remain unconscious. 

Carefully he brought you to his chasis, placing your head against him. He bought all 4 of his servos to you. His bottom 2 embraced you wrapped in his coils, bringing you closer to his frame, his top left gently caressed your cheek and right hesitantly lowered onto your hair. He wanted so badly to touch your silky hair. The way it shone in the sunlight only added to your stunning figure in his optics. Never had he felt like this for anyone in his life, never had he wanted something so badly, even more than conquering this world.

But he wanted more than your body, he wanted to know you, to know who you are and be there for you. To hold you like this was amazing. But one day- one day was all that you've been here and yet he felt like he had been watching you for decades.

As his servos make contact with your hair his coils shift around your body out of pure joy. Soft, that's the way your hair feels to him. He gently pets your small head, relishing in the moment.

Your pov

I can feel something gently stroking my hair and something resting against my cheek. Shifting slightly I don't feel blankets around me but ... something. Why can't I think when I'm half asleep.

With a slight groan I gingerly open my eyes... but can't see anything. It's pitch black. Lifting my head up. The hand that was resting on my cheek gently put itself on my mouth preventing me from speaking. The one petting my head comes down to my chin, forcing me to look even further upwards. my eyes try to adjust to the darkness but still nothing.

"Hmmhm." I mumble. Suddenly a pair of ruby red glowing eye stare back at me, illuminating a grey face, lips stretched into a devious smirk.

"It seems you have finally awoken." a deep mans voice says. It sounds amused.

I try to rub my eyes but me arms are pinned to my sides.

"Hmm?" his hand still rests across my mouth. Whats going on?

A deep chuckle emits from around me, the red eyes never leaving me.

"No need to struggle ... y/n."

"HMM!?" How does this guy know my name? Am I tied up?!

The red eyes grow to a darker shade of red, blood red. They come closer to me, letting me see the face of the man.

As soon as I see him I know who it is.


"Sleep." he whispers in my ear, never leaving my eyes. For some reason I can't look away.

Whats happening?!

They draw me in deeper and deeper.

A voice at the back of my head tells me to just give in. Nothing bad will happen, all will be ok, it coos.

Shaking my head and closing my eyes I try to clear my head. The voice keeps saying to give in, to sleep.

The grip on my chin tightens, forcing me to continue looking into his eyes.

"Sleep ... I won't hurt you~" his voice is so deep and calming. NO! No don't give in.

I try to close my eyes but they wont budge! I know I'm supposed to be scared, I SHOULD be scared, but all i feel is drowsiness.

My eye lids feel so heavy. Bit by bit they slowly close, the last thing I see is Megatron's smirking face, looking down at me in victory.


2800 words

This is officially the biggest chapter i have ever written!

I hoped you enjoyed it.

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