Friends found. Enemy's made

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A/n: There will be some punching in this chapter and a bit of swearing. But all for a good reason. Enjoy.


No ones pov

The blond girl in the front looked towards y/n, taking in every detail of the previously unnoticed girl. She didn't think much of the glare signalled towards her and her boyfriend he didn't seem to care, but it did creep her out. All they did was have a bit of fun with the nerd was that really all it took to get this girl looking so defensive. She probable didn't even know him and yet she was helping him. The blond really didn't know what this girls problem was but it would make for a good post.

The h/c haired girl slowly walked towards them, not breaking eye contact with them. The other girl looked out of her book to see what was going on. She watched mezmorized by the h/c girl as she advanced on the two people in the front: an atmosphere of anger, strength and the need to protect the guy she just met a few moments prior astonishing. She couldn't take her eyes off her.

The guy with black hair and red dyed tips watched the girl. He knew a fighter when he saw one and she clearly was one. He almost found her movements cat like, like a lion advancing on a threat. Elegant, terrifying and fucking amazing would be the words to describe her at this moment.

The boy with chocolate hair stared at her. She had helped him, actually helped him when he fell and was kind to him. Her smile made him feel at ease and calm. She had even asked if he would like to sit by her- and now was walking towards the people who had hurt and imbaressed him, ready to defend him. He looked at her with awe. Never before had he seen someone as beautiful as her. Not a fake plastic beauty  but a natural one.

Coming in front of the two y/n looked at them with a now emotionless expression. But inside she was fighting to keep her anger in check. At times like these she is glad she can do so.

The man looked up at her with a bored expression.


Your pov

Of all the things this guy says its what. God hes acting like hes done nothing wrong.

I didn't answer him. I'm not going to punch him, I just need to make him angry and act like we're somewhere equal. That'll work.

"No worry's Tyron shes just so stupid she can't talk." the blond says sassily. 

Tyron smirks and hugs her closer. Trying to put on the I am better then you look. He just looks like a guy who's cocky for his own good. 

"Who do you two think you are?" I ask.

The girl gasps and says, "You don't know us? I'm the teen wild life supermodel, Angelica, and hes the lion king Tyron. Everyone knows us."

Never heard of them.

"That's not what I meant. Now apologise to him."

"Or else what?" they both sass back. 

Well I hate these two already.

"Have you ever heard of karma? kus she's a bitch." I snap back.

They both start laughing. The guy slowly gets up and walks over to face me. He's taller than me and he's still wearing that damn smirk.

"Look girl you've got guts and I like that. How about you just ditch the tough act and come sit here with me. I promise it'll be fun~" did he seriously try say that seductivly? He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him and leaning closer to try kiss me.

Pushing him off roughly I say, "Well firstly unlike you I am tough and don't just act it. Secondly why in the name of god would I sit with a perverted ass hole like you?"  If Mira were here she would would be laughing her ass off. 

"Pretty boy just got burned people." Yells a man. Looking in the direction of the voice I see the biker guy out of his seat and walking i my direction.

Tyron growls and throws a punch my way while saying "You Bitch!" How predictable can this guy be? 

Quickly dodging the punch I round house kick him in the head, causing him to fall to the ground while holding his eye and ...... and crying? How weak is this guy?

Angelica try's and punch me but i just slap her in the face and she falls down. If your going to try and act all high and mighty at least know how to punch for heavens sake!

The biker guy walks over to me. He holds out a hand foe a shake, "Hi names Ben. You got a nice kick."

Tyron suddenly try's and punch Ben but gets a black eye instead. Ben has some serious reflexes.

I smile and laugh a little, he looks at me and joins in.

"Hi Ben, I.m y/n. You've got one heck of a punch by the way." He just keeps laughing and we both walk back to our seats, only this time the chocolate haired boy and other girl are there to. 

We sit down and the boy smiles at me. "Y-you didn't have to do that." he sounds like he's about to kry.

I bring him into a hug. Him trembling a little but hugging back and crying a little.  

"Yes I did. No one has the right to treat you like that. Don't ever forget that."

He nods and pulls away from me. I don't regret a single thing those two had it coming and I can tell this boy needs a friend. 

"Th-thanks. I'm Harry, Harry Evards."


I look to the girl and she's looking at me while smiling happily.

"My names Zioni." [pronounced zi-o-ni

Zionis pov

She is amazing! She was so cool and so was Ben. If these are the people I'm working with I couldn't be happier.

"Nice to meet you." she says. 

"So you guys here for the job to?" Ben asks.

"Y-yup! I came from university though, Mr Brown offered me a job so I took it. It's my dream to work with animals."

"Same" Ben and I say at the same time. I giggle a little bit.

People always think I'm all doom and gloom because of the way I dress but I'm actually a very optimistic person.

Y/n has a shocked expression, she looks like a ghost due to how white she is.

"Whats wrong?" I ask. I hope she's ok.

"How old are you all?"

Your pov

"20" Zioni says

"19" Harry says

And "22" Ben says

I put my head onto the back of the seat in front of me. Why, why.

"How about you?" Ben asks

"I'm 18."

"Well that just means your the youngest." Zioni says. She has a really nice voice. But still of all the times.

"That's the point."


There's an awkward silence....... and then Ben bursts out laughing.

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