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No one's pov

The sun has almost set, just beginning to descend beneath the horizon. Four humans walk slowly, the tallest and oldest of them in the front, leading the way using an old map with a red X on it. But unlike most maps the X didn't represent treasure or something beautiful. No. It shows the location where their dearest ones are held captive and where they will be broken. Become the newest test subjects to psychotic experiments.

It has been only 1 hour since you all left the safety of Optimus' cave, going to the place you will all dread in the future. You had all slowly recovered enough to make a plan to sneak out and go to whatever that place is. You had been the last to recover but had made the majority of the plan. You had all asked if you could have some private time in Prowl's room. They all gladly said yes but where unaware of your plan. A large tree stands in the middle of Prowl's room, exciting through a huge hole in the ceiling. Yes it was high but climbable and that's what you did. 

Now you, Zioni, Ben and Harry march to your family, ready to put up as much of a fight as possible but still allow your loved ones freedom. The very thoughts of what malicious experiments you all would fall victim too scared you to your very cores. 

Silence fills the air as you approach your destination. You take a deep breath along with Ben at seeing the two story modern building that can easily pass as a mad scientists lab with ease.

Your pov

Harry holds my hand tightly, squeezing it just as hard as Ben's.

"We're here ..." Ben mutters sadly and dare I say it, fearfully. Heck I can't even think about blaming him.

"I swear if they've even scratched anyone of them I'll kill them." I growl failing to mask the feeling of being helpless.

Zioni grips my hand tightly, shaking while nodding her head. With a sigh of pure defeat I begin to make my way towards the mad science lab, Harry hiding behind Ben and clinging onto him fearfully.

Please if there's a god out there please let them be alive and spared from this insanity. Please I beg you with all my soul don't let them come to harm. They don't deserve this!

Suddenly as we come only a few meters, maybe 4 away from the entrance to our new prison it opens. I stiffen as about a dozen me wearing black suits and masks charge out of the door. With guns.

Three come to each one of us, restraining out hands behind our backs like we're some kind of criminals! and shove us to the huge doors. 

"GET YOUR FRAGGING HANDS OFF OF ME!" I yell ar the top of my lungs, kicking the guys holding me cuffed hands from behind me where the sun don't shine. I feel no guilt in doing it all these bastards deserve worse.

"Calm down miss y/n there's no need to panic." a voice says in a sickening sing song voice that sounds high the way it sounds so happy.

I snap my head to the front, face no doubt turning into an expression of disgust and anger.

"Brown." Ben snarls from somewhere to my left.

He only gets a chuckle in return from the crazed man, "Now I see you came alone. How splendid~!" This guy is a creepy fragger right now and I m starting to think he's some kind of yandere.

"Now, men, please bring our guests in and make sure that they do not resist." a sadistic smirk that makes my stomach twist into a tight knot forms across his face, "If they do feel free to taiz them~"

"You messed up- AAAHHHHH" a guy from my left jabs a taser in between my ribs.

The electricity stings through my body feeling like thousands of needles are stabbing my body. He doesn't pull away though just pushes the thing deeper into me and I swear the pain increases.

No ones pov

You scream painfully before passing out, body limply falling to the floor.

Brown stares dully at the man, an irritated gleam present in his eyes that everyone could see, "That wasn't an invitation Lex." he sighs and brings his hand up to his head. Knowing things just got a whole lot more complicated.

Ben, Zioni and Harry struggle, trying desperately to get to you.

"Don't worry. She'll be fine." Brown says waving his hand dismissively not feeling an ounce of guilt as he didn't do it.

"Now I think it's time you meet you familys and two friends of mine... well they used to be my friends now they just hate me." he laughs loudly all the while the three humans are forced to follow behind him as he walks deeper into the depths of the horrible building. You being carried bridel style.

Brown stops by a large bolted, reinforced iron door with a small circular window with glass thick enough to not break if a bull shark charged it head on. But what the door looked like was not of their concern but the face that stares back through it.

A woman stares back with dazzling emerald green eyes and long messy red hair. Her eyes stare fearfully at Brown before she catches sight of your unconscious form. She gasps and covers her mouth, catching the attention of a large being at the other end of their cell.

Brown smiles kindly yet still psychotically at his old friend's blood red optics and electric blue and yellow face. "Put them all in and get the other ones. Do not hurt them." he warns.

All the men nod and he presses a button on a small panel on the right side. The face of the unfamiliar creature sneers back in pain, retreating reluctantly.

The men quickly drag the four humans to the door, entering a four digit code and literally chucking you all in. You land with a thud on the ground remaining unconscious.

The other three humans grown in pain, Harry curling up into a small ball and whimpering in fear.

"Primus all mighty are you okay?" the woman from earlier says worriedly, running over to the four humans on the floor.

"We're fine." Zioni states, standing up fairly easily.

"Speak for yourself."

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