Are you ticklish?~

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No one's pov

You laugh happily, pleading the red and blue snakeformer to cease his torture. Optimus smirks playfully, followed with a blue blush as he deny's and continues tickling you with his servos, now adding his tail to help along. His servos mercilessly tickle your ribs while his tail sneaks under your shirt and tickles your stomach. Your laughing fit only grows, some tears tickling down your flushed cheeks. But that isn't the only reason your cheeks are red. The handsome snakeformer above you was at fault. His smirk enough to make you burst out in flustered red!

It's been two and a half months since you've come to the supposed sanctuary and you are as lively as ever. For the past few weeks Megatron and yourself have been meeting up at the edge of his territory by the river. Your time together is ... interesting. Megatron would often tell you of his troubles and inner thoughts, and flirt with you. The worst part is ... the warlord never fails to make you a flustered mess. 

Not to mention you've grown deep feelings for the mech, along with the said snake tickling you to death. Almost everyday you would come to base with Sari to hang out with the him. Often you two would go so deep in conversation neither would notice how Optimus' tail would unconsciously curl around you, even if at the slightest. Sometimes the two of you would go for a walk in the jungle or even play with little Zeus along with Aslan and Mia. Rarely your snake friends other than Blue, Optimus never told you but he gets very jealous of the reptiles.

Seems all snakes get jealous easily.

Sometimes you would sit on his lap, his tail wrapped around the two of you making it cosy and warm. You love the feeling of their smooth snake skin, it's so soft and the colours never cease to  amaze you. You love your time with both mechs. The other humans also enjoyed their time here.

Harry and Ben had slowly gotten closer to each other, many times Ben wouldn't let Harry out of his sight and often would pull him aside to cuddle. It's absolutely adorable! And the best part is is that during the day before they had finally confessed their feelings to each other. Actually you and Zioni forced them too. It was getting unbearable, they never knew of the others feelings even though it was so obvious and they would not confess. So what did the two of you do?

You made them sit alone to watch the sunset and made them a small pic nick. Harry was mesmerised by the beautiful natural phenomenon, but Ben wasn't focused on it at all. Only on Harry. He felt his heart urging him to act, confess or do anything to let Harry know how much he loves him!  And just as the stars came out Ben couldn't help himself, he kissed Harry. Harry was at first shocked but slowly eased into the kiss, loving the warmth Ben gave him.

And then the moment was ruined by Sari gagging. Yeah it wasn't a wise decision to agree to let the little girl hide behind a rock with Zioni and you. Completely backfired. The two boy's stared at the three arguing girls for a second before bursting out into laughter.

Still, mission Barry accomplished.

Not to mention you have a slight suspicion Zioni and Blur are more than just friends. Longarm had grown close to he as well, often spending time with her. You have grown too trust him, although he still makes you feel on edge. Often the mechs would grow jealous of each other and try keep Zioni to themselves much to her amusement.

But that was yesterday, this is now. And right now the evilly smirking leader is killing you with his tickle attack.

Optimus' pov

"P-please stop!" y/n begs between her cute laughter. Her h/c hair is a mess and crystal tears falling from her eye's onto her flustered cheeks. By the all spark she is so beautiful. My servos and tail stop tickling this flustered human midway due to and idea I just had.

She breathes deeply, arm covering her eyes as her smile stays on her panting form. Oh this is going to be good~

Quickly, I wrap my coils around her all the way from neck to her ankles. She lets out a yelp of shock but before she can even lift an arm I have her trapped in my tail. She looks at me with shock, cheeks now only a slight pinkish colour. I have wanted to do this for so long, my spark hammers against my chassis  hungrily, trying to reach out to her human soul as she told me they are called.

I bring my tail underneath me, placing my servos on either side on y/n's frame. I can feel he stiffen as I slowly lean down, her small optics widen along with her cheeks turning a darker shade of red.

Your pov

As soon as I realise what Optimus is doing I feel my cheeks heat up. 'He's going to kiss me!' I mentally yell. His optics stare down at me, half lidded and with such love I could feel my heart warm at the very sight. His coils tighten around me in a protective manner. He stops, only a centimetre away from my face. I gaze into his beautiful blue optics, they seem to glow. He closes his eyes and breaks the gad between us, smashing his lips against mine. Not roughly, gentle just sudden.

His lips are a bit bigger than mine but I don't mind. I close me eyes and lean into the kiss, if my arms were free I would wrap them around his neck. He brings his body closer to mine, leaning on his elbows and placing his left hand behind me on my back and the right on the back of my head, pushing me into the kiss even more. It's not desperate, needy or rough but gentle, soft, warm and full of love. His love for me.

He squeezes me with his coils causing my hand to brush against the underneath of his tail. Suddenly he breaks the kiss, laughing slightly. His coils loosen around me. Taking the opportunity I push myself out of his grasp, he continues to laugh.

Suddenly it all clicks. A cheeky smirk makes it's way to my lips. I take the end of his tail in my arms and tickle the underneath. He bursts into laughter and falls on his back.

"Are you ticklish?~" I say, amused at the payback. 

No ones pov

You continue to tickle him, showing no mercy as he did to you. Even when his tail coops you up and plops you on his chassis you just start attacking his stomach with tickles. He begs just as you did but you continue anyway, loving the vengeance and laughing along with the flustered snake. Oh how the tables have turned.

Love will always win, no matter how large or for how many.


Next chapter's going to be for Megatron and AHHHH I loved writing this chapter! Hoped you enjoyed it.

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