A fight ... again

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No ones pov

Angelica walks closer to the group with a smirk present, along with Tyron. Both almost completely healed. Tyron's black eye is almost completely gone, from a far it just looks like he has bags under his eye and Angelica has a large plaster on her left cheek. When you had slapped her across the face on the bus it caused her cheek to split slightly. It was actually barely noticeable but like the 'model' she is she had a heart attack as soon as she saw it and overexerted. 

Brown had come to their small house as soon as night fell on the day that you got here. Bringing with him a whole lot of the medicines produced from the area. If they hadn't actual applied the medicine they would both still look like they just got out of a fight.

And yet they don't learn.

Tyron leaned on the tree next to you, eyeing you in a way that made you feel very uncomfortable. Angelica sat down on the piece of concrete right next to Ben.

Both had been complaining about all of you to Brown but he had simply said that a small amount of all your pay would be subtracted (not that he was planning on paying you anyway). Both weren't satisfied though. They wanted to mess with you and get under your skin, Angelica at least. Tyron was planning on finding some kind of blackmail he could use against you in order to force you into being his girlfriend.

He just wanted you in bed though, he only judges a girl by their appearance. It's seeing the amount of girls he's had as a girlfriend that's terrifying.

Harry moved closer to you, scared that another fight would break out. Zioni glared at Angelica with such hatred that you knew if she had the chance she would attack both of them with no mercy. Ben roles his eyes at the plastic fake barbie as she gives him a wink. He may be straight but no way in hell does he judge someone on their appearance.... but even if he did he wouldn't go for her.

You spread your arm in front of Harry protectively as Ben leans down to your eye level.

"Why are you hanging out with these losers toots."

Your expression visibly hardened even more at the stupid nickname. If he called you that again you would be tempted to ask Kaa if he was hungry (but you doubt that he would comply ... he had too much hair gel and deodorant to be a decent meal). You continue glaring at him silently, not even bothering to give him an answer.

He sighs and rubs the nook between his eyes. "Oh come on the least you could do is show me a little of respect" You role your eyes at the comment "...or I could convince Brown to decrease your pay even more." he adds smugly.

Ben and Zioni scoffed and you stand up, not breaking eye contact.

Crossing your arms in front of you you say, "1. You have to give respect to earn respect. 2. I don't care what you do as long as you just stay as far away from me as possible. And 3. unlike you two idiots we came here to work with animals. Not for the money." 

Angelica giggles at the last comment, "Money makes us who we are."

"Well than your shit." Ben cusses at the girl. Causing her to lift her hand up to her mouth in an offended manner. But she is offended. People never talk to her like that, their always marvelling at he [fake] beauty. All because she was rich and a model.

Rowling his eyes Tyron then looks at Zioni, "Anytime you want to hang out with some real people you know where to find me."

Zioni gags -literally- at the very thought. No way is this guy that stupid and one minded.

Clearly he is.

You growl and clench your fists in pure anger, eyes flaming and on full mother mode. No one I repeat No one treats her friends like this.

Seeing your reaction Tyron suddenly had a change of heart and thought he could get a punch at you ... again.

So you do the most logical thing. You dodge his fist and toe kick him in the stomach, causing him to fly backwards into the tree. You aren't a pro ninja or anything you just know the basics of a few fighting styles. Just enough to be able to defend yourself somewhat.

And kick stupid punks like this guy's ass.

Ben stands up and places his hand on your shoulder. Having a straight face but a proud and thankful glint in his eyes. Zioni took out a note pad and started writing down the events that just unfolded before her eyes. A perfect addition to one of the scenes in the book she is writing. And also proving that the nickname 'the motherly warrior' was a perfect match for you.

Harry just stares at you with shock and admiration. He wondered if you could maybe teach him a little, or maybe not. Fighting isn't really his thing.


Standing up straight you look towards the sound to see Brown standing there with a woman in heels.

He (the woman right behind him) walks over to you all, slightly fuming.

You all looked at him, expecting him to start yelling at you for getting into a fight, Again. But he has other ideas.

"Angelica, Tyron. Both of you are being sent back with no pay and with a warning." everyone's mouths open. "And if you would be so kind to take all of your shit with you."

Tyron glares as he gets off the ground, ignoring Angelica's complaints and stomping in the direction of their temporary home. Soon followed by the weeping model.

The woman next to him clears her throat trying to gain everyone's attention.

"Uh well ... now that that's over with I would like to tell you what you are all doing today." by now your all standing next to each other.

"Oh right, let me introduce you to miss Bertha. She is my right hand helper and second in command."

You all say hello and greet her with a handshake. You however along with Zioni noticed the forced smile and almost annoyed aura she lets off. Something isn't right with this woman and both of you know it.

"Alright well it's nice to meet you all."

"Today you all will be working with a bunch snakes, exactly 4 that have been causing us trouble." she then looks directly at you.

"Miss l/n you should be very familiar with them. Especial a certain eastern coral snake."

All eyes come to you.

... what did that snake do this time!?

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