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Catras Pov
Maybe see you next week is sooner than I thought cause as I'm biking home from school on Thursday I notice Adora at a little shop across the street. I stop the bike and look at her and smile. I'm about to start biking to her when I feel more weight being added to the back of my bike.
"Go go"
"Yeah Hey Catra"
"What are you doing here"
"I live in this town duh..wait hey isn't that the freak deaf girl she's still alone like always"
"Get off Lonnie"
"Wow you must really hate me"
"I don't hate you just get off"
She hops off the bike and I start biking towards Adora. I'm almost to Adora when I notice Lonnie sprinting at her. She runs up to Adora and grabs both of her wrists making her gasp a little bit.
"Hey freak it's been too long hasn't it"
Lonnie reaches up for Adoras hearing aids and grabs them. She tosses them to me.
"Here Catra throw them"
"No , here Adora"
I give the hearing aids back to Adora while Lonnie looks at me with a confused face. Her face starts to contort into one of happiness and she starts laughing.
"Catra please don't tell me you're friends with the deaf girl you tormented ahahha I can't this is too much"
"Lonnie can you just leave us a lone"
"Fine have fun with your freak girlfriend"
She starts skipping away while laughing while I glare at her. I remember Adora was here and look at her. She smiles and signs to me. "What were you talking about".
"What were we talking about Um it's fine it was nothing you shouldn't worry about"
She seems to want to ask more but doesn't. It's silent until I look at her and sign.
"Hey how about next weekend we go to the fair and invite some friends"
She smiles at me and nods her head before signing back "Sure Kitten see you next Tuesday". With that she leaves and I'm standing there with my bike until I ride home.
"Hey mom I'm home"
No answer. She must be out along with my sister and niece. I walk to my room and flop on my bed.'Kitten'. It's such a dumb nickname but I love it when Adora calls me that. My face flushes as I realize what I was thinking. I push away those thoughts and grab my backpack to do some school work. Or at least attempt it because a certain blonde just kept entering my brain.
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆtime skipπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
I was bored on Sunday so I found myself heading the the coi pond. I arrive and I notice Adora is there too. I smile and walk up to her. She notices me and smiles before speaking In broken English. I try my best to understand what she's saying but I just can't. Once she's done speaking I look at her.
"Can you sign it"
She looks a little hurt and signs "is my voice weird"
"Yeah...wait no I-"
She looks a little hurt by my answer while I'm standing there awkwardly. I try to think of a way out when I realize I didn't buy bread.
"Hey Adora I forgot bread so I'm gonna go get some"
I try speed walking away when she grabs my arm. I stop and look back at her and notice she's looking at the ground and refusing to look me in the eye.
"I lub u"
"The moon...yeah the moon is beautiful today"
She shakes her head and tears fill her eyes then she runs off.
"Wait Adora"
Glimmers Pov
I'm hanging up some more pictures of dead animals in Adoras room when suddenly she runs in crying.
"Adora what's wrong"
She ignores me then flops on her bed. I suddenly feel a buzzing coming from my pocket so I take my phone out.

Adora:I told Catra how I felt


Adora:But she couldn't understand me

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