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Dear readers,

So, I have lots of ideas to make this into a series but first I need to know if this book was okay so I can see if it will be a waste of time or not.  Violet and Quigley will have kids and then the kids go to a beach for the day and Mr. Poe's son comes and say their parents perished in a fire that destroyed the Quagmire mansion.

The parents either will really die or

The parents don't die but everyone thinks they do (Quigley survived a fire once and everyone thought he died so what is one more time?)

Please tell me what you think will be better. They live with Klaus and Isadora first btw. Then Duncan and some Journalist girlfriend and the sunny and Beatrice.

I hope you guys enjoy my books and if you wish me to continue please do comment that and comment which version you would like to see! 



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