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Ranbir Mithal, the CEO of Mithal Corporation, stood before the enormous glass window of his Mumbai head office. Enjoying the bird's-eye view his 25th-floor office offered him; with his hands neatly tucked in the pockets of his perfectly tailored Italian suit pants, he watched the sun dip into the horizon turning the sky into a colored canvas of shades of orange and red with a dash of pink.

He watched the twilight as it slowly blended into the darkness reminding him that this was it; he had once again lost another day; another day he was never going to get back. 'Time flies so fast.' He thought to himself as he blinked several times trying his best to fight off the tears that dared to escape from his eyes. Why was it so difficult to live without her? Why couldn't he just forget her and move on for good? But he couldn't do that; he had made a promise to himself that he would never give up on her not now nor ever and he intended to keep his promise.

Another day had come to an end and there was still no trace of her. He had looked for her almost everywhere in the past five years and there hadn't been one place where he hadn't looked for her. It had been so long that he had almost given up, and yet a part of him hoped that one day he would find her. The mere thought had kept him alive for so many years. But then again, how do you find someone who does not want to be found?

Sometimes he wondered, maybe whatever had happened had happened for good. Maybe she was better off without him. It wasn't like he had been the best choice for her. After all, he was the man who had objectified her like she was a piece of property. In fact, she deserved someone much better than a spoilt rich brat like him or at least that's what he was back in the day. However, he was the one she chose over so many others and that really must mean something right?

But he had broken her heart or should we say ripped it apart, for what? A stupid mindless bet he had with his friends, a bet that had meant nothing to him. He could never erase the memory of the look on her face when he saw her standing at the doorway with tears rolling down her cheeks. She had overheard every word he had said; words that he never meant, words he never wanted her to hear.

He could still remember every single word that he had uttered, word by word and the mere thought of the effect it may have had on her fragile heart scared him to the core. He had used an innocent girl for his pleasure; he had played with her emotions and mocked her sincerity. She had given him everything; her mind, her soul and also her innocence. And what did he give her in return apart from heartache? Absolutely nothing.

He regretted not going after her that night. Maybe he could have stopped her from leaving, maybe change whatever had happened, to some extent at least. Or at least he could have explained to her that whatever she had heard was a lie and the truth was he was utterly and madly in love with her. And he was willing to do anything and everything for her.

He knew what he had done to her was wrong and no girl deserves to be treated in that way. Let alone, someone like her who had gone through so much for him. But he had already received his punishment for it. He was willing to do anything and everything to win her back. He loved her so much that he was willing to wait for her all his life.

"Are you even listening to me brother?" Karan Mithal, his younger brother demanded, snapping him out of his thoughts. Shaking off the uneasy thoughts he walked back to his desk and sat down on his plush leather chair. "What has he done now?" he asked in a stern yet tired tone. He had a really long day and this conversation was giving him a headache.

It wasn't new for his brothers to come running to him whenever anyone of them screwed up, but in most of the cases, it was always Rohan who screwed up. And every time that would happen Karan would come running to him complaining like a child. He just hoped that this time Rohan hadn't gotten himself into too much trouble. He was in no mood of getting involved with the media trying to clear his mess.

Karan narrowed his eyes in disbelief, this was the first time he had seen him in lack of concentration if it would have been any other situation he wouldn't have thought of it much but today it was important. After what Rohan had done this time, he really needed to be given a clear and stern warning or anything that would put him back to his senses.

"Seriously Bro, didn't you hear anything that I had been saying?" he had been in his office for almost an hour now and yet he hadn't told him the real reason for him to be there. It wasn't like he had too much spare time in his hands to waste. Like Ranbir, Karan too was an integral part of Mithal Corporation, though he wasn't the CEO he too had put all his hard work into it.

"No I didn't, now tell me what has he done this time?" Karan laughed humorlessly, "Your favorite baby brother has screwed up really bad this time Ranbir." he replied. Ranbir frowned at him, he did not understand what the fuss was all about. "What do you mean?" he asked or more like demanded. Karan rolled his eyes, "Don't you read the newspapers?" he asked with frustration clear in his voice.

Ranbir did read newspapers, he would usually start his day with business and economic newspapers but he had a feeling that his brother was not referring to them. "I don't read the tabloids." He replied flatly. His time was way too precious to be wasted on some piece of meaningless gossip. What did not help him earn a million was not worth his time.

"This time you don't have to; it's all over the front page of the local newspapers." He handed him a copy of the newspaper where a picture of Rohan hand-in-hand with a middle-aged woman in front of a famous hotel known for its scandals was printed. He had his hands wrapped around the woman and was leaning in for a kiss. The angle in which the picture was clicked, the cameraman had managed to capture both their faces clearly, especially Rohan's handsome face.

The woman in the picture was the second wife of the local politician who was also an ex-mafia man who has now turned into politics. The woman used to be a Bollywood actress, not a good one though, that's why she had ended up tying the knot to a 70-year-old man even though she was barely in her early thirties. Rohan has always been on the news for all wrong reasons. His carefree womanizing lifestyle had earned him a front-page spot on every tabloid. But this time he had just messed with the wrong people.

Ranbir let out a frustrated sigh, great now his brother started screwing married women as well, "Hey Bhagwan!! Ye kya nayi pareshani hai." he covered his face with his hand and shook his head. "What do you want me to do about this? I bet almost the entire city might have seen this already. So there is absolutely nothing I can do about this now." News like this spreads like a wildfire especially when the wife of a politician is involved.

"Yes you can, you can tell that moron to stop screwing other's wives and do something useful in his life. Rupali had called me in the afternoon, her family members had seen this and they were so embarrassed. She was so upset, I had to apologize to her a hundred times just to make her feel better." He replied in uttermost distaste. It was at times like these that he thought life would have been so much better if he was single.

Ranbir studied him for a long minute, he felt bad for him; that girl had turned his brother into her lap dog and the worst part was that Karan let her do that. "Look Karan first you need to calm down," Karan rolled his eyes, "Calm down? How should I calm down when my brother's actions are directly affecting my relationship?" he demanded. Ranbir could imagine all the lectures his brother may have had to hear from that woman. He still did not understand what he even saw in her anyway.

Rupali Jaiswal was Karan's fiancé and they had been engaged for almost two years now and would be getting married by the end of the year. Or at least that's what Karan keeps telling everyone. Rupali too comes from a wealthy family and that was the only reason why his mother had approved of this relationship or else his mother wouldn't have let girls like her into her compound let alone her house. To add some more spice to the story; her family had a problem with anything and everything on the planet starting from their brother Rohan.

"So that is the real reason why you are here?" Rohan taunted as he waltzed into the room. "... You don't give a shit about me; you aren't bothered if those goons might murder me in cold blood or break my bones at the least. All you are worried about is your girlfriend's family." Karan glared at him as he was not supposed to be here, "She's my fiancée." He corrected him. Rohan rolled his eyes, "So what, it's the same it's not like you guys are going to get married anyway." He replied. "Don't you ever say that again, we are getting married," he replied, not believing his own words.

"Is that what you keep telling yourself every night before going to sleep? That this year I will get married; let's face it brother, your fiancé is never going to finish planning her perfect wedding and this entire drama will go on for ten more years.' he taunted. Rohan is the only person who openly voices his hatred towards Rupali. It was no secret that she is no good for him but Rohan is the only one who dares to say it openly. That is one of the many reasons why Rupali and her family try to keep him away from Karan as much as possible.

Karan opens his mouth to argue but Ranbir cuts him off, "Enough boys! This is my office, not a fish market. You want to fight, go somewhere else." He snapped at both of them. This entire mess was giving him a headache and he couldn't wait to go home and crash. "This is so not fair brother you always take his side," Rohan protested. "Do I look like I'm picking sides here?" he demanded in a tone that made both of them flinch.

"But Brother aren't you going to tell him anything? He is not only putting his life in danger but ours too and not to mention our reputation." Karan protested. This was too much; he wasn't going to let his twin brother get away with this. "I didn't put anybody's life in danger, I was just there for some business and she showed up there drunk, I was just helping an old woman." Both Ranbir and Karan huffed at the same time, yeah like they were going to fall for that.

"You can fool Mom with that excuse, not us," Karan replied. Rohan shrugged, "At least it was worth trying." He muttered loud enough for everyone to hear it. "You know what, it's all your fault, Karan, if you wouldn't have been stalking me I wouldn't have had to go there and none of this would have happened." Ranbir watched them as they continued to argue for a few more minutes. Karan had been breathing over his neck for almost two months which had messed up his usually happy 'flirt, fuck, forget' life.

One thing that he had learnt in all these years was never to intervene unless and until it is completely necessary. He watched them for a few more minutes and then banged his fist on the table making them stop at once. "Enough is enough; I don't want you guys to create anymore scenes in my office, both of you get the hell..." he was cut off in the middle by his ringing phone; he checked the caller ID and answered it. "This better be important." He snapped at his Private Investigator who was waiting for his response, "Sorry for disturbing you Boss but I have some cool information for you." He replied. "What is it?" he demanded.

"We found her Boss," he replied with excitement clear in his voice. Ranbir's heart skipped a beat and for a moment his mind went blank. Did they find her, after all these years? Does that mean he will be able to see her again? What if she was married to someone else? What if she... "Boss, are you with me?" he was snapped out of his daze, "Where is she?" he demanded. "In Mangalore; I don't know the details yet, one of my boys spotted her there. I've managed to gather her address for now. I'll text it to you.' he informed him.

Ranbir hung up the phone and almost immediately his phone beeped indicating an incoming text. He carefully studied the address for a minute and then got up from his chair. "Where are you going?" Rohan demanded as he watched his brother put on his coat. "Corrections, we are going." He replied, still smiling like an idiot.

"But where?" Karan demanded. "Both of you go back to your apartments and pack a week's luggage, we are going on a holiday." Both of them watched him as he rushed out of his office. This was the first time in almost five years they had seen him this happy. "Where do you think we are going?" Karan asked. "Let's find out," Rohan replied and they both followed suit.

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