chapter ten

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I was in my first therapy session since the crash. Saying I got here on time was an understatement. I purposely took my time getting ready which annoyed Mark a bit. My appointment was scheduled for 11:30 and I got here at 12:15. So, here I am sitting in a seat face to face with my therapist. His name was Sam and he had golden blonde hair that was neatly cut, bright blue eyes and wore glasses. He started by introducing himself followed by allowing me to introduce myself. I told him my name, what I did for a living (or used too), and why I was here.

Sam started writing notes as I stayed silent. I began looking around his office as he continued to write notes. It was a neat office nothing special about it, it was on the first floor of the hospital. I could see all the doctors walking past the hallway and people arriving in the carpark.


I heard my name being called and shot back to Sam.

"What?" I asked confused

"The crash. Do you mind explaining what happened?" He spoke adjusting his notepad ready to take notes again.

I took a deep breath

"Well, it was a plane crash. I was on a plane and it crashed in the woods"

He nodded in response urging me to speak more.

"I don't know how long we were in the woods for. But everyone survived well almost"

"What do you mean by almost?"

Here we go.

I started to fidget in my seat, shaking, nervous about talking about it.

"Well, I- I." I took another deep breath

"I almost died, a few times"

Tears started escaping my eyes.

I stared at the wall behind Sam. It was easier to share my experience with a wall instead of him.

"When the plane went down I was trapped underneath a section of it. It cut through my legs and abdomen. I inhaled a lot of smoke. I was freezing and losing a lot of blood. I was ready to accept death, I had said my goodbyes and then I passed out and woke up here"

Tears were now flooding my eyes, falling fast. I was shaking and continuously moving not being able to sit still. The session felt like it went on for years but it only had been an hour. After sharing my story I tried to calm down, I sat in the chair focusing on Sam not saying a word. He stopped writing and looked up trying to make eye contact with me but I just stared until I shifted my eyes to meet his.

This session was good Alexandra, It was good to see you show your emotion because of the trauma. However, I have noticed that you suffer from severe anxiety and mild depression, therefore, I will be prescribing you with these medications.

I slowly nodded in return and saw Sam get up and walk out into the hallway. I never ever wanted to do this again. I never want to explain my trauma to anyone else, I want to keep it closed and locked away.

Sam walked back in a few minutes later bringing Mark in with him. He wore his scrubs and walked close to me and knelt in front of me.

"Aw Lex" He spoke grabbing my hands as I began crying again

I knew it broke him to see me like this. He had never seen me so broken, so traumatised.

Mark pulled me up and placed me in my wheelchair and he wheeled me out to the car. We drove home hands intertwined. I stared out the window taking in the beautiful afternoon sky.

"I never want to do that again" I spoke to Mark

He looked over and to my surprise nodded "You don't have to Lex, I saw how much pain you were in today and it broke me."

"I'm sorry" I whispered and Mark rubbed my hand

Once we arrived home Mark placed me on the same couch I am always on and went in for a shower. It was all quiet until the doorbell rung and Meredith walked in.

"Hey, Lexie!" she called out and walked over to hug me

I hugged her back and she took a spot on the couch next to me.

"Mark told me about today and I thought you would need some time to escape what has happened. So, I decided we would have a sister night and I will allow Mark to go out with Derek because he has taken care of you for so long"

I smiled "thank you for thinking of Mark" I was smiling for the first time in a while. I was happy to spend some quality time with Meredith for the longest time since the crash and I was overjoyed that Mark could hang out with Derek because he needed it so much.

Meredith started preparing dinner whilst we talked and caught up on things. Mark walked in shortly dressed in a pair of dark jeans, a light blue button-up shirt tucked into his jeans with black shoes. He looked hot.

Mark walked over with a smile, kissed me goodbye, hugged and thanked Meredith then left. Meredith and I spent the night watching movies, gossiping, sharing memories and laughs and bonding as sisters. At the end of the night, Meredith wheeled me into my bed helped me take my medications then climbed into the other side of the bed and fell asleep with me.

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