Edward had no heart to attend the Annual Derby.
He was never fond of such social events where people only gathered to collect gossip and show off their social status through the bulky amounts of their bets and the health of their horses. Like every other high society event, it was only a social masquerade for the wealthy to hide the ugly side of their lives.
However, things changed when the young master Henry Richcomb expressed his desire of visiting the racecourse.
For the past two weeks, Edward used all his wit and intelligence to find any way at all to walk back to Esther but all he found was hopelessness. He visited all the gatherings that were organised in those fifteen days with hopes of seeing her however she seemed to have disappeared in thin air. Even though he knew better than to ask any questions, that was hardly necessary. Every gathering devoid of Miss Sherborne's presence was rich with gossip about her. And God, they were absurd.
He was not certain of her attendance at the Derby but his ear did catch a word of hope among those gossips and even though he knew he was but a fool to believe such hearsay, he couldn't not take the chance. Fortunately, his efforts of sneaking out little Henry from under Eleanor's nose did not go to waste.
Not too far away from where Edward and Henry were surveying the horses to place their bets, stood Miss Sherborne, dressed beautifully in a gentle white day dress that swayed with the morning breeze in absolute sync with her long hair that kept coming in the way of her eyes causing her fingers to reach her face and push them away every few minutes. The events together were making her look almost seductive, but that was beyond point and it took, however, his entire willpower, Edward shook himself back to sanity.
"I shall think number eleven, what do you say, Edward?" Henry asked pulling his attention back to the horses.
"Eleven looks good my boy, but do you mind calling me Your Grace for the day, please? Eleven it is." Edward added to the cowboy on the counter handing him three bags of coins. "Listen, Henry. Do you see that girl standing under the pavilion? The one in white?"
"Esther?" Henry echoed in a bright voice.
"Absolutely. You see, I have upset her badly, hence I need your help to-"
"Did you hurt Esther?" Henry accused interrupting him abruptly with innocent rage in his voice.
"Ah. It ended up that way, I'd say. However, I am extremely apologetic. You must help me express my apology to her."
Henry watched him with raised eyebrows and surveying eyes for a long moment. "Alright, I shall help you, just for Esther." He whispered with a wide grin.
Edward couldn't help but reciprocate. "Wonderful."
Esther had expected a gloomy day but now with the sun shining from the east and a gentle breeze grazing her hair, she was far from bored. She was quite glad to have agreed to attend the races. The sight of horses jumping and stomping, ready for the starting pistol to announce the start of the race any moment now, made her more ecstatic than she could describe in words.
Lord Sherbourne along with Lord Frampton, was quite occupied in the usual race day arguments with other noblemen while their ladies were seated at a high situated pavilion. They had less interest in the horses or the bets. Their eyes were busy finding their future sons-in-law among the younger men gathered on the grounds while the debutantes were themselves present in the field to make sure they seized the right prizes.
The season had advanced greatly, meaning most of the debutantes had found their matches. Some were already engaged and others were only counting the days to receive the proposal. The smarter bunch were keeping one gentleman occupied for safety while also looking for better alternatives, especially on days like this when all the hidden gems gathered at one field in the broad daylight.
Unfortunately, the Frampton girls were none of the above. They were among the few cursed debutantes who had lived half the season and even passed the Packwood ball and were still unsuccessful in finding a stable hand to hold. Their unfavourable financial conditions made them look unpleasant to the eyes of most noble families and the fact that they were extremely picky about their men and were ready to settle for nothing but the most perfect height, manly build and deep voice was not very helpful either.
The three of them joined Esther and Florence in their Pavillion which provided the perfect view of the racecourse. Juliette, the eldest Miss Frampton was wearing a bright yellow gown while the other two styled paler dresses, however, their golden bulk of hair easily compensated for any lack of charisma.
"Placed any bets, Miss Sherbourne?" Juliette took the initiative to introduce a conversation for the first time. Esther was good at keeping her emotions to herself, Florence, however, couldn't calm her wide eyes in good time.
"Of course, Jules," Esther answered with a smile. "Number Nine. The golden-brown boy over there."
"I see." Miss Frampton muttered uninterestedly. "We shall cheer for number nine then, we have no money for our own bets, you see."
"You're more than welcome," Esther replied with another smile hoping to put an end to their forced conversation but to her dismay, Juliette had other plans.
"I was wanting to ask you this fo-" She began but was soon interrupted by a cheerful voice.
"Esther!" Henry's bright smile ruled out any gloom that had started to cloud the pavilion due to the Frampton sister's fake smiles.
"My Lord!" Esther chimed in joy, "aren't you the most dashing man on the ground? Who have you come with?"
"Ed- His Grace!" He corrected himself in good time. "There." He pointed at a dashing Edward standing near the horses, chatting, more like listening to a few gentlemen.
Esther was not pleased with the view and she really hoped he wouldn't use little Henry as an excuse to start a conversation, which however seemed like the most obvious plan.
"Have you placed any bets, Esther?" Henry asked in a curious voice.
"Oh, yes. Number nine, there." She replied with similar excitement.
"Charming!" Henry exclaimed. "He is but the second best on the ground. Number eleven is the winner."
"Oh, is it?" Esther asked with a smile. "And who told you so, if I may ask?"
"Certainly you may." He replied in a gentlemanly manner. "His Grace did. Oh look, he's coming this way."
Esther's face lost the smile and claimed a scowl the moment she saw him walking her way. "Henry, I must ask you to leave right this moment, I'd much prefer not having a word with him this morning."
"Oh." Henry sighed. "He told me you're mad with him. Is it serious?"
Esther's eyes widened at his nonchalant question. All Frampton's ears were now standing tall to catch any and all gossip they could manage while Edward was taking huge steps towards them with no intention to pause anywhere but at the pavilion.
Quite a dilemma it was and Esther had to act quick.
"I reckon my mother is looking for me." She announced loudly the moment Edward reached the stairs to their pavilion and stooping one shallow curtsy, she rushed off to the other side.
The race started not long after, marking the air with clouds of dust and the ears of onlookers with violent stomping and aggressive cheering. Esther had joined the older ladies at the top pavilions after failing to find any other safe escape.
Henry was not wrong when he said number nine was the second best. In only a few minutes of the commencement, the dark and big number eleven was leading the race, closely followed by number nine.
Esther really hoped for the positions to switch but the situation did not change till the horses reached the finish line announcing the majestic win of number eleven.
Esther however was not disappointed. For her watching the race was ecstatic enough, what followed however was not.
The ladies all headed to have their afternoon tea after the race leaving Esther alone in the pavilion. She knew better than to follow the women to their gossip hour. They'd already begun forming theories about what caused her to leave the ground full of young and charming men and join the old ladies. Hence, she made her way towards the emptier parts of the ground, away from the flirting couples.
The grass was greener and richer in that part and the air was colder, even in the afternoon. She hugged herself tightly in her own arms to warm herself up but that was hardly sufficient. She wished she brought a blanket along. Florence did perhaps carry one for her but she was now busy giggling over Leo Radcliffe's jokes. Esther knew better than to disturb the couple.
That was when the heavens smiled upon her, or perhaps the hells did and a heavy and thick coat landed on her delicate shoulders from behind. She jumped in shock and the coat almost fell off her on the grassy ground.
"Your Grace?"
"Apologies for the announced encounter, Miss Sherborne. It appeared to me that you were feeling cold." Edward replied in a gentlemanly voice. "Please accept it."
She did not want to, but the breeze was quite chilly and she also did not wish to come out as a petty woman who held on to little grudges. She was Esther Sherborne, she cared less about men and their behaviour. She curled her fingers near both ends of his coat and pulled it tighter around her shoulder. It only took Edward's warmth a second to cover her shivering frame and the relief almost made her close her eyes and moan.
"Pray tell, why have you been following me all morning?" She asked as she composed herself.
"All morning would be quite an exaggeration, don't you think?" Edward replied slyly. "I tried once and gave up."
"You mean to tell me you weren't following me just now?"
"Unfortunately, no. I was not." He answered with a bow of his head. "I was in fact, fulfilling my promise."
Esther's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "I remember no promises."
"Oh, no, not to you. To the little Lord Richcomb over there."
Esther turned around following the gesture of his hand to spot Henry sitting atop a milky white horse that was standing immobile on its ground. She observed the horse for a while as Henry patted its nape and back and gave it little nudges with his feet trying to get it to move even slightly.
"Is he sick? The horse." Esther asked with a frowned face as she watched Henry now pull on the horse's mane, propelling it to even just raise its feet off the ground, a step ahead or behind even, but to no avail.
"Oh, no. Not at all." Edward replied with a chuckle. "She is in fact very healthy and fine. She just doesn't like people so much."
"Poor Henry." Esther sighed watching the child trying so hard but for nothing. "Is this the horse of yours that no one can touch?" She asked recollecting their old conversation.
"It is. How would you know about her?"
"You once mentioned promising her to Henry for helping you-" Esther stopped mid-sentence when she realised how pleasant and friendly she was sounding talking to him with their eyes locked as if she wasn't absolutely disgusted by the thought of him for the last fifteen days. "Over something, I believe. I cannot remember it precisely." She added bluntly and turned away.
"I am glad you remembered at all. She's quite temperamental. Doesn't allow anyone touching her." Edward explained enthusiastically. "I am amazed how Henry has sustained so long without hitting the ground."
Esther flipped back to face him with wide eyes. "Well, then that is dangerous!" She exclaimed with alarm on her face.
"Ah, I wouldn't say dangerous. Just a fall and a few kicks, if at all."
"Are you insane?" Esther asked with a disgusted face but instead of waiting for his answer, she ran towards Henry holding her dress up. "Henry, stop! Get down, now!"
"Esther, am I not looking just as dashing as Edw-" He was almost about to wreak havoc with his last word but the mare knew how exactly to save her master's neck.
With one jump she toppled Henry off her back and he landed, not so smoothly, on the ground.
"Oh, dear!" Esther chimed as she reached for him and brought him to a stand. "Where does it hurt, tell me?" She asked in a sweet voice.
"Ha! Nowhere. Didn't you see? I landed like an ace." The child replied while also rubbing his butts vigorously with his left hand. Clearly, he was more influenced by the owner of the horse, than necessary.
"So you did," Esther replied. "Now go and have a rest. Enough horse riding for the day."
Henry made a disappointed pout and left to join his father back on the main grounds leaving Esther with an arrogant fake Duke and an equally arrogant horse that also belonged to him. The choice was hard but she decided the horse more worthy of her attention.
She walked ahead and patted its long neck. Its silky mane and pumping muscles tempted her to try a ride but she was smarter than to make a fool of herself in front of Edward yet again. The embarrassment from that night was yet not completely drained off her veins, also her attire was not so suited for a horse ride.
"Contemplating a ride on the beauty, are you not, Miss Sherborne?" Edward's confident voice broke her chain of thoughts.
"No!" She blurted out. "Not at all."
"Go ahead, have a ride. She shall not hurt you. Judging by the way she is closing her eyes at your pats, I am certain she is already quite fond of you." Edward said gesturing to the horse's face. "Anyone else would've received a kick by now. Besides, that's not the only reason for her to love you."
Esther's eyebrows shot skywards in curiosity. "It is not?" She heard herself say.
"Let me officially introduce my dearest horse to you." He said with a smug face causing Esther to only get more confused. "Esther Sherborne, meet Esther, the mare."
Type out your instant thoughts rn before they evaporate, I need to know what effect this is having on my readers ;)
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