The evening turned unexpectedly spicy and sour for the Duke and his friend at White's. The same evening was, however, very differently spent at the Sherborne house.
The grand dinner happened with just as much glory and joy as Miss Sherborne had demanded. With delicious delicacies and divine drinks, the arrival of Lord Sherborne was celebrated enthusiastically. Unlimited laughter and chattering adorned the meal as the Sherbornes conversed on various subjects, the range of which included the unannounced arrival of the Framptons in London.
The subject lead to another round of excited discussion. Lord Sherborne enquired Esther about the health and well-being of the Frampton sisters and their parents to which Esther happily replied however, Lady Sherborne treated the subject with distant silence until her husband suggested an idea so absurd that she had to break her silence to express her objections.
"That's wonderful!" Lord Sherborne rejoiced, "let us invite them to a meal tomorrow, why don't we?"
"No!" Lady Sherborne jumped in with no valid explanation or elaboration.
"Well, if that's too difficult then, we can make it the day after." Lord Sherborne suggested cluelessly.
"Stop being so clueless, my lord, they will never accept our invitation and you know this well." Esther stayed silent as her mother explained painfully with as less words as possible.
"We can just invite the girls like always," Lord Sherborne hopefully suggested, "the kids will surely come dancing the moment we send our-"
"They're not kids anymore, my lord." Lady Sherborne pointed out dropping her cutlery on the plate. "They will not come, there is no need to put in feeble attempts."
Silence loomed on the celebratory meal for a few long seconds.
"Well, she is your sister. The need is there, of course," Lord Sherborne said cutting out another slice of pie for himself. "It's absolutely alright if they can't come, that shouldn't stop us. Esther, my dear, I hope you have nothing on your schedule tomorrow. We're visiting the Framptons for an afternoon meal."
Lady Sherborne only looked at her husband with a concerned expression that screamed hopelessness. She was certain there was no use, for the Framptons, even after being the family of her biological sister, were far from family.
There was a wall between them that no one could break or cross, no matter what.
However, Esther had put all those thoughts at the back of her mind even after being aware of the situation. She was more than happy to attend a meal with her sisters after such a long time. Having no sister of her own apart from Florence, she always felt alone but the Frampton girls had always filled that gap for her as and when time and distance allowed.
Up until now.
She only wished nothing had changed but she herself knew at the bottom of her heart that things had. Juliette's eyes reflected the distance between them even when Esther peeked into them standing right against her that night at the masquerade ball.
They had grown up now and so had the difference between them. A difference that never existed when they were kids. Or perhaps it did, they were just too naive and innocent to see it.
After examining all her clothes to find the most normal inexpensive and plain day dress she decided on a beige coloured gown. It was light and carried a very insignificant amount of threadwork, the ribbon on the hip was the same colour but an even plainer fabric. It seemed perfect.
She was never a person who flaunted her richness, not by intention at least, but with Framptons, she couldn't help but be extra careful. The last thing she wanted was for them to feel uncomfortable due to the quality of her attires or accessories.
"Do you have another set of pins?" Florence asked while setting half of Esther's hair into a bun. "These seem to have loosened up."
"Oh, I'm not certain, Flo, check in that drawer on your left, will you?" Esther said, pointing her finger towards a drawer in her bedside cabinet.
"Sure, just put a firm finger here and hold this up for a moment please." Florence placed Esther's hand on the loose side of the hair bun and went to get the pins.
"Isn't this the same letter from yesterd-" Esther jumped out of her loveseat before Florence could complete her sentence to snatch the paper out of her hand.
"Did you find the pins?" She asked coarsely.
"No, I-"
"Because you're looking in the wrong drawer, I said left. Get it quickly please, it's almost time to leave." Esther said and looked away, her hands got busy burying the folded letter in the deep folds of her broad belt.
She decided to apologize to Florence for her rude behaviour later in the evening and left for the Framptons without having another word with her.
The guesthouse where the Framptons were staying wasn't as grand as the one owned by the Sherborne's where they always stayed during their previous visits, but it was fine. Clean and furnished, at least. The drawing room was more spacious than Esther expected it to be from the outside. A decent amount of sunlight complemented the dirt-yellow-coloured seatings and curtains.
The interior was not expensive but fairly inviting. The faces there, however, were not.
"Oh, Lady Sherborne." Lady Frampton walked up to them with partly open arms, her face styling an uncomfortable smile. "You should've sent a message before your arrival, we could've prepared for your welcome."
"What are you saying, Honoria? There's no need, and please," she added uncomfortably, "call me by my name."
Honoria Frampton was Lady Sherborne's elder sister, which unfortunately complicated the entire issue even more.
The men said their greetings warmly. Warmer than the females for certain that is. Esther approached the sisters when none of them seemed to be comfortable enough to come and talked.
"Joyce, you look so much taller." She noted with joy and hugged the youngest Miss Frampton first. She smiled brightly in response until her eyes met her two elder sisters and just like that the smile was gone.
"Jennifer, Juliette," Esther held a hand of each one of them, "it's been so long. I'm so glad you decided to spend the season in London. We'll have so much fun."
"Of course, Esthe-" Jennifer started but was slammed on the foot by Juliette so she corrected herself, "Miss Sherborne."
"Come on, Juliette. We're sisters. Honorifics are unnecessary." Esther was already finding it difficult to keep the smile genuine with all the cold treatment.
"They are entering the society this season, Miss Sherborne," Juliette noted looking straight into Esther's eyes. "It is only better they get in a habit of addressing the ones above them in rank with proper respect and titles."
Esther swallowed the lump in her throat with the greatest difficulty. They were only making the whole affair more challenging than it already was for her. At one side of the drawing-room, the men were having a warm conversation while the air above the ladies was as if frozen with the cold eyes and empty smiles exchanged every few minutes as the tea was served.
It was moments like these that made Esther wish she was rather born as a man. Come to think of it, that would really solve so many of her problems. One of which was then stuck in her belt.
Safe from the eyes of all she gently brushed her fingers on the belt to ensure the letter was still safely tucked there.
"My dear Esther, your dress seems quite poor to your standards. You have plenty of prettier dresses to choose from I'm certain. I hope it is not our acquaintance that has imposed such inappropriate simplicity on you." Lady Frampton said with an almost fake smile and the Frampton girls started exchanging looks.
Esther looked down at her attire. It didn't seem so poor back at home but now in front of the Framptons who were wearing flowery gowns with laces and frolics, her plain day dress certainly looked lacking in many ways. However, it could've easily been overlooked had they not been so observant.
She sighed to herself and decided to let the subject pass.
"My daughters don't always wear such fancy clothes, you must know, dear sister." Lady Frampton continued, now addressing Lady Sherborne. "The matter is, we are expecting some guests shortly. Hence, the preparations." She noted and right at that moment, two footmen walked in, with trays loaded with fresh bread and pies. Another followed soon after, carrying fruits.
"Heavens! We did not mean to interrupt at all. Sincere apologies, Honoria. We shall leave before your guests arri-"
"Oh no no, Lady Sherborne, there's no need for you to hurry." Lord Frampton cut her off, as the men joined the ladies, "our visitors aren't someone you should be wary of. In fact, you're well acquainted with them, I'm sure. Especially you, Esther."
"Me?" Esther asked, surprised.
"The Duke of Dales, I mean." Lord Frampton added with joy but his broad toothy smile died as soon as his eyes met his wife's and his daughter's. The opinion of the ladies of Frampton household did certainly not coincide with the man.
Esther however cared less about anyone's opinion on the matter. For her own opinion was not in favour of spending another exhausting afternoon with a fake Duke. Moreover, stealing the first opportunity her cousins got with the Duke, fake or not, was not her idea of showing sisterly concern.
She had to leave.
"Mother, we should leave." She suggested and was on her feet already before Lady Sherborne could object. "We shall send an invite to my sisters and uncle and aunt for a meal someday soon, but at present, I think it wise to not interrupt their course of the day."
Lady Sherborne would've never allowed her daughter to miss an afternoon with the Duke but here the situation was different and demanding. She would never want her daughter to benefit at the expense of the Frampton girls hence she smiled at Esther and lifted herself off the seat obediently.
The relief that fell on the Frampton girls was more obvious than the afternoon sun. Their faces glowed up as if a huge rock was lifted off their chests.
Esther was happy to have done something to cause joy to her cousins. She dusted her dress to smoothen out the wrinkles and any crumbs and with a last parting smile, she turned around on her heels.
At the same moment, the door to the drawing opened. Not for her to leave but for someone else to enter.
A footman walked in, "The Duke of Dales and his friend." He announced.
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