It had been several years since Ursula's invasion in Miradero. Nobody in the kingdom knew what happened to the royal family or Raul.
Far away, there was the kingdom of Namiquipa. There lived King Javier, Queen Estrella, and their five beautiful daughters: (oldest to youngest) Paloma, Paquita, Pastora, Pepita, and Samira.
As first-born child, Paloma is heir to the throne. While she spent most of her time training to become queen, she enjoyed spending time with her younger sisters.
Paquita enjoyed performing arts, and she often acted out the books she reads. She played the lead in some of the plays she performed for Namiquipa.
Pastora was the glamorous princess of the five sisters. She enjoyed playing dress-up and making her own beauty products. She was pretty arrogant and narcissistic, but she loved her sisters nonetheless.
Pepita was a musician. She played music for Paquita's performances. She mostly preferred playing flute and harp.
Samira is very different from her sisters. She was rather tomboyish, often going off on adventures all around the kingdom and participating in sports—preferably horseback riding. Samira dreamt of going off and exploring the world, and she didn't enjoy life as a princess.
It was another typical day in Namiquipa, and the royal family had to go and open a new school. Samira put on her usual blue and purple gown and dark purple shoes.
"Well, I guess it's time for another day as a princess," Samira sighed.
Once Samira was dressed, she met up with her family at the main palace entrance.
"Ah, there you are, Samira—you're just in time," Javier smiled.
"Shouldn't you be wearing a tiara?" Pastora asked.
"Pastora, you know Samira doesn't have any tiaras," Pepita declared.
"Not to worry—I have one here," Estrella said. She put a silver tiara on her youngest daughter.
"Gracias, Mamá," Samira smiled.
"So who's going to cut the ribbon to open the school?" Javier asked.
"Shouldn't Samira have a turn this time?" Paloma suggested. "We've already had many turns cutting ribbons, but she never got a turn."
"Great idea, Paloma," Estrella smiled.
"Gracias," Samira smiled.
At the new school, there were many students and teachers waiting for the school to be open. Samira took the scissors and cut the ribbon, and everyone cheered.
"Well, we'd better get back to the palace," Javier said. "We have to get ready for the parade this evening."
The four older princesses were excited for the parade, but Samira wasn't excited at all—she thought it was boring to just sit and wave at the crowd.
That evening, the royal family was wearing new outfits for the parade, and they waved at the crowd. Samira was really bored, but she was smiling anyway as she waved to the crowd.
At the palace, Samira was in her nightgown when Estrella came in.
"Samira, don't forget—tomorrow you're going to have your portrait painted," Estrella told her.
"Okay," Samira nodded.
The next morning, Samira was posing for her royal portrait—while wearing a peacock dress. She didn't like what she does as a princess, and she didn't like being forced to wear ridiculous dresses. The portrait took a long time, but Samira was happy when it was finished.
Samira retreated to her room, anxious to change clothes. Her sisters came in, worried for her.
"Samira, are you okay?" Pepita asked.
"I will never truly be okay," Samira muttered, trying to remain calm.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Paloma asked.
"Well, I have to say, I love my family, but nobody ever told me that life as a princess was so boring," Samira declared, getting behind the dressing screen. "All I ever do is smile and wave and pose for portraits while wearing ridiculous dresses."
"Well, you're a princess—it's what we do," Pastora told her.
"I know, and I'm sick of it," Samira said. "I want to do something bigger. I'm not the pampered princess everyone thinks I am." As she came out, wearing her usual dress, she started to express her frustration through a song.
Another satin gown
Another rose bouquet
Another king, another ring, another boring day
I'm gonna sound the call
From Mecca to Siam
I'm more than a peacock princess
I am!
I smile and I wave
I wave, and then I smile
I sit in another parade float for one more bumpy mile
I'm not just one more silk
In Daddy's caravan
I'm more than a peacock princess
I am!
"You know, I think you really are," Paloma smiled. She, Paquita, Pastora, and Pepita followed Samira as she danced her way outside.
I could find a cure
I could help the poor
I could soar if they'd give me half a chance
When will they get a clue?
There's so much that I can do
PALOMA: You can knock them flat
SAMIRA: Be a diplomat
PAQUITA: It's apparent that girl's got talent
SAMIRA: Send my father a royal telegram
I'm more than a peacock princess
PASTORA: You're more than a peacock princess
ALL: I'm/She's more than a peacock princess
PEPITA: You are!
SAMIRA: By far
ALL but Samira: A star
A/N: I don't own this song. It's from Disney Princess: Enchanted Tales.
"Samira, you really are more than just a princess," Paloma smiled.
"Gracias, Paloma," Samira grinned. "I've always wanted to do something special—and you know one thing?"
"What?" her sisters asked.
"All this singing and talking about my desires is getting me nowhere," Samira declared. "If I'm going to do something big and special, I've gotta talk to Mamá and Papá about this."
"That's the spirit," Paquita smiled.
Suddenly, Javier and Estrella showed up with someone—and that someone was Raul, the ex-royal wizard of Miradero.
"I'm glad you feel this way, Samira, because it appears your grandfather has a special assignment for you," Estrella grinned.
"You remember Abuelo Raul, don't you, girls?" Javier asked.
Paloma, Paquita, Pastora, and Pepita remembered their grandfather, but Samira barely remembered him. However, she knew what he had been up to nonetheless.
"Papá, care to tell Samira the assignment you have for her?" Javier asked his father.
"Indeed, mijo," Raul smiled. He went up to Samira and took out the Amulet of Miradero—and it was still sapphire blue. "Samira, do you know what this is?"
"Is that the Amulet of Miradero?" Samira asked.
"Yes, how did you know?" Raul asked.
"Mamá told me the story so many times that I memorized it," Samira revealed.
"What story?" Paloma asked.
The other four princesses didn't really know what happened in Miradero.
"It happened many years ago in Miradero," Raul declared. "Prince Verago gave this Amulet to his younger brother, Milagro, on his 16th birthday and told him that it would protect him from harm. The Amulet was ruby red at that time. But one year later, Queen Ursula—an evil, power-hungry sorceress from the Western Islands—invaded Miradero. She chased Milagro all the way to the Palacio Rosado, and when Milagro made it to the palace safely, she tried to strike him down—but the Amulet saved Milagro by pulling him inside it."
Ursula never really murdered Milagro—when she tried to, the Amulet pulled him within the jewel to keep him safe. His family just didn't know that when they saw Ursula try to cast that murder spell on him. Since then, he had been waiting to get out of the Amulet in order to take back his kingdom.
"The only way to get him out of the Amulet was to find a special princess to get him out," Raul declared. "Some princesses had what it took, but they refused to help him because they didn't think princesses should save princes."
"Prince Milagro is still in there?" Samira frowned. "How long has it been since he got in there?"
"47 years," Raul declared.
The whole family was shocked—47 years is a very long time to be trapped.
"It appears Milagro wants Samira to get him out," Raul declared.
Samira was surprised to hear that—she was going to do something big and special. "Well, 47 years is barely half a century," she declared. She looked at her parents and sisters, thinking about this. She was a little scared, but she felt like Milagro had been in that jewel more than long enough. "I'll do it—I'll save Prince Milagro!"
The Amulet flashed colors, meaning that Milagro was happy that someone was finally going to free him. Raul put the Amulet on his youngest granddaughter.
"Gracias, Abuelo," Samira said. "Well, the only way to get him out is to figure out how to do it."
"Well, the only way to do that is to come to Miradero," Raul told her.
Samira's eyes grew big and wide. "I have to go to Miradero?" she gasped.
"Yes, mainly because this task includes something tough," Raul declared. "When we get to Miradero, you're going to need the wand that put Milagro in the Amulet: Queen Ursula's wand."
Samira gulped at this—she wondered how she would get Ursula's wand. "Do I cast a spell with said wand to get Prince Milagro out?" she asked nervously.
"Not quite—once you get that wand, we'll go to the mountains to find the ancient civilization of Maru and enter a temple," Raul continued. "Once we get there, you'll have to wrap the Amulet around the wand and put them on the Crown of Hizzan."
"Who's Hizzan?" Samira asked.
"He was a great healer who could undo any spell or curse," Raul replied. "In the temple we have to enter, there's a statue of him. The temple is in the ancient civilization of Maru."
"Wow, how are you going to get that wand anyway?" Pastora asked.
"And what are you going to do after you get Prince Milagro out?" Pepita chimed in.
Samira found herself bombarded by her sisters with questions until their father whistled loudly to silence them.
"Girls, we all want to know how Samira is going to free Prince Milagro and what she's going to do afterwards, but she can only focus on one thing at a time," Javier declared.
"Well, it's going to be a long journey—it'll take us a week to get from here to Miradero, so we'll have enough time to think everything through," Raul declared.
Samira then had a knowing smile on her face.
"I think Samira already has an idea," Estrella smiled.
"I think I know how to get Ursula's wand: I'll ask her to teach me how to salsa dance," Samira declared. "When I get her wand, Abuelo and I will take our flying horses to the temple."
"Sounds good, mija, but are you sure it'll work?" Raul asked. "When Ursula took over Miradero, she banned dancing and music."
"Well, it's worth a try, yes?" Estrella asked.
Raul thought about it. "Well, if Ursula wants to make herself look good in front of a foreign ambassador, she'll have no choice but to dance," he shrugged. "Well, Samira, you'd better get ready—this journey is going to last one whole week."
"Okay," Samira nodded.
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