Chapter Fourteen

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A look a dread passed over Princey's face. I smirked more and turned away. Due to the pain I was in, my power was a bit weak. I pressed my hand to my chest and started to concentrate.

'Wicca, I require your assistance.' I called her telepathically.

'What do yee require me child?' She asked.

'The visitors wish to stay the night, my power is weaker, can you come set up protection wards?' I asked her.

'Of course. I will be there soon.' She responded.

I heaved a heavy breath and looked at the others. "She will be here shortly." I informed, hiding my cold sweat from the others.

"Who? Is it a fairy?!" Patton asked, running over to me and hugging my arm in hope.

I smiled slightly. "No, Shes a Dragon."

"Eeeeee! Dragon!" Patton squealed happily and started bouncing around.

"You're endangering us!" Roman yelled, stomping towards me. His face was twisted in a sneer, his sword drawn. "You honestly trust a Dragon?! They're evil! Guess you are too..." Roman pointed his sword at me.

"Get your sword out of my face." I glared. My chest suddenly felt heavy on top of everything else. "She's not evil, don't call her that. She's coming her to help you guys because you decided it was a good idea to stay in a place known as the Dark Forest." I spat, gripping the blade of Roman's sword. The blade cut into my skin, not that I cared. I moved the sword out of my face and walked past him. "Decide who you're sharing your tent with."

After a few minutes Wicca flew down. Her dragon was huge with dark blue scales. Her underbelly was pale blue, almost white, and the sharp pins doing down her back was light bluish grey. Wrapped around her neck was a blue chain with a purple necklace charm. The charm had a Wiccan symbol on it. Wicca looked down at me with her muted purple eyes. They were soft, and warm, like how I'd assume a mother's gaze would be.

Wicca nudged my face with her nose. I chuckled and petted her with my non-bleeding hand. "Come on, shift so you can place the wards. And it might calm down those jerks."

Wicca snorted and looked back at the rest of the group. The pendant around her neck shown in a blinding purple light before the dragon was replaced with a girl. She was short and looked about 13 years old. Her hair was light blue with slightly darker blue tips. It went down to her shoulder blades. Her ears were that of a dragon's, colored a dark blue while the rest of her skin was a soft ivory. Her eyes were reptilian like, colored a muted dark purple. Wicca wore the same pendant, paired with a dark blue, long dress tied under the bust. The sleeves were short and lined with light blue to match the underline of the dress.

Patton walked up first. "You're the Dragon Witch? Oh my goodness you're so cute!" Patton grinned.

"Thank yee child. I am known as the Dragon Witch Wicca." Wicca greeted, dipping her head in greeting. She then turned to me and held out a vile of purple. "Drink this, it will help yee recover." I took the vile and downed the potion before giving the vile back.

"Did you decide on your partner?" I asked the group. They all nodded and stood next to their companion. The twins stood together, Remy stood with Joan, Valerie, and Talyn stood together, Logan and Roman, and finally Terrence and Patton. "Good. Wicca, if you will."

"I shall create the wards now. They should protect yee all from any direct malintent until the morn sun peaks." Wicca spoke loudly before focusing on her magic. After a short while a burst of purple light swept over the meadow they were in. "Try not to step foot out of the meadow. Lord I wish a word."

I nodded and followed her, ignoring the glare that burned into my back. "Yes Wicca."

"Yee received a letter this morn." Wicca spoke.

"I did." I gulped in response.

"Was it sent from D-"

"Don't. Yes it was Liesenburg. No I have not read it. I will once they leave." I cut her off.

"Understood, then I shall take me leave. Good night to yee Virgil." Another blinding light, and Wicca was flying back to her home.

I sighed and looked over to the kingdom folk. They were setting up their tents, and Patton was making their food. Seeing as I was unwanted I spread my feathered wings flew into a tree so I could watch them from a distance. I sighed and pulled out the letter, looking at with clouded eyes.

"Why now?" I sighed, running a hand over my face with pain in my voice.

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