Chapter One

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Elizabeth had always had a knack for trapping unsuspecting animals in the forest. It's what made her so valuable to the De Noir clan.

And it was one of the reasons she and Robin got along so well.

"Are you sure this will work?" She questioned Robin as they hid behind two parallel trees, watching - hoping - for the new Merryweather girl to show.

"Shh." He held his index finger to his mouth. "Trust me."

Elizabeth did trust him - with her life. So she remained silent.

As Robin had predicted, the auburn-haired girl eventually showed up and knelt to free the Moonacre rabbit they had skillfully trapped. Elizabeth had to admit, she was impressed with Robin's deduction.

The two revealed themselves from behind the tree. Elizabeth carried her dagger, the silver of the blade glinting in the sun's light.

"One trap. Two catches." Robin grinned at his brilliance. "That's girls - catch an animal, and they can't resist coming to help."

Elizabeth kept her eye out for that demon dog the damned Merryweathers kept. It was pitch black with eyes red like the fires of hell. Everyone knew it wasn't friendly to De Noirs, nor was it all bark and no bite. Several of Robin's friends could attest to that.

The girl took several steps back. "I know who you are. You're bandits and plunderers!"

Elizabeth snorted and stepped closer to her. "Murderers, too." She mocked, satisfied as the girl's face paled. She had never harmed someone too badly, save for Robin during their training, so the insinuation was ridiculous, although the Merryweather didn't take it lightly.

Dulac stepped out from where he stood and grabbed the girl. She screamed and fought off the larger boy, stopping only when Robin grabbed her.

"You." She breathed.

Elizabeth smirked; Robin had told her about the cut that marked the back of his hand and how he had earned it. She didn't know what he expected - attacking from the top of a carriage; how ridiculous.

"You're coming with us now." Robin told her. "My father is just dying to make your acquaintance." He taunted.

A growl sounded around them. Elizabeth realized what it was a second too late.

Her body hit the floor and she dropped her blade. It flew beneath the foliage, hidden from sight as the demon dog took her down. She knew struggling was futile against a beast such as this. It was heavy and strong - she couldn't move.

Elizabeth had never expected to die like this but living in the forest came with risks. She was willing to accept her fate.

Instead of sharp teeth and claws, she felt the sticky texture of the dog's tongue as it swept across her face. Once, twice and several times more.

"Ew. Ew!" She managed to say and pushed the black dog off of her. Elizabeth climbed to her feet and dusted off her clothes. Robin wasted no time grabbing her arm and yanking her away from the dog.

"Beth, come on. Quickly!" She hurried after him but spared a glance backwards.

"Wrolf!" The Merryweather girl exclaimed to the dog whose eyes were still trained on Elizabeth with an intensity that had her quickening her pace away from them.

She should have felt lucky that she escaped with her life, but she didn't. She hadn't felt like she'd been in danger at all. 

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