the part where the boys wish (santa's awesome)

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a/n: hellooo it's christmas eve where i'm at & here's my contribution for benley this christmas hehe. it's inspired by a fanfic i read before, from a diff. fandom, & i just loved it, so i'm trying it with benley.

i hope yall like it!!



As a surgeon, Christmas was always a big day.

Not because it was the birth of Jesus Christ, nor the fact that it's a holiday spent with your family.

It was a big day, because the hospital gets an influx of patients, which were prime examples of the stupidity of the human race.

And Miranda Bailey loved it.

Usually, on a Christmas morning, women wake up beside their loved ones, with a kiss or a hug. They'd spend the whole morning in pajamas, opening presents and eating their breakfast. Whereas, Miranda spent her morning inside an OR, treating patients.

When her son came, her surgery time depleted during the holidays. Her son was her top priority, and of course, it didn't hurt sleeping in a bed with her husband at night.

But right now, on Christmas eve, she spent it with her son.

It's the first holiday where she and Tucker were apart.

"Mommy!" A small figure jumped up and down her bed. She groaned, rolling over and smiling at the sight of her 5-year-old son, Tuck.

She sat up, groggy. "Good morning, baby."

He grinned, and Miranda was struck with the familiarity. Tuck looked so much like her ex-husband.

"Wake up, Mommy!" He kept jumping on her bed, until he dropped beside her, hugging her tight.

Miranda smiled as a warmth she only ever felt with her son filled her heart. This little guy was the love of her life, and nothing would ever measure up to the happiness he gave her.

"What, baby?"

"We're going to Santa today, Mommy! We made plans." He pouted, and she sighed dramatically, sounding defeated.

"Alright, hurry up, and brush your teeth first. You smell." She scrunched her face up mockingly, and bumped his nose with her finger. Tuck giggled and nodded.

He ran outside her bedroom. She smiled softly, and got out of bed as well.


Miranda held her son's hand tightly at her side, as they walked around the mall, waiting for the Tuck's bestfriend.

"...And woah! I had so many gifts last year, Mommy!" The young boy described, his other hand flying through the air, and his smile wide as ever. "I wish I have more this time, and Joey's gonna be so j-j--

"Jealous?" She offered, and he nodded happily. She laughed. "I'm sure he'll have tons of gifts too."

Miranda smiled down at him. She thought about his best friend, Joey Warren. He was this young boy in Tuck's class, and he was shy, and he barely talked, whereas her son was vibrant and energetic. He befriended Joey, and they immediately connected.

"Mommy, there's Joey!" Her thoughts were interrupted as Tuck piped up, who let go of her hand and ran off.

"Tuck, wait!" She ran after him, as he sped through the open area. She spotted Joey running to him too, and she slowed down, making sure to keep her eyes on him.

"Merry Christmas. Aren't you glad you get to spend the better part of the holidays with me?" A teasing voice made her look up, as she caught up to the boys, who were chatting and laughing away.

She rolled her eyes. She forgot about this part of her son's friendship. "Benjamin Warren."

He laughed, his bass voice running through her body, making her shudder. "Miranda Bailey."

They met when their sons were just starting their friendship. The boys hung out at her house, and Joey was dropped by Ben.

She found out that he was an anesthesiologist, and it started her on the path of aversion to him. He was a gas man, the people who kept her patients asleep, and kept themselves lounging on a chair while the surgeons do the real work. She appreciated them, of course. She knew that job was as important as hers, but it didn't undermine the fact that they get paid more, with less work. As a woman, who already gets paid way less than a man, it made her despise men like him who sat on their behind, while they stood for hours, working their asses off.

He even flirted with her, which made her uncomfortable, and she started to dislike him even more. Their banter kept her on her toes, though. It was the only thing tolerable about his tall, dark, handsome and irritable self.

Miranda stood next to him, as they watched their sons play and tease each other. "Where's Santa?"

Ben shrugged, raising his coffee to his lips. "They said he'd be out in a while."

"Tuck's been excited about the guy all week."

"Joey too. He wants a toy firetruck or a bow and arrow."

Miranda laughed. "Well, that's adorable. Tuck wants Hot Wheels."

"What do you want for Christmas?" He angled his body towards her, making her just a bit flushed.

She frowned. "That's none of your business."

Ben opened his mouth to respond, and Miranda felt relieved as the boys stepped up to them.

"Dr. Bailey," Joey smiled at her, a lower tooth missing from his mouth. "Hi."

"Hi, Joey." She leaned down, matching his smile. "You know what you want for Christmas?"


"That's good." She patted his head.

"Hello, Dr. Warren!" Tuck smiled and put his small hand out for the man to shake.

Miranda looked at their interaction as Ben grinned and shook her son's hand very seriously. "Good day, young man."

The boy giggled, and warmth filled her heart, different than the one she feels with her son. She frowned slightly, and cleared her throat.

"Hey, Santa's about to come out in a few minutes, guys! Get in line, children only!" A girl in an elf costume shouted, and the boys looked at them for permission.

"Go ahead, we'll just be here, okay?" She smiled at them. "Be careful!"

"We will, Dr. Bailey!"

"Okay, Mommy!"

And they ran off. Which left her with Ben.

"So, you didn't answer my question," he spoke.

"What?" She got distracted watching the young boys running off. What was he saying?

"What do you want for Christmas? And I'm not taking another..." He cleared his throat, and in a high-pitched voice that sounded stunningly like hers, he continued, "That's none of your business."

She laughed. Inside, she was shocked at herself. Benjamin Warren, making her laugh?

What the hell was happening?

"I'm sorry, but I guess I would be saying the exact thing." She raised an eyebrow at him, challenging him.

"Okay, fine, Dr. Bailey. Whatever makes you happy." He smirked and held his hand up in surrender, his other cradling the empty coffee cup. "I swear Joey's getting old so fast."

Miranda nodded. "Damn right. It's the same way with Tuck."

"How's the number 12 hospital doing?"

Her head turned to look at him, a strong glare with a teasing glimmer in her eyes. "Oh, you're going there, are you?"

Ben shrugged. The action took her attention to the red sweater he was wearing. It wasn't the usual ugly sweater people wore at Christmas, but it was actually a nice one. The material clung to his body well, and it showed his chest nicely.

She suddenly forgot why she disliked this man. True, the reasons were very few and can be dismissed. He was a good man, and a great father. All she knew about him, personally, was that he raised Joey on his own after his fianceé died in an accident. And she, what, hated him for his job and his flirting skills?

She shook her head internally. No, he was cocky, and she didn't like men like him. He was staying in that 'thumbs down' lane.

"It's funny, I don't know what you're bragging about, number 2. I don't seem to remember your hospital getting to number 1." Miranda smirked at him.

Ben stepped closer to her. "Touchè. But we haven't gotten that low, Miranda Bailey. I think there's something to brag about."

"Just you wait."

"I'm sure your short legs can catch up."

She glared at him playfully. "Wow, just because you're tall, doesn't mean you're as good as me."

"I mean, look at you." His eyes roamed from her face down towards her body, and she felt a blush rise on her face. "I'm sure you're the best, Dr. Bailey."

He was flirting again, in that deep, sultry voice, and she didn't know what to do. A deep tug on her stomach caught her attention. Arousal pooled at her belly from the eye-fuck she was just given.

"Whatever," she murmured, and looked down at the ground, pulling her phone out. She hoped he'd shut up, and she's glad to hear him sigh and take his phone out as well.


"You guys ready?" The tall elf smiled down at them.

Joey and Tuck nodded, their smiles wide. "Yes!"

As they waited for the kid who was in Santa's lap, Tuck whispered to his friend. "You remember what we're going to say?"

Joey nodded. "Yep. I'm so excited."

Tuck grinned. "Me too."

A shriek of joy was heard as the girl lept of Santa and ran happily to her mother.

"Alright, my good elf, who's next?" Santa exclaimed.

"We are!" Tuck jumped up in the man's lap, and Joey followed, sitting on the other man's lap.

Santa's eyes twinkled behind his golden glasses, and a kind smile adorned his lips, hidden in his white beard.

"Hello, little men!" His laugh sounded like a 'ho, ho, ho' and it made Tuck look pointedly at Joey. "What are your names?"

"He's Joey Warren, and I'm William Jones. My mommy calls me Tuck." The taller boy spoke, energetic.

"We're best friends!" Joey was calmer, and his brown hair fell against his eyes.

"Woah, I thought you were brothers!"

They both giggled. "That's it, Santa."

"What?" The man darted seemingly confused looks at both of them.

"Our wish for Christmas is to be brothers," Joey looked at the man in the eye. "Please."

"Yeah. Please." Tuck put his hands together, almost begging.

"Hmm." Santa looked thoughtfully. He clapped his hands together. "I'll see if I can do it, alright?"

They both nodded, excited. "Thanks, Santa!"

"No problem, kiddos." His eyes had a twinkle in them, and Tuck smiled gratefully at him. Joey and him jumped down from the old man's lap and ran towards their parents, who were ignoring each other.

"Mommy!" Tuck jumped at Miranda, asking to be carried. She smiled and put her phone inside her bag.

"Tuck, you know I can't carry you. You're too heavy for me now."

He pouted, but nodded. "Did you tell Santa what you wanted?" Ben asked them both as they started to walk in a restaurant for lunch.

Joey and Tuck looked at each other, all secretively, and nodded. "He told us he'd see what he can do."

Miranda nodded, knowing for sure that her son wanted a limited edition toy car. She remembered wanting a Princess Leia doll when she was at that age.

As they sat down at their table, her phone rang. She looked up at Ben, both of them already knowing the contents of the call.

She picked it up, and she confirmed her fears. "Alright, I'll be there."

Ben sighed, and dropped the menu he held in his hand. He looked concerningly at the kids, unaware. "Emergency?"

Miranda nodded. "The ice at the lake broke. A lot of families were skating on top." She sighed, and stared at her son longingly. At Christmas Eve. The world hates her.

"I got them." He whispered at her and gestured at the boys.

She frowned. "But--

"Mommy?" Tuck's small voice interrupted her.

"Baby, there's an emergency at the hospital. Is it okay if you stay with Dr. Warren for a while?"

Tuck pouted, and her heart tightened in her chest. He looked so similar to her, and he looked so sad.

"Hey, I'll be back in time for dinner, okay?" She reached out and caressed his tiny, little face. "In the morning, we'll open your gifts, and then we'll bake some gingerbread men. That sounds good to you?"

She felt relief flood her veins as he put on a smile, and nodded. "Okay, mommy! Have fun at the hospital."

Miranda smiled, and kissed his forehead. "Behave, alright? Mommy loves you."

"I love you too."

She looked at Ben. "Take care of my son, Benjamin. Call me after you finish eating, alright?"

He nodded. "Of course."

With that, she stood and left the restaurant in a rush.


a/n: chapter 2 will be up later! merry christmas eve!!

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