Cassette player

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Ebony woke up a few hours later, Professor McGonagall was talking to Madam Pomfrey until they had noticed she had woken. "Miss. Riddle, I'm so happy to see you wake up. You have been out cold for quite so time. We found you at around eight in the morning, do you know what time you possibly could've passed out at." Ebony took a few minutes to process what the professor had said, and then she had taken a few more minutes to think about what time it was when she passed out. "I think it was around 3 o'clock I'm not that sure." The professor nodded her head then left swiftly. Madam Pomfrey left shortly after, Ebony stood up and walked over to Draco's bed. He was lying in the same position, she missed his voice so much. Her robe was hanging up and she walked quietly over to it, she reached into the pocket and pulled out a cassette player with some small headphones.

Ebony brought them over and sat with Draco on his bed. "Do you wanna listen to some music, I got it for Christmas." A small tear rolled down her ghostly ill looking face. She put the headphones on him, she turned it on and she could hear music very faintly. It was the song careless whispers by George Michael. She smiled to herself and giggled. She grabbed a hold of his hand, it was much colder than yesterday. A new song had come on, it was never gonna give you up by Rick Astely. She remembered one time when she was younger her mother played this song in there small kitchen and Ebony was stood on her mother's toes dancing. Ebony gently got the headphones of off Draco's head and put them on. "This song is very fitting for right now, if it were to be sad." She found herself humming along to the energetic melody that played swiftly through her ears. She had also started singing softly, while rubbing Draco's hand.

"We're no strangers to love, you know the rules and so do I. A full commitments what I'm thinking of, you wouldn't get this from any other guy. I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling. Gotta make you understand, never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gunna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you." As she started softly singing more, she started to cry more. As if the her emotions had been blocked by a gate and the lyrics to this song opened that gate. She thought it was silly though, she thought she was foolish for crying to this song. She looked over to the other side of the room and saw Hermione lying on one of those beds, she stood up and walked over there. She sat down, they weren't that close but Hermione didn't deserve this. Ebony heard footsteps coming up behind her, she didn't know who it could be. Until she felt a warm hand on her shoulder.

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