Chase growls low in his throat, his eyes locking onto Rocky's. The cool night air bites at their fur as tension crackles between them like an electric charge. Rocky braces himself, ready for Chase to pounce.
But instead of attacking, Chase turns and bolts, Skye still writhing helplessly in his grip.
"What the, Chase!" Rocky shouts, his heart pounding. Despite the sharp pain in his injured leg, he forces himself forward, pushing past the searing ache.
Chase is fast, but carrying Skye slows him down. Rocky, though hindered by his wounds, manages to keep pace. The two move like shadows through the rugged terrain, the distance between them stretching and closing as the landscape grows more perilous.
The sound of Skye's muffled cries spurs Rocky on, even as his muscles scream for relief. He grits his teeth. He won't let Chase get away.
Chase reaches the edge of a massive cliff, the ground beneath him crumbling slightly as he stops abruptly. The sheer drop stretches into darkness, the jagged rocks below faintly visible under the moonlight. He stands still, catching his breath, waiting.
Rocky emerges moments later, panting heavily, his sides heaving. The two lock eyes, and Chase's are wild with fury, desperation, and something darker.
"Let her go, Chase!" Rocky yells, his voice cracking with emotion.
Chase's lips curl into a bitter snarl. He steps closer to the edge, holding Skye precariously over the abyss. Her paws trembling, her movements frantic as she stares down into the void.
"If I can't have her," Chase says, his voice cold and hollow, "then none of us can."
Rocky freezes, his breath catching in his throat. His legs tremble, not just from exhaustion, but from the enormity of Chase's words.
Skye's terrified eyes meet Chase's. Despite the terror in her heart, her voice is soft, trembling yet resolute. "Chase... look at me. What's happening...."
For a fleeting moment, something flickers in Chase's eyes. Doubt. Pain. But it's gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by unrelenting anger.
"Chase," Rocky pleads, his voice breaking. "Please. Don't do this. We can fix this, together. We're a family, Chase!"
Skye, with one final burst of strength, swings her legs and kicks Chase hard in the chest. The force sends him stumbling backward. He loses his balance, and both he and Skye tumble toward the cliffside.
Rocky dives forward instinctively, but before he can reach them, Skye manages to scramble back up, gripping the edge with her claws. She hauls herself up, stumbling toward Rocky and hiding behind him, trembling.
Chase claws his way back up, his expression twisted into something feral. He launches himself at Rocky with a snarl, knocking the smaller pup to the ground.
Rocky yelps as Chase's teeth sink into his shoulder once again, the pain radiating through his body. Chase doesn't stop, his jaws snapping mercilessly, his eyes wild.
To Skye, it's as though Chase has transformed into a monster. The noble, loyal pup she once knew is gone, replaced by a creature driven by rage and obsession.
Rocky fights back with everything he has, his movements sluggish but determined. He shoves Chase off with his hind legs, only for Chase to lunge again, sinking his teeth into the wound on Rocky's leg.
Rocky cries out, the pain blinding, but he doesn't give up. He twists his body, using Chase's momentum against him, and manages to pin the larger pup for a moment.
"Chase, stop!" Rocky gasps, his voice raw. "This isn't you!"
But Chase doesn't listen. He flips Rocky over, his teeth bared, and goes for another bite.
That's when Skye, trembling with rage and fear, charges forward.
"Enough!" she screams, slamming into Chase with all her strength.
The impact sends Chase staggering toward the edge of the cliff. His paws scramble for purchase, but the ground beneath him crumbles.
As Chase begins to fall, Rocky lunges, his paw shooting out to grab Chase's. Their paws connect, and Rocky grits his teeth, his muscles straining to hold Chase's weight.
Chase dangles over the edge, his eyes wide with shock. The snarl is gone, replaced by something vulnerable and raw.
Rocky's voice is strained but steady. "Chase... I've got you."
Chase's ears flatten, and for the first time in what feels like forever, his voice is small. "Why are you helping me? After everything I've done?"
Rocky's grip tightens, his injured leg shaking under the strain. "Because this isn't who you are. You're better than this, Chase. You're still my friend."
Chase's eyes glisten, his mask of anger crumbling. He looks up at Rocky, the wind whipping through his fur.
"I didn't mean for it to go this far," Chase whispers, his voice breaking.
Rocky's jaw clenches as he pulls with all his might. "Then prove it, Chase. Let go of this... this anger. We can fix this. You just have to trust me."
Chase hesitates, the darkness in his eyes fading. The sound of the wind fills the silence, and for a moment, it feels like time has stopped.
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