2 hours after the incident, Skye's pain is less than before thanks to the cream and bandage Marshall did.
The cockapoo is resting at the top of the Lookout near Ryder who is using his puppad, probably to play video games.
Nothing has really changed since, Zuma and Rubble finish resting and Rocky takes the elevator a few times to check if Skye needs anything.
The recycler puppy thinks back to what Chase said to him a few hours before, he thinks back to those words that struck his poor heart which is just looking for the love of a cockapoo.
Sometimes he feels sorry for Chase. He wants to go and see if he's okay. But for fear of being scolded again, Rocky decides not to go.
It's exactly 9 a.m. and it's breakfast time for the PAW Patrol members.
Rocky, noticing this time, rushes to the elevator to warn Ryder and Skye.
"How is she going to walk?" Rocky worries.
But at the top, he sees Ryder carrying Skye on his arms.
Rocky: Can't she walk on her own?
Ryder says no and the three of them take the elevator down to have breakfast.
Outside, Rubble and Zuma are already waiting to be served.
"Where's Marshall?" asks the brave 10-year-old boy.
"I think he's with Chase," Rubble replies.
"Can you call him to eat his breakfast and give Chase his"?
"Of course" Rubble replies.
Hearing his name, Marshall joins his friends and takes his bowl and Chase's, then leaves.
Ryder: Aren't you eating here, Marshall?
Marshall: I prefer to stay with Chase.
Marshall has a bowl on his muzzle and another on one of his paws. Clumsy as he is, we all know what's going to happen.
As soon as he arrive in front of Chase's puphouse, Chase's bowl on the Dalmatian's muzzle falls and the food is scattered on the floor.
Chase sighs at the awkward behavior of his best friend.
Marshall: Don't worry! Eat from my bowl, I'll get another one for me...
Chase: No, that will be fine. I'm not hungry anyway.
Marshall shrugs his shoulders and begins to eat wildly from his bowl, probably because of his hunger.
"I feel like I was tough ... with Rocky" worries Chase
"Did you tell him everything I told you to tell him?" Marshall asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, yes! I did exactly as you told me. As soon as he said sorry, I raised my voice and threatened him to stay away from Skye." answers the German Shepherd.
"You don't have to worry then. Rocky is weak, he can't hurt you."
"No, no, I'm worried because Rocky is a member of our team. Listen Marshall, he's our friend too." says Chase
Chase says nothing and lets Marshall finish his breakfast.
"We're best friends. Do you trust me?" Marshall asks
"Uhm ... yes." Chase answers
Marshall: Skye is yours. No one will come between you two. And as soon as your punishment is over, you'll admit your feelings before it's too late.
Chase: Is she better?
Marshall: A little better, she's eating right now.
The end of breakfast is approaching for the other pups that Rocky has just had a splendid idea in his mind. He quickly finishes his breakfast and rushes into his vehicle.
He's looking for items that can help Skye to walk.
"It's not difficult. I just have to do something like what Rex has." thinks Rocky.
Having found 2 big wheels with supports for the hind paws, he assembles the objects with screws, then uses his screwdriver and pliers.
Minutes of fabrication later, Rocky contemplates his creation.
"Mhm... something is missing. Something Skye likes." He therefore decides to add something else.
Later, Rocky pushes the object and takes it to show it to Ryder and Skye.
When he arrives, he sees Skye looking sadly at Rubble and Zuma playing soccer.
Ryder is next to her, questioning her like every minute to ask her if she's ok.
Rocky heads for his owner and his crush.
Rocky: Um ... Hi Skye and Ryder. I built something for Skye.
Rocky shows Ryder the pink rollator he made for Skye.
The cockapoo bursts into tears and tries to approach Rocky to give him a hug.
Ryder: Great job Rocky! I'm glad you fixed your mistake.
Ryder sets Skye on the walker, but at the same time a vehicle pulls up and a puppy comes out of that vehicle.
Skye: Everest!
Everest: Skye! I heard the terrible news. Are you alright?
Skye: A little better than before. But thanks to Rocky, I will be able to walk again. Look!
Rocky blushes slightly as Skye begins to walk with the wheeled walker.
But that sudden blush stops when Everest says this sentence:
"I also learned what happened to Chase. It would be nice if we gave him company. Are you coming Skye?"
And the two girls leave to see Chase, leaving Rocky alone with Ryder.
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