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Your P.O.V

"What do you want from me." I asked picking up my phone that had been ringing non stop for the past two minutes.

"Oh so you think you can just go anywhere now and you don't have to tell me." Marcus yelled through the phone. I pulled my phone off of my ear slightly and then began talking.

"You're not my mom you can't controll where I go." I sighed leaning my face onto my hands. Garroth, who had probably been woken up by my phone too, reached out and took a piece of my hair. He twirled and wrapped it around his fingers.

"Technically," Marcus started, which made me roll my eyes, "I am older than you and I have signed multiple papers as one of your legal guardians. Therefore I am in charge of you and you have to tell me where you are."

"I'm at Garroth's." I said my voice coming out more robotic then I had meant.

"Well I know that, I'm not stupid. You could at least tell me when you're going to go breed with your boyfriend." Marcus said.

I made a face and turned my phone so I could see the screen, and then pressed the end call button. Garroth twisted my hair in his fingers and pushed the ends of my hair towards my lips. I puffed my cheeks out to blow at the hair and then looked at Garroth.

"Goodmorning." Garroth said. His voice was uneven and his voice cracked several times just saying one word.

"Goodmorning." I said smiling.

"Do you need to go?" Garroth asked letting go of my hair and letting his hand fall down onto the bed.

"No, Marcus is just being annoying." I said laying my head back down on a pillow but keeping my eyes on Garroth. "So last night, I talked to Gene." I don't know why I said it, I had to. Maybe my brain isnt capable of hiding every interaction I have with Gene from Garroth.

"Why?" Garroth asked after a silent pause that felt like it lasted six years.

"I just thought it was weird that he came to the game just to sit under the bleachers and smoke." I said. Garroth turned away from me and layed on his back.

"He's always there, at every home game. Every baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, it doesnt matter." Garroth said.

"I've never seen him at a softball game." I said.

"That's not true." Garroth said, a tone in his voice that I couldnt match with any emotion. Or maybe that's just because he's never talked to me like that.

And Garroth's right, that isn't true. Because Garroth watched Gene kiss me after my game, and he knew Garroth was watching. But he just stood there and took it, even though he knew it was meant to be a shot at him.

"I mean other than when I broke up with you." I said my voice going extremely quiet.

"He's been there. Watching from the park." Garroth said.

I stayed silent for a moment not knowing what to say, or if it would be right to change the subject. I scooted my body closer to Garroth's and wraped an arm around his like a vine. "He also said he gets joy from watching you lose." I said. I moved my eyes up without moving my head and watched Garroth smirk and roll his eyes.

"Yeah well I get joy from punching him in the face so I guess were even." Garroth said. I smiled and pressed my forehead to his shoulder.

"Don't say that," I laughed, "you sound like an asshole."


"Gimme the goods." Katelyn said, her head was right next to my ear as she pushed me so she could reach inside my locker and take the Nestle Crunch bar that sat at the top.

"Gimme the goods." Garroth, who had previously been standing there instead of running up on me like Katelyn had, mimicked. He had his nose pinched between his fingers making his voice higher than it normally is.

"Don't mimick me." Katelyn said with no sarcasm or laughter.

"Why are you just casually eating that chocolate, could be poisoned." Garroth said.

"First of all," Katelyn started, "I know it's from you so unless you're trying to poinson Y/N than I'm pretty sure its fine. Second of all, how would anyone poison chocolate that has a wrapper on." I picked up my history book out of my locker and looked up at Garroth, raising my eyebrows at him.

"It's not me, if me taking credit for someone else leaving chocolate in Y/N's locker will make you happy, than you can believe that." Garroth said.

"Thank you, that will make me happy." Katelyn said giving Garroth a sarcastic smile and then turning to walk away.

"You believe me, right? You don't think I'm lieing to you." Garroth asked. I pushed on his chest wanting him to turn around and start walking to our history class.

"Yeah I believe you." I said.

"If anything it would have been beneficial for me to say that it was me, cause that's a romantic gesture. And I am not good at those." Garroth said as we walked.

"Sure you are, you've left notes in my locker." I said. Garroth tensed and moved his shoulders back.

"I dont really think-" Garroth talked quietly and eventually stopped like he didn't know what to say.

"See, you're a sweetheart." I joked reaching up and pulling on Garroth's cheek untill he tilted his head to the side, just as we walked into the classroom.

"Hey, do not pinch my cheek." Garroth whisper yelled, pushing my hand away from his face.


"You know I've been meaning to ask you." Gene started as he looked up from his math and holding his pointer finger up, "what do you think people in our school think of you." I let my head fall back so I was looking up at the ceiling, and rolled my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking back at him.

"Well you did come in and take the guy that half the girls in school wanted to have sex with." Gene said raising both of his eyebrows and giving me a genuine look.

"How is that my fault." I asked closing my eyes for only a moment before I opened them again.

"It isn't, but I doubt your boyfriend's fan club agrees with that."

"Where are you going with this?" I asked.

"I just think that you're pretty oblivious to what people think of you, what people say about you." Gene said staring into my eyes, searching for a reaction.

"I don't care what people think." I said only partially confident in my answer, is anyone actually completely able to just not care about what people think.

"You don't care that people think you're slutty." Gene asked turning his head but still watching me like a hawk.

"What reason do people have to think I'm a slut?" I asked.

"Lets see," Genes said and then pauses for a moment, "how about the fact that you started dating a guy after knowing him for what, five weeks. Thats pretty soon isn't it."

"You don't know what it's like." I said having nothing to say to defend myself but feeling that I need to regardless.

"Or maybe you don't care about getting to know him, cause you like him for his looks, or his body, or his popularity." Genes voice was soft, like he was talking about a completely different subject, like he actually cares. His voice was so memorizing I didn't mind when he moved his hand to the side of me on the couch.

"But if that were true I'm sure it would have been much easier to get Dante, or even Laurance, to fall for you. I mean your beautiful, and that's all they really care about." Gene said his voice just as soft as the last time. I was surprised Gene had even brought up his brother. Did Dante really bring home that many girls that even his own brother thinks he's easy.

"That's not true." I said not fully confident in my answer. I've never been in a relationship with Laurance or Dante, I don't know what they actually want. Or maybe their reputation proceeds them, and that is all they want.

"But you're more than that." Gene said ignoring what I had said, his voice barely above a whisper.

And then he kissed me, softly at first but then slightly harder when I didn't pull away. Unlike any other time he kissed me before. Why did I not pull away, I don't know. I sat there like I was frozen, like he was holding me down even though that was no where near the scenario. And then he pulled away and stared at me like I was puzzle he was trying to figure out.

"Leave" I said.

Gene looked down for a moment and then moved away from me. He picked up his math book and notebook and shoved it into his book bag. He flung his bag over his shoulder and stared at me for a moment before he walked around me and to the front door.

I held my fingers to my head for a moment waiting for Marcus to come running out of his room and interrogate me. I'm sure he thinks I was unaware of him watching Gene pretty much everytime he's here, but frankly I'm thankful for it. I'd rather not get blackmailed again after all.

"I thought you said you were just tutoring him." Marcus said, he sounded more angry than I ever would have imagined.

"I am." I said, my body had been stuck in the same position since Gene left. With my knees up towards my chest and my hands pressed against my forehead.

"Then what are you doing kissing him. And I know that's the same guy from the softball game so it's not like it's the first time." Marcus said.

"I don't know." I said quietly.

"Does Garroth know. Did you break up again?" Marcus asked.

"No Marcus, why do you even care you don't like Garroth." I asked finally moving and looking up at Marcus.

"Yes I do," Marcus said which instantly shocked me, "I love the guy if he makes you happy."

"He does make me happy." I said just as quiet as the last time.

"Well then what are you doing kissing other guys." Marcus asked flailing his arms about.

"I didn't kiss him, he kissed me." I said making my voice louder even though I was ready to cry.

"Well it was kinda hard to tell from where I was standing." Marcus said raisng both his eyebrows at me.

"I'm pretty sure my judgment beats yours Marcus." I said standing up in one swift motion and turning around to go to my room.

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