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Your P.O.V

Entering the lunch room I instantly saw that neither Sasha, Gene, nor Zenix was sitting at our usual lunch table. I looked around the busy room and saw none of them. This was weird because I'm never the first one to the table, and I never was when I sat with my old friends either. I take my time getting to lunch especially knowing I'm stuck sitting with Gene. I shrugged it off and sat down, not wanting to go looking for them. I used my arm to prop my head up and turned my phone around over and over in my hand. It seemed like lightning speed before I wasn't alone at my table. Except it wasn't anyone I accepted.

"What are you doing over here." I asked almost concerned.

"I think I should be asking you that." Vylad said raising his eyebrows at me. Of coarse I've talked to Vylad before but he would be one of the last people I can think of to come talk to me. Especially after I broke up with his brother.

"Seriously do you want Zenix to beat your ass again." I asked motioning towards his nose.

"That was mostly my fault," Vylad said. "I should have shut my mouth, but that isn't the point. Why are you sitting over here? What happened to you and Garroth?" Vylad asked glancing behind me, most likely looking for Gene or Zenix.

"Like he didn't already tell you I broke up with him." I said raising an eyebrow.

"I've barely heard him talk in weeks." Vylad said.

"He never talks that much, right?" I asked regretting what I said right as it came out of my mouth. I know Garroth talks, he talks all the time. I sound just like everyone else in our friend group that called him out for being the quiet one. Vylad looked just as surprised as I felt that I just said that.

"All he did was talk about you for the whole time you dated." Vylad said.

"Really?" I asked feeling even worse about the way I just talked about him.

"Yeah, can't you tell how different he acts?" Vylad asked. I took a glance to where Garroth and my other friends usually sat. Garroth's back was turned to me but it was easy to see he wasn't talking to anyone at the table. He had his head laid on his arm like he felt sick.

"He can't be that upset." I said almost hoping the answer was that he wasn't.

"He was fricking attached to you, but I guess that's hard to see for you since you only met this year." Vylad said. I stayed silent. "Why did you break up with him. Just tell me." Vylad said, his voice was soft but I know that just so I would tell him.

"I can't." I said instantly.

"I won't tell him." Vylad said his voice at a whisper now.

"It doesn't matter I can't tell you." I said wanting him to stop talking even if he was being nice about it.

"I know it's something to do with Gene." Vylad said. "I know you don't wanna be over here." Vylad said. I stared into his green eyes and watched him stand up and walk away from the table. I looked at my hands that laid across the table. I hope Vylad does find out what's going on. I thought. He'll tell Garroth and everything will go back to normal. Right? Unless he's mad at me for not telling him. What if he forgets about me, or he doesn't want to be with me because I didn't tell him.

"Glad to see you didn't go anywhere." It was Gene snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Where have you been?" I asked ignoring his smart remark.

"Talking." Gene said sitting down.

"About?" I asked almost certain that he wouldn't tell me.

"We're going to a party tonight and your coming with." Gene said leaning on his arm and looking into my eyes.

"Says who, I don't wanna go to a party." I said taken back.

"To bad your my date. Besides everyone in school is gonna be at Ivy's, including them." Gene said motioning back towards the table where Garroth and Katelyn sit.

"Ivy's?" I asked.

"How about you go to Sasha's after school to get ready." Gene said ignoring my question.

"I never agreed to that." I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"It won't be bad. Besides I bet you clean up good." Gene said his eyes wandering up and down me.

I stared at him blankly.

"Your going to Sasha's, it's not like you have anything better to do." Gene said his eyes settling on mine. I looked over at Sasha who looked slightly surprised as if she wasn't aware of me coming to her house.

"Fine," I said, "but I'm not going to enjoy any of this stupid party." Gene turned away from me satisfied without saying another word to me.


"How far away is your house." I asked as I walked with Sasha.

"Do you know where the park is?" Sasha asked turning her head to look at me as we walked.

"Yes." I said after having to think if I actually do know where the park is.

"I live around there." Sasha said. I nodded hopping that I was right about how close the park is to the school.

"Have you ever been to a party before." Sasha asked after moments of us walking in silence.

"No," I said honestly, "I'm not really the party type."

"It doesn't matter if your the party type or not, everybody goes to Ivy's parties." Sasha said.

"Parties?" I asked wondering if Sasha had meant to say it plural.

"Yeah Ivy has like two parties a year, sometimes one in the summer. They aren't like party parties though. It's more of like an unofficial school dance with a lot more gossip." Sasha said.

"Why's there so much more gossip?" I asked not wanting to walk in silence.

"I don't know, everybody's talking, or kissing, or well you know having a little to much fun." Sasha said. I knew what she meant by that and it didn't make me want to go to this party. Is that what Garroth would want to do if I had came with him? I wondered. Is that what Gene wants to do with me? I could feel my face move into a look of concern. I wasn't going to this party to let anyone take advantage of me.

"Look my house is right over there." Sasha said pointing to the right of the street where a tall but relatively skinny house stood. Sasha sped up slightly, I followed her speeding up as well.

We walked up the wooden porch steps that creaked with every step. Sasha slid both the regular door and the screen door open and stepped inside. Down the middle of the house was a staircase that separated the left and right side of the house. To the right was a living room with furniture that had the fabric of something from the 1950s yet the furniture looked new. To the left was a kitchen that then led to a dinning room. Sasha led me up the stairs where a hallway led to multiple rooms. One I saw was a bathroom and the others all had closed doors. Sasha turned and opened the door to the closest room closest to the right.

Sasha's room had gray walls with records hung all along one wall. A tapestry hung on the wall above her bed. It was white and featured a UFO. There was a closet to the right and a TV across from her bed. I had expected something completely different, maybe a small room in all black. Looking around the room made me think I had given Sasha a kind of emo stereotype that wasn't her at all. Sasha might hang out with Gene and Zenix who give bad vibes, but Sasha's vibes are more like, my artistic style is slightly rebellious.

"I like your room." I said honestly. I noticed one corner on the ceiling that Sasha had started painting loops and different designs.

"Really?" Sasha said surprised, "Thanks I just got to redo it last summer, but I haven't gotten to show anybody else."

"Haven't you showed like, Gene or Zenix?" I asked.

"Nah we don't hang out at my house. We normally go to the park to hang out after school." Sasha said. I nodded still looking around the room.

"Do you think we're the same size." Sasha asked turning and looking at me. I looked at her slightly confused. "I'm sure nothing I have is your style. But that's probably the reason Gene had you come with me."

"Do people get really dressed up for Ivy's parties?" I asked.

"All the girls mostly wear dresses. Not prom level dresses of coarse but yeah everybody dresses nice." Sasha said. I thought about Garroth who would get nervous and stutter after seeing me in a dress.

"What do you think would look good on me?" I asked purely out of curiosity, even though I know I'll probably end up wearing what Sasha wants because that's what Gene would want. Sasha looked me up and down like she was checking me out making us both laugh.

"I don't know what do you like?" Sasha asked opening her closet so that it was clear to see inside. one side was divided into formal shirts or dresses and the other side was our school uniform and some other shirts. Sasha pulled out a red shoulder dress that looked like it was supposed to be tight. The bottom had three chunks taken out on the sides of the thighs.

"Honestly," I said. "I'll wear whatever, to an extent."

"Try it on, I won't look." Sasha said laughing at herself after she said it. It honestly wouldn't bother me if she did take a glance at me, I mean we do change in the locker room everyday.

I slipped the dress over my head and instantly knew it was tight like I had thought. Not tight like jeans, but tight like spandex because that's how it's supposed to be. It hugged my sides which I normally don't love but I decided it was alrightm

"What do you think?" I asked signalling her to turn around.

"I like it." Sasha said smiling.

"Really?" I asked surprised. In my head I pictured going through this process ten times until we found the 'perfect dress'.

"Yeah, I think you look good. Can I do your makeup?" Sasha asked her eyes lighting up.

"Sure." I said only slightly sure with my answer. I've never been one to wear makeup. When I do it's natural and to cover up my impurities. Not to mention I've only worn makeup around Garroth a few times, in which he asked me "why'd you cover up your cute face."

Sasha motioned for me to sit on her bed, which I did. Sasha left the room but it was barely a second before she was back. She held a blue and white makeup bag that seemed to be filled to the max. She spread foundation around my face, put red eyeshadow above my eyes until it faded into nothing, highlighted my cheeks and nose, and did other things I hadn't even practiced before. Sasha spent time on my makeup like it was an assignment. Which I appreciated, but didn't exactly love.

"Alright I think I'm done." Sasha said stepping back as if to admire her work. I stepped over to a full sized mirror that hung over the closet. I thought I looked amazing. But that could just be the fact that I'm not used to seeing myself in makeup, or it could be because Sasha seems to be an expert at doing makeup. Most likely a mix of both.

"Do you like it?" Sasha asked almost sounding nervous. I nodded without saying anything as I looked at myself.

"Are you sure because I could do something different." Sasha said like she didn't believe me.

"No, I like it." I said brushing my hair back.

I'm actually kind of proud of myself cause this chapter didn't take a month to get published. But it is only half of a chapter. It was going to be really long if I finished where I wanted to split it in two. I'll get the second part published in probably about a week.

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