We sat in silence in the cafe. No one really wanting to address the fact that Dante literally hired some chick to hang out with him.
"So can we just like fire Dante." Katelyn asked.
"From what?" Garroth asked.
"I don't know from being our friend." Katelyn shrugged.
"Your so mean." Cadenza laughed.
"We can't just let him bring people into our friend group that's not how friends work." Katelyn said.
"That's literally what you did with Y/N." Travis pointed out. I instantly blushed.
"Excuse me, no. We like Y/N." Garroth said throwing both his arms around me. I couldn't help but laugh. God my boyfriends and idiot.
"Yeah but Y/N talks. Besides Dante's "girlfriend" is a senior." Laurance said putting up air quotes around girlfriend.
"She can't be part of this. Being the dumb one is all I have." Travis said.
"How do you know she's dumb." Cadenza asked.
"She doesn't talk. The quiet ones are the stupid ones." Travis said using no logic at all.
"Does that apply for Garroth." Laurance laughed.
"Do you people have ears. I talk but no one listens to me." Garroth said offended.
"Sure you do." Katelyn laughed.
"Does no one else hear this. I'm being bullied." Garroth whined.
"Ok who cares we're bullying Dante right now." Cadenza laughed.
"Can't we just get him an actual girlfriend." Lucinda asked.
"Don't you think we've tried?" Laurence asked.
"The dude has issues." Travis agreed.
"He'll give up in a few days anyways." Garroth said. We continued to yell at each other for a while with none of us actually listening.
We stood outside waiting for the bell to ring. Dante is talking to his "girlfriend". "Do you think he realises that she isn't listening." Katelyn asked looking directly at Dante without a care if he saw her.
"Probably not." Laurence said running his fingers through his curly hair.
"His logic is horrible." Travis said.
"Does that surprise you?" Garroth asked.
"No" Travis sighed. The bell rang and everyone looked at where Dante and the girl were previously standing. They were gone. Probably already inside. I saw Garroth roll his eyes.
"See you later." Garroth said quietly as he pressed his lips on my forehead.
"Come on." Katelyn said grabbing my wrist and walking towards the school.
"So how's Garroth." Katelyn asked wiggling her eyebrows.
"What do you mean how's Garroth you literally just saw him." I laughed.
"I mean how's your-" Katelyn started. She let go of my hand turned around and wrapped her arms around herself running her hands up and down her back.
"Katelyn!" I yelled smacking her in the head.
"Hey come on you know what I mean he actually talks to you." Katelyn said.
"He talks to you guys to but just like he said you don't listen to him." I said.
"Oh yes I do. Come on I'll race you there." Katelyn said starting to run to the school.
I sat down at our lunch table with Katelyn. Surprisingly we were the first ones there. Katelyn and I sat across from each other. "We're alone so we can talk about whatever we want." Katelyn joked.
"Keep talking I wanna know everything." Garroth said sitting down next to me. I smiled and pecked him on the lips.
"Aw gross." Laurence said pretending to gag as he sat down next to Katelyn.
"Move it fatty I'm not sitting by two guys." Katelyn said pushing Laurence as hard as she could away from her. The other spot next to her I assume is for Travis.
"Geez." Laurence sighed scooting himself over. Travis sat down next to Katelyn followed by some more people. Cadenza sat in between Laurence and Katelyn clearly seeing what just happened. We normally don't eat the school lunch. It's not bad but it's not good either. We normally just have a bunch of junk food for lunch. But I mean we're high schoolers what else would you expect. The bell rang and we left for our next classes.
I attempted to hold hands with Garroth under the table during social studies. I knew he wasn't going to let me. He ran his fingers across my palm and put my hand in my lap. I tried again. Again he set my hand in my lap. Garroth looked at me and I pouted. He playfully rolled his eyes at me and put his hand on my thigh. I smiled to myself and leaned on my hands.
During P.E I sat in one of the small playground sets with Garroth. It was just us but honestly that's easier then having Laurence and Katelyn with us.
"You know I want to hold your hand in social studies, right?" Garroth asked.
"I know, it's not like your going to get in trouble." I pouted.
"I don't care If I get in trouble. I don't want to get you in trouble." Garroth said.
"Well I don't care if I get in trouble." I said crossing my arms, which I know he thinks is cute.
"I bet your parents do." Garroth said. I shrugged.
"I haven't seen my parents in a few weeks." I said.
"Oh...Why?" He asked it quietly as if he overstepped a boundary. I shrugged again.
"They travel a lot for companies." I said. Garroth shifted uncomfortably not knowing what to say. "Gar-" I didn't need to finish his name. He looked at me extremely nervous like he did something. "Your fine." I said moving from across from him to next to him.
"I know. " He sighed. I placed my lips onto Garroth's running my fingers across his jawline as we kissed. We kissed until the sound if a whistle was herd signaling it was time to head inside. We stared into each other's eyes for only a moment.
"Um yeah." I breathed out not knowing what to say but feeling I had to say something. I halfway turned to jump down the ladder but I might have almost fallen out of the entrance. I caught myself before I could fall. Garroth of course grabbed my arm before I even knew what was happening. He paused for a moment then instantly let go.
"Sorry." He said quietly. I smiled and jumped out of the entrance. Garroth followed and put my hand into his looking down at my arm. "Did that hurt?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No." I said honestly. He had a small sigh of relief.
"I kinda saw you were gonna fall." He said.
"Yeah I figured that out." I said smiling but looking at the ground.
The second bell rang meaning we can leave. Katelyn dragged me out of the locker room. "Come on we're going to go do something." Katelyn said as she dragged me towards the exit.
"Wait let's stop at my locker." I laughed pulling my arm away from her and taking a few steps back to open my locker. Sure enough there was a note lodged into the door. I opened it.
I rolled my eyes. Real creative Ivy I thought. "What's that." Katelyn asked taking the note from me before I could answer. "Who's this from." She asked furrowing her eyebrows.
"Ivy." I said seeing no reason to keep it from her.
"She's so pathetic. " Katelyn said rolling her eyes and tossing the paper back into my locker.
"Don't tell Garroth." I said.
"Why not." Katelyn asked.
"Um have you met him. He would freak out." I said.
"Yeah ok if that's what you want." Katelyn sighed.
I walked to Katelyn's house with her. We sat in her room on our phones as we listened to Ed Sheeran on the stereo. "You know your boyfriend has baseball practice." Katelyn said.
"Yeah and." I said not taking my eyes off my phone.
"We should go see him." Katelyn said.
"What's the point practice is probably almost over." I said putting my phone down.
"Yeah that's the point. You know they change for practice. Don't you want to see him in something other then the school uniforms. Like a little bit less?" Katelyn joked elbowing me in the side.
"Katelyn ew no." I laughed.
"Well I know that's a lie because I can't think of a girl in the world that wouldn't want to see him shirtless." Katelyn said snapping her fingers.
"Katelyn. You have a boyfriend." I sighed rolling my eyes.
"So what, can't I acknowledge the fact that Garroth has rockin abs." Katelyn said furrowing her eyebrows.
"No one says rockin." I said mocking her.
"Whatever it doesn't matter we are going and I don't care what you say." Katelyn said pulling me up onto my feet. We walked to the park. Of course Garroth was there. Hitting fly balls to the guys. He was wearing one of those tank tops where the arms go down to the bottom of the shirt (Right?). So you could pretty mutch fully see his toned six pack.
"What's up Blondie." Katelyn said stepping on one of the benches and leaning on the fence.
"Hi Katelyn." Garroth sighed without looking at her.
"I captured your girlfriend." Katelyn said leaning her head on her arms. Garroth glanced over at us without moving his head.
"Hey" He said his lips turning into a slight smile.
"Can we leave?" One guy in the field asked.
"Yeah sure. Be free peasant." Garroth joked grabbing his bag which was set down next to him. All of the other guys ran to the bleachers where their stuff was a few of them dramatically collapsed onto the ground.
"They don't work that hard." Garroth said rollIng his eyes as he walked around the gate. "What's up." He asked slipping his arm around my waist. Katelyn shrugged and I hugged his waist.
"We were bored." Katelyn said. We walked the long way back to Katelyn's house. Garroth left as we passed his house.
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