Figured this music would be the perfect theme for Squad Zero, comprised of the first Soul Reapers in existance.
Asgawrath walked down the street of Academy City, slowly nearing the center of the city as the 3 demon Lords followed close behind.
"I never took Mikoto Misaka for a runner." said Asgawrath with a sigh. "How very dissapointing.."
"Ha!!" said Marchosias. "She left the way clear for us though.. We took care of the remainder of their forces so darn easily!! And that Gray Fulbuster!! Demon Slayer my ass!! His attacks didn't even hurt!!"
"That's because Master Asgawrath took care of most of them." said Beleth. "I'm loathe to admit it.. but with our Hell Razer forms inactive, it's best we conserve what energy we have for our fight against Squad Zero.."
"Ahh.." we hav arrived.." said Asgawrath, looking at the large domed building that stood in the center. "That is the memorial they put over the ruins of the Windowless Building to commerate those who died during the Dravis Wars.. a recent edition, funded by Markarov and the Grand Magic Council... how silly.."
"Oh yes.." said a voice. "you have definitely arrived.. or so you think."
Senjumaru Shutara walked out from behind a building.. Multiple masked guards dressed in black traditional ninja-like clothing leapt out of nowhere and stood behind Senjumaru as she gave the Demon Lords a steely cold gaze.
"Now now.." said Senjumaru.. "I can't let you pass here without a proper greeting can I?"
(Music starts! Yay!!)
"Senjumaru.. the Weaving Guard herself.." said Asgawrath with a smile. "Beautiful as always.. and I take it you wove those men out of your own special thread?"
"Drones made of silk?" said Beleth. "Intrigueing.."
"And that's not all!!" Oetsu Nimaiya suddenly flashed into view right next to Senjumaru. On his back, he had the tank of water with the single katana sticking right out of it. "Yo, yo! What do I see!? The Squad Zero has entered the ring!!"
As Oetsu spoke, a massive rumble shook the street and large massive tree-like vines exploded out of the street, ripping through buildings and growing into the sky, until they formed a massive plant cage around the combatants.
"Whaaaaaat is this?" Xaphan breathed.
"Oh!! Just a little something to make sure you don't go anywhere!!"
The fat Kirio Hikufune was sitting on top of a skyscraper nearby. "That is my own specially developed grain you see!! It won't let you out!! Nuhuh!!"
"We'll see about that!!" Marchosias opened his canine jaws and fired off a tremendous beam of darkness at Kirio, intending to hit her through the gaps in the cage.. but suddenly, a vine branched out from the cage and blocked the blast instantly.
"I see.. as expected from the Ruler of Grain." said Beleth. "A living cage that feeds off energy, and seeks to devour any energy that comes near, so it branches out whenever it senses energy, a perfect cage meant to hold even the most powerful god-like enemies.."
Beleth drew his spear, an endless pool of blood drizzling down from the spear point. "Very well.. Master.. allow me to take care of the Sword God and Weaving Guard!"
"THAT AIN'T YOUR CALL PUNK!!!" Out of the sky, the Hot Spring Demon himself. Tenjiro Kirinji flew down, followed by a massive wave of tremendous steaming water trailing down from a massive boat paddle he was holding in his hand.
"BURN AWAY!!!" Tenjiro roared, waving his boat paddle and letting the massive tidal wave of steaming water raged over the Demon Lords..
Beleth and Marchosias both moved in front of Asgawrath.
As a massive silvery wolf made of a darkening light erupted from Marchosias, ripping into the water and tearing the steaming pool apart as a tremendous shield of blood formed over Beleth and Asgawrath like a shield..
But the water suddenly twisted around Marchosias's attack, as flowing at a controlled rate as Tenjiro waved his paddle around.. the water crashed into the blood shield.. and it burned and evaporated into nothing, completely crashing into Beleth.
Beleth roared in tremendous shrieking pain before blitzing out of the water and into the air.. half his body had been burned away, so that his right arm was gone.
"My hotspring burns away what I choose Demon Lord!" Tenjiro growled. "You demons can try and fight it all ya like!! But I.. Tenjiro the Hotspring Demon ain't gonna give ya chance to even play!!!"
"WHY YOU!!!" Marchosias roared and dashed at Tenjiro.. only to suddenly find Senjumaru's silk guard charging him from all directions.. all of them holding strange hooked swords and other weapons..
Marchosias slashed his claws and wings through the guards, ripping them into shreds.. and turning them back into silk.. but no sooner had he done that though, when Senjumaru's skeletal extra hands grew out of her back with needles and thread and weaving up more soldiers at top speed, forming extra guards out of thread..
The guards drew their weapons charged Marchosias at top speed, relentlessly attacking with speed to outdo that of the fastest Captain of Soul Society, Soi Fon herself.
As Marchosias ripped through the silk guards.. Tenjiro flashed forward and slapped his massive paddle straight into Marchosias's jaw. "DOWN DOGGIE!!!"
Marchosais roared as he reared back.. and the Silk Guards slashed their weapons into his hide.
"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US!!" Beleth launched himself at Tenjiro.. slicing apart Silk Guards with ease with his spear as his body parts and armor grew back in a regenerative shift.
Tenjiro blocked the spear and the Demon Lord and Squad Zero member exchanged some quick heavy blows.. shockwaves raging from each connected blow...
As this happened Xaphan lumbered forward, surrounding his body in dark wind. "WINDS OF THE RAGING CYCLONE EMPEROR!!!"
Xaphan exhaled a tremendous black cyclone at Senjumaru.. Senjumaru flashed out of the way, and drew a long sword-like needle from in her Kimono. "My my.. such foul winds to extinguish!!"
Senjumaru flashed in and out of view.. and before Xaphan knew it.. he was wearing what appeared to be some strange kimnono over his large body.
"Those who wear clothing made by me.. will always feel the sting of this needle.." said Senjumaru, stabbing the needle straight through Xaphan's chest..
There was a shockwave.. And Xaphan coughed up black blood as he was thrown into the ground by the force of the needle alone..
"THAT'S RIGH!! BURN EM ALL!!!" Tenjiro knocked Beleth away and leapt into the air, spinnng his paddle around like a propeller, causing steaming hotspring water to swirl up around him like a whirling cyclone before crashing down at Marchosias, who was still fighting the Silk Guard and Xaphan as well.
"DAMN YOU!!!" Beleth thrust a hand into the air.. and giant towers made of dried and hardened blood exploded over Xaphan and Marchosias, protecting them as the boiling water rammed against them.. but soon the blood began to disintegrate.
"Ha!!" Tenjiro scowled at Beleth. "They call you the General of Legions!? Beleth!? Well ya ain't worth snot to Squad Zero!! I'll take ya on!! Then I'll burn away Asgawrath myself!!"
"Don't be so arrogant to assume that just because we have our Hell Razer forms sealed, that we still aren't powerful enough to fight against the most powerful Soul Reapers in existance.." said Beleth. "RISE!! MY FELLOW DEMON LORDS!!!"
The blood towers exploded and Xaphan and Marchosias rose into the air to join Beleth, avoidiing the hotspring flood.. in the background, Asgawrath sat on a throne of darkness, hovering in mid air.. merely watching with interest and amusement.
"We are already close enough.." said Beleth. "We'll break this prison set by the ruler of Grain and reach the Source in no time!"
"I'm afraid that's actually quite a mistaken statement.." said Senjumaru. She waved a hand.. and all of a sudden, the dome building.. in fact.. the entire enviroment shifted as if the space itself were woven fabric.. in fact.. it was woven fabric.
The highly realistic tapestry that had looked exactly like the center of Academy City fell away to reveal that the center of Academy City was actually miles away still...
"This.. this was all an illusion woven by the silk of Senjumaru!?" Beleth exclaimed.
"Why of course.." said Senjumaru as her silk guards stood at attention behind her. "So Asgawrath, Did you not think we wouldn't predict this? You face the power of Squad Zero now.. and there's nowhere to run.."
"Oh?" said Asgawrath with a little chuckle. "Interesting.."
Far away, sitting on top of the memorial at the center of Academy City, was Ichibei.. stroking his black beard cassually as he watched the fight from afar. "Hmmm.. so what is your move now? Asgawrath?"
"I tire of these annoyances!!" Beleth growled. "Xaphan.. you have my permission to destroy this Squad Zero!! Show them the Winds of Hell!!"
"Yeeeeesssss!!!" Xaphan landed on the street with an earthshattering boom, his scaley hide convulsing with power as a tremendous wind began to swirl around him.. lifting buildings off their foundations and trowing them into teh sky. "HELL LORD'S WIND TUNNEL!!!!"
A massive cyclone with enough devestation to reduce anything into a rag doll exploded down the street towards the combatants...
"Oh well.." said Oetsu with a small smile as he set down his tank of water. "Time for me to get serious yo!! Gonna cut em up and bleed em dry!!"
Oetsu drew the katana from the tank and jumped forward, slicing his blade downwards at the windstorm..
Suddenly, in one amazing stroke, the cyclone split in half right down the middle as if cut apart by a giant knife of the sharpest blade imaginable.
"Whaaaaaatttt? None has paaarried that strike!" Xaphan breathed.
"That's because what you see here ain't a sword by definition!" said Oetsu. "This baby here is a Sayafushi.. see, it's so sharp, that wind.. blood, water, air, everything slides off it instantly.. ordinary mortals can probably cut themselves just by looking at it.. because of this.. no sheathe can hold it. And by that, it violates the definition of a sword, and I couldn't have something like that going out into the market now can I? So this Sayafushi is the only one of it's kind I've ever forged!! Get your ears open daddy-o.. cause things are about to turn SHARP!!!"
Oetsu flashed forward, suddenly appearing right Xaphan.. his incredible flash step being completely impossible to read, his sword out to his side.
For a moment, Xaphan just stood there.. then the top of his body slid off his bottom half like a top heavy cleanly cut ham... and the two halves of the giant wind monster's body lay there.. bleeding out as Xaphan coughed and sputtered, still alive thanks to his nature as a Demon Lord.
"I-IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Beleth roared.. the sky grew dark with his and Marchosias's power, and the two Demon Lords charged down
An incredible power charged from Beleth's spear and Marchosias's jaws, causing the entire island of Japan to shake in a massive earthquake as their blows collided with Oetsu.
Oetsu' coughed up blood as two tremendous bloody wounds splattered out, and he fell back, blood dripping from his mouth.. but just as soon as he had recieved the wound.. an incredible wave of hotspring water surged up at Tenjiro's command..
The water surged over Oetsu.. and when the waves cleared, Oetsu was standing there still with a grin on his face. "HEYO!! Daddy-O!! You actually took me by surprise there!!"
"H-How!?" said Marchosias.
"Ain't it an obvious trick yo!?" said Oetsu. "That sizzling hot spring of Tenjiro's got a nasty bite to it when fighting enemies.. but when it makes contact with allies, it instantly replenishes blood and heals all wounds in a jiffy!! You ain't gonna take out this ol' polecat without another trick!! If ya get my meaning!!"
Oetsu suddenly dissapeared using his Flash Step to to slice his sword through both Marchosias and Beleth instantly, cutting them apart..and leaving them to disintegrate back into the Netherworld.. along with Xaphan..
"A sword this sharp.. no matter how much more powerful you are, is an instant kill to any." said Oetsu. "Got that? It's all about the right tool for the right job.. I'll give my thanks to Mavis later.. if it weren't for her sealing away your Hell Razer forms and weakening you before, no way our little abode here would have stood a chance!!"
Oetsu grinned at Asgawrath. "Well well Asgadude! You're out of Demon Lord generals!!! Care to join Squad Zero in a little dance to the death?"
"I'm always up for a little dancing I guess." said Asgawrath with a shrug, letting his throne dissapear and landing lightly in front of Oetsu.
"Heh!!" I'll kill ya myself!!" Tenjiro growled raising his boat paddle as it began to glow. "Flash from the Illuminating Heavens!! KINPIKA!!!"
Tenjiro's Zanpakuto, the rowboat paddle gleamed with brilliant light as the paddle end turned into a small short blade on the end of the long rowboat pole. "Time to go back to the Nether World ya stupid ant!! Asgawrath!!!"
Tenjiro slashed his blade down at Asgawrath, the blade itself surrounded in massive waves of hotspring water..
Asgawrath merely smiled though.. as his body seemed to shift through dimensions, and he bypassed Tenjiro's blow completely, reappearing behing the surprised Hotspring Demon.
"Do not seek to impress me with words.. but instead.. do so with actions." said Asgawrath as he filled his palm with dark energy and slammed it down into Tenjiro's back.
A massive crater filled the street from end to end... as the island of Japan once more shook with an unrivaled power.
Tenjiro groaned, then he stopped moving..
"Well?" said Asgawrath with a humorless smile. "Whose next? Members of the Royal Guard..."
Suddenly, right above Asgawrath, the fat Kirio appeared, leaping off from where she sat coming straight through her vine cage and flying down at Asgawrath, wielding a large wooden Wok Chuan (a kind of spatula) in her hands.. while massive wooden branches grew from her feet out of the Cage of Life she had created. She slammed the Wok Chuan down at Asgawrath.
Asgawrath raised a forearm and blocked the spatula as it slammed down.. "Hmm? an interesting weapon choice..
Suddenly wooden branches began to grow from the wooden spatula.. wrapping around Asgawrath's arms and legs as well as growing out of the ground.
"Oh?" said Asgawrath. "So this is the Tree of Life that is signature to you Kirio Hikifune.."
"Oh dear!! you look so starved.. but I'll be silly if I lend you any of my food!" said Kirio, still smiling in her happy bhudda way..
There was the flash of quickly sewing needles from Senjumaru and in an instant there was a large wrapping of thick tapestry fabrick wrapped around Asgawrath like a cocoon, parts of the fabric stretching out to connect themselves to the Life Cage, letting branches cling on to it.
"Now.. you cannot escape." said Senjumaru. "Oetsu.. if you would."
"Don't even need to ask dear!" said Oetsu with a grin. In a flash he had slashed his Sayafushi straight through the cocoon of fabric.. slicing it clean in half...
"We got him.." said Oetsu.
"Oh.. sorry, was that blade intended to cut me?"
Senjumaru, Kirio and Oetsu stared in stunned astonishment as they looked behind them and spotted Asgawrath walking down the street towards them. "I didn't feel a thing.."
"Dang.. I didn't even see him escape Senjamaru and Kirio's ultra trap combo!" said Oetsu with a whistle. "That's just God of Darkness for ya I guess.."
"Truthfully, I am still rising to 40 percent power." said Asgawrath. "But I would be happy to play with you little ants for a little while longer."
Asgawrath put up a hand and beckoned at the three combatants..
Kirio and Oetsu both charged as Senjumaru began weaving more silk guards at top speed, letting them charge Asgawrath from all ends..
Asgawrath dodged and sidestepped every blow from his foes.. taking especial care not to have any part of him touch the impossibly sharp Sayafushi.
Asgawrath then punched a fist into the ground, creating a black shockwave of epic proportions, creating an energy that was impossible for Kirio's cage to eat.. turning the cage to cinders.
"Looks like I was never truly trapped to begin with.." said Asgawrath. "Not a big surprise of course. I like to play with my food, but even though my Demon Lords had been extensively weakened from their fight, I have to commemorate how powerful you truly are Squad Zero.. your reputation for being on a level that almost equals that of Numensapiens truly was well earned."
Oetsu laughed shakily from where he lay near his winded comrades. "Heheheheh.. ya don't get it Asgadude.. when we fought.. we already knew we couldn't beat you.. not with your power steadily going up like that.. but we fought.. fought to make way for the one who'll really beat ya!"
"Hmmm.. I sure hope that whoever it is.. you don't say Mikoto Misaka.. because I do believe her power is nothing compared even to me at 5 percent." said Asgawrath with a chuckle.
Asgawrath stared down to the center of Academy City miles away, his eyes meeting those of Ichibei Hyosube.. the leader and strongest of Squad Zero.
"Now there's just one more to take care of.."
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