9. The devil in my life

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Chapter 8

"Great. Perhaps you'll be single handedly winning a soul to Christ. Think about it." The bishop smiled and I was the only one who smiled back.

Though I couldn't hear it cleared but I can swear, Cory cursed before walking out of the office.

Well don't be too hard on your self pretty boy, you just have bend my demand and I'll let you off the hook. We won't have to go over the long process of some Bible course together.

That's the plan anyways. To slowly trap him during the course of the personal studies with him till he'll no longer resist me. Like every other men, he'll be the one lusting over me.

We'll enjoy every moment together while it last and then I fuck out of his life. I'm one smart bitch aren't I?

Cory's POV

Indeed they say no sleep for the wicked. Maybe this is my way of punishment for attempting a club for the first time in my life. I was having my peaceful nap when i got called by the bishop. I rarely get calls from bishop except it's crucial matter and From the moment I got in and met that...that devilness I swear my heart went lag.

I thought she already made good of her threats but even though I was relieved that she didn't, the package that she unsealed was a bombshell.

How the hell do I get to cope with a female devil for what? Bible courses?

Tsk! Only a fool wouldn't know that she got other plans but the worst part of it is that she's got her paws on me... I can't make a decision of my own or she'll get me exposed.

Right now I was somewhere at the parish's play ground, watching kids play around if that will get my mind off her for a while but as the devil that she is, I suddenly heard her voice beside me.

"Hello father.." twirling round, i turned to meet her conceited smile plastered on her face. I scan her with my eyes and that's when I took note of how decent she was groomed. Wow such a talented con-artist. A bloody camelon.

"Jezxz I've been looking all over the place for you" she whined. "Anyways I came here for us to schedule out the time, days and venues we will be meeting for our you know?" She winked and made to touch me but I stepped back, making her hand slide down.

"I don't know what dirty game you playing but let me clear you out. I'm an ordianed priest, there's nothing you'll do that will get me in bed with you and toiling with me means toiling with the lord and trust me the consequences of it wouldn't be nice so for your own good back out why it's still early" every word I spat were laced with a strange venom.

"Seriously? How could you doubt my intentions already without trying me out? It's only mean you are more dirty minded than I thought you were and besides, shouldn't you be judging yourself before judge another sinner.

You are the wolf clothing yourself in the garment of sheep. Parading as a symbol of holiness by day but at nights you dine with the devils themselves..." she paused and then move closer to me, stopping just while our nose where few inches apart "you know like I said your darkest secrets is save with me. Perhaps we all have guilty pleasures. But I don't get is why you treating me like something forbidden and trust me you are making an error here cause I can do stuffs to you that..."

I cut her off as she was trying to kiss me right here in public. Admit she pulled me in trance when her sultry breath penetrated my face, for a while I was in shut down mode but retrieve my senses in time when her lips touch mine. Pulling her away I spat

"Indeed you need an ounce of the lord in your life. Maybe that will make you appreciate your self dignity and pride woman."

"It's ivory" she spat.
Who cares?

"Tommrow, 12pm. Here at the parish" I gave her the time and venue she asked for the Bible course and I was about turning when she spoke


"Father Cory, your attention is needed in the church" a tiny voice spoke and we both turn to meet a nun, her head bowed.

I was about speaking when ivory spoke instead "excuse me are you so dense?" She directed to the nun whom at first was confused. "What gave you the tremerity to obstruct me when I'm talking huh?"

"I beg your pardon?" The nun spatted in same energy.

"Oh so you still have mouth to talk? Do you know who I am...?" She raised her hand to slapped the nun but held it mid air.

Wow I see she isn't only brazen but she have no manners at all. No ounce of respect for God is the height of mannerliness.

I've never hated anyone but with her ugly behavior she's giving me a reason to.
I glared at her blue eyes which was flaming red, for a while and without saying a word, I jerked down her hand.

"Let's go" I followed the nun ignoring her rantings from behind.

What's that girl?

The journey to the church arena was quite long but well needed. Moments ago I was boiling hot inside covers as the venomous paws of that female devil were still imprinted all over me but each step I took on the long walk surrendered me to the serenity and calmness of the holy atmosphere.

I was at the balcony getting to the threshold of the church when voices struck my ears. I'd intended to just ignore but at the mention  of poison and something incoherent about father lane, I deemed it fit to intrude.

Perhaps today was all about father lane and aside from the fact that in few hours from now, his  wake will begin, we are still investigating the course of his mysterious death so every information counts.

Hence trailing the directions of the voices I was now at the door step of of father lane,s office.

"If you the only person responsible for serving father lane's dishes don't know how he got poisoned then who did?" I heard that clearly while I was standing at the door.

"Father Emma,  I'm really as confused as you are. I don't know a thing about him getting poisoned. I didn't poison him. I mean even though I've plotted to kill him I wouldn't do it through food poisoning cause that'll mean me implicating myself cause I'm the only one who cooks for him. Besides  I've no reason to kill him when he've done nothing wrong to me"
Silence reigned for a while and then a sigh follows.

"Right. I've heard from your end. You can leave for now." Father Emma said and footsteps followed.

The door was opened and lady Teresa, father lane's cook came to view. At the sight of me, she cordially greeted me and I responded before she left.
Now father Emma came to view.

"Father Cory?" A confuse frown was stamped on Emma's face as he gradually approached me at the door step.

"I overheard your conversations regarding the mysterious death of father lane. Mind filling me in?" I asked. He nods and sighed then  proceeded to tell me how the doctor's report proved that father lane died from food poisoning.

A deep sense of shock held me Rigid for a while.

"But you know that's not the point." Father Emma voice brought me to life "Why will anyone think of murdering father lane. He was such a nice man."

I didn't say a word rather I let my brain take all the informations, process it and my mind traveling back to that day father lane died, only one person called to mind—the devilness-Ivory.

No one else may know this cause of how perfect a Camelon  she is but she was the only intruder that day and with a cherry on top, I vividly remember her entering father lane's office. What if I ain't the real reason she came that day what if she'd another mission and Happen to meet me out of con-incidence?

However these were just pesumptions. I didn't say a word of my suspicion to father Emma cause it wasn't fact-checked. instead I walked together with father Emma to meet a mourning crowd in the church.
Solemn music filled the whole church, father lane photograph was on the Alter.

And Oh shoot!! it dawn on me that i was to take father lane wakes sermon and was   completely caught unguarded when it was announced.

Handling mass isn't a difficult task but with the thoughts of ivory clouding my head, from how she's connected to father lane's death and especially how I am gonna deal with her till god knows when

I kept making nameless mistake while giving out the sermon to the church. I unconsciously repeated sentences at intervals and I knew I was going to get a judicial counseling.

This was me who had always been eloquent in speaking but now I just couldn't know what I was saying and thanks to that devil that suddenly popped up in my life.

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