Chapter: 22

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3 Weeks Later...

       I could almost see the sun rise as it gradually reaches higher for the sky. I could now feel the sun rays on my cheeks and the light shining on my eyelids making it unbearable that I have to look the other way. It is another day in bipolar Florida, yesterday was freezing cold and now it's warm enough to just wear a long sleeve shirt.

        This week is the last week that I will get to spend with my parents. I've already signed up for classes for next semester, and I can't believe how the month has already gone by. It's Christmas morning and I've got the perfect gift for everyone. This year's theme is still celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, but knowing that everything belongs to God and because it is all his we are going to bless others as he has given to us. Without his son's birth there would be no resurrection, and no one to forgive us for our sins.

  I get up from bed feeling like a little kid on Christmas day. I was excited about this year, just to be around friends and family … And experience love.

    I washed up and headed down stairs, and as I did so I could hear Joy to The World playing on my dad’s old radio. The first people I see are my dad holding Israel and Aunt Angie’s boyfriend Allen.  

“Merry Christmas!” My father says joyfully, as he bounces Israel up and down, playfully.  

“Merry Christmas.” I say coming to give him a kiss on the cheeks. I sit next to him on the sofa and my Aunt and my mother come out with cups of hot chocolate.  

“Morning, Hon.” My mother says grinning at me.  

“Morning.” I say returning a smile.

“Ooh someone's in love.” Says Allen chuckling along side with Aunt Angie.  

“What are you talking about?” I say questioningly.  

“Common, you don’t think we know.” My mother says eyeing me obviously, as she hands everyone a cup of hot chocolate.  

“Know what?” I say asking them all, even though deep in down, I know where this is heading.

“Ever since Caden confessed his love for you, it’s like you're a new person.” My Aunt says.

I looked at her blankly and then my mother elaborated.  

“I’m telling you Kaysly, everything that you do or I say to you there is always a smile on your face, no matter what's going on around you.”  

“I’m happy to be around my family.” I say, even though I think she might be right.

“You weren’t like this before.” My father says, than taking a sip out of his hot chocolate as everyone else moans in agreement.  

“We’re happy for you Kay; he seems greatly transformed in a good way.” Allen says

“And he’s handsome!” my Aunt exclaims.  

Caden’s POV

       I enrolled in some classes at my local community college, I had enough money to pay for the class and purchase some textbooks. I was able to pay for the damage when I got into a car accident and my car flipped over, I was able to get my car insurance company to cover it, but I had to pay a few things out of pocket.  

       I’m going to meet with my realtor this evening to move in at my new place that I’m paying for every month. I still plan on working at the home until I am able to find another job.

 After spending the morning helping giving out giving gifts to the kids at the home, afterwards I said bye to them before I left, and started getting packed.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door and I opened it, it was Jonathan and his wife Carrie.

“Hey, how’s it going?” He said in elatedly and stepping inside with his wife as I gave way in.

“Uh, pretty good.” I say. I wondered what was going on by their faces that looked as if they were going to burst and couldn’t hold in their excitement any longer.

“Well before you left we decided that we wanted to give you gift before you left.” Carrie says thoughtfully. I was expecting anything, but it was very kind of them to do so, even though we weren’t all that close.

“I hope it isn’t too much, we just want to help.” She hands me an envelope and I immediately rip it open.

It was my pay check, with 100 dollar raise. I look up at them astonished it was more than I deserved and unnecessary.

“This is more than thoughtful--“

“And you were more than helpful.” Carrie says cutting me off.

They both dismiss themselves and Jonathan gives me a slap on the arm, the kind that you give to a teammate when they helped the team win.

I look at the check again in shock, when Jonathan sticks his head through the door.

“Hey, we forgot to tell you that your mothers here to see you.” He says. It’s a few weeks since I last spoke to my mother, and she’s probably here again to tell me how much she misses me like she usually does.

I walk out of my room to meet her in the guest living room. I stand at the entrance and she isn’t cry like she was when she last visited but by the look on her face she is sad.

“Hey, mom.” I say coming to sit next to next on the sofa.

“Hello, Caden.” She gives me a hug and I embrace her back.

“So I heard your moving …” She says trailing off.

“Yeah, I’m thinking about getting a place and enrolling in some classes.” I say.

“Thanks great … I was hoping that maybe you could change some of your plans …” She looked deep into my eyes and I knew something was wrong, that she wasn’t telling me something.

“Change plans, what do you mean?” I ask.

“I and your father got divorced.” She says looking up at me with weary eyes.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I say, even though I wanted to tell her ‘I told you so.’

“I was hoping you would come home.” She said putting a worn out smile on her face.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that mom. I need to be on my own now and so do you.” I say.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and returned back to my room to finish packing.

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