Chapter 8

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Ahkmenrah's POV

After hearing those words fall from Henry's mouth, my heart dropped and stopped it's beating once more for a few seconds. Everything around me was a blur and I couldn't help but feel faint just from those words. I didn't even register my body moving on its own towards Ace's exhibit.

I ran through the doors to find all of Ace's crew sat looking upset in front of Ace who looked so peaceful just laid there in front of them. I rushed over to him through the gap his crew had left between them all which made them split in half. Once I reached him, my body finally gave into the weakness it felt and collapsed onto my knees next to him.

I gently put my hands on either side of his face and turned his face towards me, I closed my eyes and rested my head against his. I moved back slightly to look at him properly and saw tear streeks on his cheeks which made me confused until I realised they weren't from him, they were from me. I hadn't even realised I had started crying.

This made more tears flow heavily from my eyes when I focused back on Ace, I moved from kneeling over him to sitting next to him and bringing him close to me gently so he was facing me still but his head rested against my chest. I let my head rest against the top of his and I played with his fluffy brown hair. As I sat here holding him closely, I couldnt help but think back to when we first met.

~Start of flashback~

As the Prince of Egypt I couldnt go anywhere without guards following me and watching my every move. But today, I decided I wanted to see the Ocean. Having only ever traveled on it once when I was but a little boy, I was absolutely fascinated with it. I loved reading about what was in the ocean and more importanly who sailed on it, Pirates where my favourite to read about. The one I liked most was the one about the youngest pirate captain out there, it was a story that had been written when I was about 10, now I'm 16 and more and more stories about the famous Ace Ryker have been written and I may or may not have developed a slight liking of him and not the sort of liking a male prince like myself should have of another male.

I snapped out of my day dreaming and realised that I had somehow lost the four guards that were supposed to be looking after me. So much for being protected. Upon realising I was alone, I began to panic slightly due to never being here without guards. I'm not blind to what some people do in our kingdom and it disgusts me that they can get away with it.

I was knocked out of my daydreams again when I was harshly pushed into an allyway by someone. I turned around still on the floor to see a much older man glaring down at me with nothing but pure hatred in his eyes, I was confused until I saw the dagger in his right hand. Fear shot through my entire body and I regretted even coming out today.

I tried to get up so I could run but the man was much quicker than I was and much stonger. I tried my hardest to push him off as I saw him lift the blade above his head with a crazed angry look in his eyes.

"Maybe this will teach the Royal Family to treat us commoners better!" He whispered through gritted teeth at me, tears pricked the corners of my eyes as I closed them knowing I couldn't escape this and had to accept my fate. I always thought that if I was to die young that my last thoughts would be about my family, I knew my Mother and Father would be devasted and although my Brother would have been happy as I wouldn't be in his way to the throne now, it wasn't them I thought about right now.

To my surprise it was Ace Ryker, the youngest pirate captain in the world. I wish I was as brave and strong as he is, I wish I could be writen about for things I've done myself not just because I was some boring royal prince that died at the hands of his people. More importantly I wish I could have met him before I died. Although accepting my fate, my body refused to give up fighting the man off which ended up with him cutting a long gash right up my left arm which made me hiss in pain.

All of a sudden the weight of the man was roughly pulled off of me, I watched through slight tears as the man now cowered under the gaze of a boy that looked about my age with a black and red outfit and coat on, a black tricorn hat with a white feather pinned onto it, and a hook hanging from his belt. Even through my blurry eyesight I could tell that this boy was none other than Ace Ryker, how embarassing to meet him in such a situation as this after wanting to meet him for years.

"Now, what do we have here?" He asked the man in a thick scottish accent that I've always wanted to hear. His smirk was the scariest yet hottest think i've ever seen.

"N-Nothing! It's none o-of your god damn business boy!" The man exclaimed with much fear in his voice. "You'll scare t-the Prince! Let me go!" I couldnt believe how he thought to say that when he was just about to kill me. Ace chuckled and looked over at me.

"Scare him? No. You see I'd rather scare you and well, thats my specialty" He replied back his voice highering in pitch slightly at first almost to mock the man and then lowering his voice back down and sent a wink my way which made me blush hard despite the situation. "You see, that boy right there that you just tried to kill is Prince Ahmenrah and he's under my protection." I could tell Ace was angry now, a lot angrier then that man had been. Wait, he knows my name? Oh my Ra! Wait of course he knows who I am, I'm the Prince,  but still I'm happy he knows who I am. Wait, did he just say I'm under his protection?

"Come now Little Bird, lets get you to my ship and fix you up." I felt myself being picked up and held close, almost protective like. I couldn't help but move closer to the warmth that emitted from him, I felt myself slowly losing consciousness due to the loss of blood but not before feeling something being placed over my head either to shield me from the sun or from others around but that didn't matter to me right now. I hadn't even heard the sound of a blade being drawn then put away or the sound of gurgling as he made his way out of the alleyway.

~End of flashback~

I remember that day like the back of my hand, without realising I had been letting out quiet sobs whilst thinking about that day. It was the first time I felt true fear but also the first time I felt true safety. I lifted my head to look at Henry and saw him, Larry, Nicky, Teddy, Sacagawea, Jedediah, Octavious and Attila all talking to each other whilst glancing at me and Ace.

"Why won't he wake up..?" I whispered out quietly. "I've only just got him back, I don't want to loose him again already." Henry looked at me and sighed, he then took something from Nicky and I recognised them right away, it was Ace's magical sword and amulet. He walked over to where I was sat and kneeled down on the other side of Ace, out of instinct I pulled him closer to me and wrapped my arms around him tighter whilst sending a small glare to him. I quickly stopped when I realised what I had done.

"I apologise, I dont know what came over me." I however didn't release my grip.

"It's quite alright ye Majesty but I am gonna have to ask ye to lay him down so then I can see if this will work." He told me whilst gesturing to Ace and his two magical possessions, I reluctantly laid him back down but kept hold of one of his hands tightly just to keep myself grounded and to reasure myself he was still here.

"Gods, I hope this works..." Henry whispered to himself but I heard him loud and clear. He laid the sword onto his stomach and chest then moved Ace's hand, that I wasn't holding, onto the handle of the sword and curled his hand around it, he then lifted his head up gently and slipped his amulet onto his neck. He sat up properly and hovered a hand above the amulet then looked up at me.

"You might wanna to take a step back, ye Majesty." He said to me, I really didn't want to but I didn't have a clue on what might happen and I trusted Henry. I kissed Ace's hand then his forehead then his cheek and finally his lips, I stroked his hair out of his face gently and leant down.

"Come back to me, My Love." I whisperd into his ear and kissed his cheek one more time before standing up and moving away to stand with the others. Sacagawea and Teddy moved to stand next to me as Henry closed his eyes.

"Dùisg, a Chaiptein. Feuch an dùisg thu." He whispered and then quickly moved to stand with us away from Ace. Everyone stood still watching silently waiting and hoping for something to happen. All of a sudden he started to shake violently making my eyes widen and try to reach for him but I was grabbed by Teddy and Sacagawea tightly and held in between them forced to watch as his body uncontrollably shook. The tears that had once stopped now poured down my face again but much heavier this time and sobs escaped my throat as I was forced unwillingly to let him go through whatever this was alone, I could not hold him and reasure him I was here. I could not make sure he would not hurt himself.

All of a sudden he stopped moving completely which made me even more worried as I couldn't even see his chest move up and down anymore, I finally found the strength to pull myself away from Teddy and Sacagawea and rushed over to Ace. I couldn't even bring myself to touch him incase he disappeared from my sight.

"What have you done...?" I quietly whispered feeling rage bubble deep inside me but the sadness was just as powerful and overbearing as my anger was that my feelings were conflicted with each other, like my brain couldn't pick between the two emotions.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" I finally put my hands on Ace's face and turned to look at Henry, I had no clue what he had done or said. I didn't mean to shout at him but I couldn't help it, the pain and anger that had finally taken over completely fueled me and I couldn't control my breathing or the way my body shook with sobs.

I looked back down at Ace and closed my eyes trying to get my bearings back in line when all of a sudden a loud gasp for breath was heard throughout the quiet room making me open my eyes only to be looking back into beautiful crystal like blue eyes.

Language Keys:

"Dùisg, a Chaiptein. Feuch an dùisg thu" - "Wake up, Captain. Please wake up" in Scottish Gaelic.

A/N: Well then.. hello again everybody. Been a long time hasn't it. I really do apologize for not updating in so long, I completely forgot about this book at first until I saw all of your comments asking when I was next updating and I decided to come back to this book however I had been planning for this chapter to come out ages ago but I just couldnt get any energy or inspiration again to start writing, after all that time I had forgotten where I was initially going with this book which also put me off updating then I saw more comments again and finally got writing, this chapter took me quite literaly hours to write however as I was trying to refigure out the plot.

Saying that, I don't actually know whether I like how this chapter turned out so please let me know. I'm also not to sure on how I did with Ahkmenrah's feelings and how he reacted, I wanted to make it angsty and I've never written angst before but I feel I also made him too out of character but I also wanted it to feel like true heartbreak and confusion for him.

I don't know how many people will read this anymore but I do hope to see some familiar accounts commenting or voting, I know people have been looking at this recently as people have been adding it to their reading lists and some people have commented recently as well.

Can anyone recognise all the references? If you can regonise some, let me know in the comments. I'll give you a clue on how many there is, theres five(5) in total.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this even if I don't know whether I like it or not. Please let me know kindly if there is any spelling mistakes or anything as I haven't slept since yesterday so I've been up all of last night and all of today and most of it was spent trying to do this chapter.

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