Chapter 4

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating for a little while. I've been busy and haven't had time to upload. This chapter is only a filler and is going to be really short so I apologize in advance.

I hope to get a proper chapter out as soon as possible, I hope y'all can be patient with me.


Ace's POV

I walked back down off my ship with my head down slightly making my hat cover my eyes, glaring at the door to my exhibit. I noticed that all my crew members had been untied by Larry, Nicky and Ahk.

Larry, Nicky and Ahk looked at me as I walked past them all silently and over to my crew.

"Love?" Ahk asked cautiously.

"Captain?" Henry asked confused at the same time as Ahk.

"They took them.." I said quietly finally looking up at Henry.

"What!? We have to get it back, Captain!" Henry told me as my crew all agreed. I looked over at Larry, Nicky and Ahk as they looked at me confused.

"What are you talking about?" Larry asked.

"Me Pendant and Sword are gone, Larry.." I told him.

"Wait, they ones Cecil said was.. magic?" He asked even more confused.

"Aye" I replied quickly before starting to walk towards the door to my exhibit. "Come, were going to get them back one way or another" I said as my crew started following but before I could reach the door I heard jingling next to me and before I knew it Ahk stood in front of me with his hands on my chest as he looked into my eyes.

"My love, please, think about this. If you go out there and confront them they could hurt you" Ahk told me as he looked at me with pleading eyes. "Please Ace, I don't want you hurt. Plus You already have a bruise on your jaw which I'm guessing is from all the ruckus I heard before you let me free. I've only just got you back I don't want to lose you again." He put his right hand on my cheek and leaned in but stopped when our lips where slightly touching.

"What would I do without you beside me?" I whispered to him before closing the gap between us whilst putting my hands on his waist. I slowly felt myself come back to reality as we kissed, he always knows how to calm me down.

I smiled at him lovingly as we pulled away from each other, I slid my hands down a little to his hips and squeezed his hips gently. He blushed and hid his face in my chest so the others couldn't see him, I chuckled at his reaction and let go of his hips to lift his head up by his chin. I pecked him on the lips gently before turning around to face my crew.

"Captain, are we getting then back?" One of my crew members, Jimmy, asked.

"Of course we are, ye scallywags!" I said smiling as I felt Ahk put one of his hands and his head on my chest. "Larry!" Larry jumped at the mention of his name which made some of my crew members chuckle.

"Y-Yeah Ace?" Larry asked.

"What are ye waiting for? Ye gonna need some help with those night guards lad" I told him, he looked like he was thinking for a few seconds before we heard fighting coming from the main room.

"Come on Larry, I think we've found the help ye need" I told him as I smirked and took a hold of Ahk's hand, I kissed his knuckles softly before leading him out the door of my exhibit to the main room.

"Yeah, we're coming" Larry said as him, Nicky and my crew followed behind me and Ahk.

"Ye about to see a lot of the museum in one night, Darlin" I said to Ahk as he hooked our arms together so we could walk arm in arm together.

"As long as I'm with you I'll be okay, my love" He said before leaning his head on my arm.

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