Chapter 4: Finally The Host Club

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"You better come to the club today!" Kaoru says.

"Where's your other half?"  I ask him looking around for Hikaru.

"Alas, he's sick." Kaoru says and I tilt my head.

"Flu?" I ask and he nods. "Poor thing. But yeah I am free today so I can come to the host club."

"Good the pres kept growing mushrooms yesterday when we told him you couldn't come."

"Um growing mushrooms?" I ask.

"Oh yeah you'll get it when you've been with the host club for awhile."

"I have no interest in joining you all. I'm just kinda curious as to why you're so hellbent on getting me there." I reply.

"Well the pres was curious about what you said when you stormed out. You know Tempest really is a good name for you. You're a storm." Kaoru says getting close to my face. I shove him back a little.

"Um honey I have this space it's called a personal bubble. Please don't get that close to me again." I say drawing a circle around my body to show him what I mean.

"That's my style though." Kaoru says pouting.

"You mean Hikaru's style. You're more of a mischievous go along." I reply.

"I am not!" Karou exclaims and I snicker a little.

"You so are."

"Ne-chan!" I hear Hiroki say. I look behind me to see all three of my little siblings.

"What's up guys?" I ask curiously.

"Askari and Akita told us to tell you to join a club or something after school. We only came now because someone forgot this morning." Jas says looking pointedly at Andrea. Andrea hides behind Hiroki.

"Well I'm sorry I'm human!" She exclaims guiltily.

"Who are these kids?" Kaoru asks as Haruhi shows up behind him carrying a couple huge paper bags.

"These kids, are my little brother and my little sisters." I reply taking one of the bags from Haruhi.

"Thank you Dyon-kun." Haruhi says sounding relieved.

"Also here's your lunch Ne-chan." Andrea says handing me a bento.

"Oh thank you Andy! I totally forgot that this morning! Alright you three, this Haruhi and Kaoru. These three names' are Andrea, Hiroki, and Jas." I say and everybody says hi. "Alright, thanks you three. Tell Askari and Akita that I will. I'll start trying to find one today." The three nod and run off to play at their building. I smile seeing that Hiroki's smiling and laughing just as much as his sister.

"You don't look very alike." Haruhi says as we walk.

"Well, Andrea and Hiroki are my foster brother and sister. Well I should say adopted now, and Jas' mom and dad were the ones who adopted us. So we're all from different families." I explain.

"Wait why are you adopted? What happened?" Kaoru asks as we reach music room three.

"Honestly, I'm not ready to talk about it. It just happened a few days ago." I reply.

"Wait what?" He asks as we open the door.

"I just got adopted a few days ago. And frankly, I'm not going into the details today." I say partially repeating my last sentence.

"Ok." He replies and Tamaki hugs me rubbing my cheek obnoxiously after I put my bag down.

"Get the hell off me!" I yell.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so glad you're finally here!" Tamaki says going into the corner after my little outburst.

"Are you ready to start discussing the terms of a deal, Miss Qu-" Kyoya starts to ask before I shove into a different room, before he can say my new last name.

"It's still Dyon."

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were not changing your last name quite yet." He says to me after he fixes his hair.

"Not yet, and I still have pride in my last name. I don't think I'll change it for awhile, at least publicly. And yes I am prepared to start discussing terms."

"So you can either join the club, or we can keep your sketchbook all year."

"Yeah that second one isn't happening." I reply and he nods.

"Very well, then you can be our manager and designer. I looked through your sketchbook and liked your designs. I may call on you more often, to design for us." Kyoya says and I nod.

"Of course. Designing for you all would be pretty fun if I'm being honest." I say and he smiles. Oh those poor orphans.

"Oo is she finally joining the club?" The twins ask and I nod. "Yay we have a new toy!" I roll my eyes irritated.

"I'm not a toy, you two."

"Anyways will you design our suits and a dress for yourself for the ball coming up?" Kyoya asks and I nod. I take my notebook and I go into a different room putting my headphones in. I get in the zone and start designing their suits. I decide that the twins suits should be red. Then Honey and Mori's would be harder. I make Honey's pink with a black vest and a pink tie with pink pants. Mori's is a black jacket with a pink vest, and a pink tie. His pants are black. Kyoya would be pure black. He has a black bow tie and black shirt with a black jacket and pants. Haruhi is just a normal suit, and then Tamaki's is pure white. Soon the bell rings for the club to end and I don't notice until the twins put their arms on my head and look at my designs. I pull my earbuds out.

"These are really good. Maybe make our vests red instead of our jackets but other than that it looks good. When did you learn this stuff?" Hikaru asks and I shrug.

"I've been designing my whole life. It helped me get through stuff. Although two or three sketchbooks were destroyed by my foster parents." I add the last part under my breath.

"Our mom will make these come to life if you want." Kaoru says and I nod.

"I mean they are the designs for the ball."

Sorry if this isn't my usual stuff. Half of the original got destroyed so I had to rewrite it. Please don't forget to vote and comment :)

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