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I was sitting on the corner seat, which gave a gorgeous outlook outside.

I was feeling refreshed. But then I remembered I'm with this guy. Suddenly he got up from the chair in front of me and sat beside me instead. I was controlling myself, I'm just here to do the formality that's it. I just agreed and I'll never do in future.

-"Shall we order some starters first?"
-"you may"
So just he called the waiter and ordered some tuna empanadas. And started talking about my favorites etc.
I was a little suffocating in this dress since it was pretty tight plus the bra i wore was too, suddenly i felt it's hook broke open.
Why this always happen to me argh

I ran to the bathroom excusing myself as he was continuously speaking like a chatter box.

But as I was going I felt that someone was following me. I just ignored and kept going. As I reached the bathroom, I started fixing it. And I felt someone enter it, i didn't care since it might be some woman, as it was females washroom.

-"Enjoying yourselves with him, huh?"
I was on the merge of shouting as it was a man's voice, but I controlled.
It was Kanat.
-"w-what are you doing h-here?"
-"I can be anywhere I want"
I was stepping backwards as he was moving towards me. He's scaring me. What is he upto? I kept backing until my body touched the wall. There's no escape. He was inches away from my face as he strike his right hand on the wall blocking my way. He punched the wall quiet hard and his hand was bleeding. But he didn't seem to care a bit.
His gaze was deadly. And as I tried to run he caught my hand and pushed me back to the wall.

-"w-what are you d-doing"?
-"why?"~ he spoke in a husky voice drawing himself near to me.
I could smell alcohol, he's quite drunk.
-"K-Kanat I don't think you're alright?"
-"Yes, I wasn't alright when I saw you with him, it boiled my blood"~ he said in a really low but deep voice. "He's got no rights over something which is mine, only mine, he cannot look at it, else he'll have to pay".

He's really drunk and I don't know how he came here.

Before I could say something he buried his face in the crook of my neck and started giving wet kisses. I knew I had to take him out of here, he's quite high. I somehow managed to book a cab. And we got to his house, thankfully his parents were not at home. I just got some help from Aziz.
When I lied him over his bed and started to leave, he suddenly grabbed my hand, pulled me towards him and hover upon him.
I stayed silent.

~"please just be here with me"- he murmured while his eyes closed.

~"I'm here only"
So, I just laid on the bed beside him, hugging. While he was snuggling in my neck, tightly hugging by my waist. I just kissed him on the forehead to comfort.

After, I woke up and saw Kanat still hugging me, I just managed to take my phone, it was 04:00 AM in the morning. I knew I had to leave before he wakes up. I somehow managed to loosen his grip over me. And left. It was still dark outside as it was winters, but I reached home without any further problem.


I woke up after the quick nap i took at 5. I just had to get ready for the school. Although I'm not in the mood at all, but i had to. I'm kinda scared, i just hope i don't have to face Kanat and perhaps he would have forgot what happened last night.

Little later, I grabbed my bag, etc. and got downstairs and went to the school with Hazal.
-"Where were you last night?"
-"uhh what?
-"Neşe Hanim was waiting for you, she called me pretty much times, is she upstairs right now?"
-"No, she went early morning saying she had some work."
-"oh, ok but by the way, you didn't answered my question where were you last night"
-"Didn't I told you, I went on dinner with that guy?"
-"Don't tell me you kept doing dinner with him all night"
-"No way, you really think I'll do that ffs πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ"
-"So what you did all night"
-"umm well Kanat reached that hotel I was in, he came drunk"
-"oh so what happened after that"

-"nothing i just dropped him home after that"
-"I don't think it takes all night to drop someone home?"
-"oh come on Hazal, you ask too many questions, I'll tell you later during lunch"
-"well then"

After some while we reached the school, Kanat's car was already there, it means he has come ofc. Oh god i don't wanna face him today, what if he remember what happened yesterday.

I just quickly waved to Hazal and left for the class.


My day was going fine as I haven't encountered Kanat yet and I hope it goes further. I was given a task to put some history, civics and geography books accordingly to their shelves. So I just went to take the books i had to put. I was on my way but suddenly someone grabbed my hand and drew me towards a dark room.
It was none other than him.

-"wth do you think you're doing?"
-"So, you're trying to avoid me huh?"~ he said with an evil smirk

I was trying to free myself from his grip since it was too tight, i groaned in pain.

-"what do you want now?"
-"nothing" ~ he grinned again.
-"so just leave me and mind your own business" ~ i shouted
-"Not so easily honeypie... by the way aren't you enjoying too much now a days, huh?, like you're enjoying life pretty much... going on dates, etc.?"
-"yes i am, and what's your interest in it?"
-" i don't understand why are you still here, since you have achieved everything you wanted?" ~ his eyes became dark
-"i mean since you got all what you wanted so just leave the school, what are you still doing here, since you achieved what you came here for?"
-"so you again came on her topic?"
-"i don't know what else to talk about to you, since you're all about it?... you love using people for your own mean and then throw them like trash afterwards, don't you and I think since you found all the truth you may leave, your work is completed, isn't it?

-"stop taking nonsense"
-"yes everything is nonsense in front of you, everyone speak nonsense except you, you love to do this don't you?
and since you're done you may leave the school or you want to cause any more trouble here?"
-"wow your point of view towards me have been this , great"
-"stop being foolish, you enjoy all the mess you created, you enjoyed playing with my feelings too don't you?"
-"your feelings were never real towards me, if you'd have trusted me than why you over prioritised what Leyla said about me, stop saying that you loved me when you be never did? - i nearly had tears in my eyes.
-"don't you ever dare to doubt my love, it was real towards you, it was only for you since you were the only one who made me feel it, but my stupidity since it was never as i thought, afterwards again I have you chance, but you still denied, why? Because you never loved me, since your aim was completed why you'll do that again?"
-"ohh just stop it" ~ i shouted with teary eyes as I pushed him
-"don't worry, if you still wanna be hear then you'll bear the consequences very soon" ~ as he left.

My breathe was heavy, I sighed heavily as my eyes were full.

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