Chapter 40

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What makes a journey worthwhile?

A good companion.

Anisha had undoubtedly a very good companion but the journey to where was a question.

Abhimanyu had outright refused to tell her the destination claiming she would find out for herself. Begrudgingly she had packed the bags and soon they were off to the airport.

As they entered the airport Abhimanyu guided her to the check in counter of flights going to Italy.


Her mouth fell open and she chuckled. Abhimanyu who was silently observing her reaction wore a proud smile on his face.

She turned around with excitement evident on her face and asked him, " Abhi, Italy?"

He nodded.

She grinned enthusiastically at him and hugged the life out of him.

" Thank you so so so so so so much! I always wanted to go to Italy!" Her excitement laced tone exclaimed.

He grinned, proud, his guess had been right.

Anisha smiled.

They checked in soon and were resting in the lounge. Abhimanyu reading a newspaper and Anisha had her head leaned on his shoulder reading the newspaper along with him.

After a while they were done reading the newspaper and she was still leaning on his shoulder. His free hand now running in her hair, playing with the long tresses.

" What are you thinking?" He asked.

" About how life will change after the results. I mean, I always thought about giving entrance and then doing law and marriage was a later prospect for me. But then things have changed and now for the last six months I only thought about clearing the entrance, never about what next."

He sighed, " That's quite a lot you have thought about."

She gave him a watery smile.

" I guess after the results what you do next is join a college and focus on graduating." He rubbed his chin with his free hand.

" Abhimanyu, that's quite obvious right!"

He chuckled, " So what is there to think about. You join the college and focus on graduating."

" Uhh!" She was frustrated.

" Anu...your job is to graduate without any worries. Whatever is bothersome we will deal with it together."

She melted at his words. " But Abhi, what about kids and family? I graduate after three years and till then no kids? And even if we don't have kids then, what about when I start my career and then we plan kids? This is all so frustrating to think about!" She told him all her worries.

" First of all, tell me from where did this question of kids come from?" He prodded.

" I... Abhimanyu, don't you want kids and family? I had read that a female produces the best ovas till thirty-two. After that the pregnancy is complicated."

" Oh. So madam has done some research." He teased.

" Abhimanyu! Stop teasing me, okay?" She rebuked.

" Anu, listen okay. We will plan a kid soon when the time is right and you are ready. Are you ready now?"

" No! I am still young and then results and everything..." She trailed off realising what he was doing. " Abhimanyu!"

He raised his hands in the air claiming innocence. " Look you just said you are young and as far as I know you are just twenty-two. Still ten more years for thirty-two."

She nodded.

" And if you so desperately want kids we can try. But what I feel is we need time. We have grown as companions but the love is still unexplored. To top it all you have college, I have my career which has just kicked so high. Now I am not ready. A year or two later, we would be in better position and then maybe we could bring in a new member."

She looked into his eyes. " Abhi, how is the love unexplored?"

" Anu, we have concentrated on that entrance for the last six months and the first six months we gave each other space to adapt. Our love is vulnerable at present. I want us to grow stronger and lay foundation of our marriage in this one year."

She hugged him tight nuzzling into her favourite spot on his neck, near the bobbing Adam's apple.

" For somebody who claims to say that he doesn't think much into future. You sure made quite an impression." Her breath fanned his neck and he had to close his eyes shut to control.

She looked up on not recieving any response and found him with closed eyes. " Why are your eyes closed?"

" Umm" he opened his eyes and gulped. Now how will he explain?

" Nevermind, let's enjoy the hug. It's about time they start boarding." She shrugged.

He chuckled and enclosed her in his arms.

Like she said, after a few minutes the boarding started and they were aboard a flight to Venice.

Anisha sat on the window seat and Abhimanyu happily sat beside her. She excitedly watching Mumbai from her tiny window and Abhimanyu amused at her.

" You seem quite excited?"

" Oh I love travelling!" She smiled.

" Even in planes?"

She nodded, " The take-off and landings are the best part, giving you glimpses of how tiny yet vast our world is."

He smiled.

Once in the air, he took his laptop out and opened it but she quickly shut it down. He frowned and looked at her, " No work for the next fifteen days!"

His eyes widened, " What will I do on the flight for so long?"

" The same that I will do. Watch movies and enjoy my company." She replied haughtily.

" Anu, just in the flight and I promise after that no work."

She begrudgingly nodded. " Promise, no work for fifteen days after this."

" Promise."

She surfed the flight's movie collection and settled on a light romcom while her husband sat doing his work.

Venice, here we come.


A short chapter but I couldn't stay far from updating.🙈

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