(Also forgot to mention this in the intro but any characters that are in qsmp and dsmp I will only be the qsmp one except will because he doesn't show up I am lazy and don't want to put cannon names so I'm gonna have the dsmp one disappear and everyone panic cool?)
We see Phil, Fit, Missa, Slime, Bad, Tubbo, Bagi, Pac, Foolish, Quackity, Tina, Niki, and Mouse all talking. While the eggs were all running around.
"Wonder why we don't have cookie quest today?" Bad says.
"Not sure but I have a weird feeling about it." Phil responses.
Missa moved closer to his husband to comfort him a bit. "Im sure it will be fine Phil your just being paranoid that's all!" Missa says.
all the sudden the ground begins to give in opening a large portal under the eggs. Tallulah, Chayanne, Ramon,Dapper ,Sunny, Leo, Empanada, Richas fall in.
"YOU JUST HAD TO SAY SOMETHING!" Fit yells. "RAMON I'M COMING MY BOY" Fit screams jumping into the portal.
Right as he went in the portal started to pull the other toward it Pac started losing his grip as he just watched his Boyfriend jump in. "Guys I'm starting to sli-" Pac says before he could finish he fell into the portal.
Phil tries to use his wings having slight doubt that they would work. As he flapped them a sharp pain came from the wings causing him to let go of the tree he was holding on to to check them. He fell in followed by many others.
Meanwhile in DSMP lands
"Finally finished lore after many hours of work. " Tommy says in relief
The others look at him and nod as they rested the portal opened up a little further away from where the Dsmp people were but when it opened a few of the members disappeared.
"Hey tubbo whats tha-" Ranboo turns to their husband to ask about the portal and he was gone.
The eggs slowly came out of the portal one by one. Chayanne, Dapper, Tallulah, Em and Sunny, Leo, and Richas. As the eggs recover from the fall puffy slowly aproched them but before she could Fit came flying in with his glider landing in front of the eggs not seeing the Dsmp members.
"Is everyone okay? " he asked the eggs they all put signs telling him they were fine.
"That's good" he then turned around seeing the members in shock and confusion.
"Oi who are you" Fit says Tensed pulling out a sword.
"Who are you?" Jack speaks up
Just then Pac comes out of the portal fit dropped his sword and caught Pac. (Crazy am I right?)
"Hey Fit thanks for.. Catching me" Pac looks away blushing a bit then noticed the Dsmp members. Everyone then fell from the portal landing behind the two. The chat said
Foolish is bleeeding. Foolish fell from a High place escaping BBH.
Skeppy then pushed everyone away looking for bad.
"Bad you muffinhead why are you over there? " Skeppy says.
Bad looks over seeing the amount of people over there pulling out a shield protecting dapper and the others.
He started reaction so everyone pulled out a shield of some sort even the eggs.
"Okay where the f*ck are we!" Phil says
"Did we escape the Feds and the Island? " Bagi spoke up
"I'm not sure but look at those guys they are in enchanted dark metal" Mouse states
"Mouse I hate to break it to you but that's not dark metal that's Netherite stronger the dark metal. " Tubbo says"
Phil looks around seeing techno he begins to step back thinking that his eyes were deceiving him.
He shook his head and he was still there. Some of the eggs stepped out of the ring of people placing signs trying their best to communicate or scare the dsmp members.
As Tommy came to see what the eggs said he saw Tallulah and Called over Wilbur he groans and walked over.
"look will it looks like you!" Tommy says
"Tommy are you saying I'm a girl?"Wilbur claimed
" N-No I'm just saying she looks like you" Tommy says
Tallulah places a sign saying *Papa??? *
Tommy and Will but looked at the sign and just looked at each other.
"I'm sorry did you just call me 'Papa?' Wilbur tries to not laugh.
Chayanne then got involved swinging his sword making Tommy and Wilbur back off of Tallulah.
" Hey you P*ick I was having a nice conversation with this one"
Chayanne then places a sign saying *I'd stop talking to Tallulah now or a sword is not the only thing I will be using...*
He holds out his glock aiming it at the Tommy and Will
"WHAT THE F*CK WHY DOES THE CHILD HAVE A GUN!!!" Tommy screams and hides behind will.
"Tommy it's just a nerf gun don't be stupid" Will says
Chayanne placed a sign saying *Oh yeah??* right after will read it he shot Wilbur with the glock
The entire DSMP was shocked while the Islanders were laughing or clapping for chayanne.
"Hey guys its getting late" Niki says
"Oh we should build a mansion!! Since there is no way to go back home" Foolish says
"Not a bad idea" bad agreed
"Wait can I make machines for the base? " Tubbo asked
"As long as no one get asthma sure" Phil says
While everyone started moving to make a base Phil stayed behind to protect the back of the group. The entire DSMP was so confused on why he was there and not with them.
Techno then went and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Hey Phil why are you with them? "
Phil looked at techno holding tears "Because I came from the QSMP. " Phil states trying to walk away so no one saw tears.
"What do you mean qsmp? You are here with us 30 mins ago? " Techno said confused
Phil then said "I can explain it all to you tomorrow on where we came from please come with a group of 5" Phil states Techno nods and Walks away.
Later that night
Phil then caught up with the group making a little house that would be good for the night though it would be tight it's shelter for now.
"We need to build tomorrow I don't want to sleep next to chayanne. " Quackity complained.
"just deal with it Big Q it's only for 1 night." Tubbo stated
"Ugh Fine but this doesn't mean I like you Chayanne" Quackity argues.
Chayanne placed a Sign down saying *Yeah I hate you too*
As everyone went to sleep Phil thought about what he said to Techno earlier *Was he real? * he thought He then drifted off to sleep.
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