New people

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Did I take too long posting this? If I did, I deeply apologize for that 😔


As the main group we mainly focused on the previous chapters talked to the higher ups,

We are now going to spectate our main duo of the boboiboy series.



"C'mon Boboiboy! Just eat this!"

"I-i- can just feed myself you know Gopal! " Whined the boy, who's name is Boboiboy. He was also known as the Hero of The galaxy who recently defeated the infamous space pirate named 'Captain Vargoba' just two weeks ago.

He was laying on the white bed located in TAPOP's infirmary, still recovering while his best friend named Gopal, a molecule manipulator tried to feed him rice porridge that Tok Aba suggested on the other day.

"Dey! Just eat already.. Yaya and the others wouldn't like it if you don't eat!!" Gopal still insisted while the other boy just sighed. "Gopal. I didn't say I will not eat. I said I can feed myself"

"Ohhh that.. Yeah no. Your hand is still injured due to the impact of your final attack."

Boboiboy tried to explain that his hand is healed (which is still not :D) now but Gopal just shushed him. "Now just please eat this porridge so I don't get obliterated by Yaya when she gets back here. Pretty please?" He pleaded as the other had no choice but to play along. "Fine.. " He ate the porridge that Gopal was feeding him.

"Yay! Now eat more-" Gopal continued feeding his best friend porridge while Boboiboy is embarrassed that he was being babied.

"Gopal.. Thanks but, you're too embarrassing sometimes.." Boboiboy murmured as Gopal became dramatic. " Gasp Oboi! How dare you.. I'm your best friend and you talk like that about me!? Huhuhu.." Gopal cried as he only chuckled at his best friend's antics. "I'm just kidding Gopal!~" Boboiboy's eyes flashed sky blue.

"Hai Oboi! Hai Gopal!" A voice chimed in as a certain pigtailed girl opened the infirmary door. "Ying? Oh you're here! Where's Yaya?"

"Yaya? Oh she's touring the new recruits!"

"New recruits?" Both BoBoiBoy and Gopal said together curiously, wondering who were the two new recruits.

"Dey, why do we need new recruits? Our team is already enough!" Gopal remarked arrogantly as Ying smacked him on his head.

"I mean.. They can be new allies, right? Also they can be our new friends!" BoBoiBoy reassured as Gopal looked at him.

"..You have a point." Gopal shrugged nonchalantly as BoBoiBoy's eyes flashed blue in excitement once again. "I need to recover fast to meet them sooner!" BoBoiBoy Taufan boasted as he snatched the remaining porridge from Gopal and ate it down.

"The elements have been switching freely since Solar had been unlocked, do they huh?" Ying said amused as Gopal nodded in agreement.

"Yep. It's quite annoying. Yesterday, Blaze unconsciously appeared just to— I dont know, juggle his fireballs!" Gopal said with an annoyed tone.

"Just let Blaze be, he often do this when he's bored." BoBoiBoy chuckled as Taufan's presence left.

"I know, I know, but he didn't have to throw it near my face and saying my reaction was priceless!" Gopal ranted.

As the three kids bantered, the metal door slid open and the shadow manipulator entered, which was also their friend Fang, who was munching on a carrot donut on the way.

"Hai Fang!/Yo Fang!/Hii!" The three of them greeted as Fang waved back and approached them. "Yo guys, did I miss something?" Fang asked as he finished his donut.

"Oh nothing, just talking about your tragedy in fashion." Gopal looked at Fang's mushroom helmet and snickered as Fang twitched his eye. "I just drove my spaceship for a test drive!" He argued as he took it off and placed the helmet on the bedside.

"So, how are you feeling, BoBoiBoy?" Fang asked as he took a chair and sat beside Gopal. "I'm feeling better, although my hands feels a little numb" BoBoiBoy updated his condition to Fang, who just smiled.

"I hope you get better soon because we'll be seeing who's more popular when we get home!" Fang's smile turned into a cocky smirk while BoBoiBoy just held an 'i don't care' facial expression.

"Do what you want I guess." He said nonchalantly as Fang continued to laugh with an arrogant tone.

"Guess who's back with new people!" The door slid open once more as a certain gravity manipulator walked in and spoke while two new people trailed behind her.

"Yaya! Welcome back." BoBoiBoy greeted, who was still bed ridden. (Guess who forced him to rest :D) "Ah BoBoiBoy! Guys! Hello." Yaya greeted as she walked towards them, dragging the two new person's with her.

"Guys, I want you to meet.." She pulled the two new people on her front. "Ali and Alicia!" She said as both kids waved at them in a friendly gesture.

"Hi! I'm Ali, Ali Ghazali." He introduced as Alicia also introduced herself. "I'm Alicia. Nice to meet you." She simply smiled as the others waved back.

"I'm BoBoiBoy, nice to meet you guys!"

"Heh, I'm Gopal Kumar!"

"Names Fang,the most popular in the group."

"Hai Ali ^^"

They all greeted as Ali wore an amused grin. "Nice to meet you all too!" He chuckled.

"Soo.. when is the Easy-A test for them, Yaya?" BoBoiBoy mentioned as Gopal got a shiver in his spine when he heard 'Easy-A Test'. But then sighed in relief when he remembered he didn't have to do that.

"Easy A..?" Ali tilted her head as Alicia gave him a look, knowing that he didn't listen earlier and dozed off. Good thing they only talked to Commander KokoCi.

"Oh yeah! Commander KokoCi said they will do the Easy-A test after a week since TAPOPS is still rebuilding."
Yaya explained thoroughly.

"So that means..." Ying murmured as both girls had excited glint in their eyes. "...STUDY TIME!!!" They cheered.

"We don't have to join the study.. r-right?" Gopal sweat dropped as the Y&Y glared at Gopal. "Nope. Everyone is joining." Ying said as Yaya followed. "Especially you Gopal.." Yaya glared at him with a somehow threatening smile.

"Eek!!" Gopal squealed in fear at the glare as Ali groaned at the mention of study. "Study, really? Isn't the test a physical test?" Ali asked as Yaya nodded. "Indeed it's a physical test, but it has some challenges that needs study!"

"Yup! Like the written test, you two still don't know much about powerspheras so we need to study it." Ying reminded.

"They're right Ali, it's better to be prepared I guess." Alicia nodded in agreement as Ali pouted. "Ugh, fine.."

"Yayayayayay!!! Study session tomorrow then!!" They cheered. While BoBoiBoy only chuckled.

"This should be fun."


Finally out of my lazy phase 😞😞😞

I'm sorry for not updating for so long and not keeping my promise about updating at June I guess.

Btw, I changed the book cover cause i realized it looked kinda boring to me.

Also, this is the scenario earlier in gacha:

Yeh. Anyways, bye bye!

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