UA's Entrance Exam

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Here it is the first chapter, I just want to say one more thing before you start the story. There will be added characters to class 1-A, there will be 4 more people including you. Please take note of that, so the class total will be 24 people. Alright my readers enjoy the story. Plus Ultra!!!
(Y/n) was walking home from school with her three little siblings Noyo, Isobe, and Rita. This was her last day of middle school and now she was going to get into High school. Rita held her hand as the 4 walked home.

"Nii-Chan, this is the last time you'll be walking us to and from school right?" Asked Noyo. (Y/n) nodded.

"Yeah, after this I won't be able too." Said (Y/n) looking forward.

"What highschool are you gonna go to?" Asked Rita. (Y/n) smiled.

"I'm gonna go to U.A." Her three siblings jumped with joy as (Y/n) smiled. Once they made it home the three little siblings ran off. Zayasu, who was just getting home from U.A. came through the door. "Zaya-Kun, how was class today?" Zayasu yawned.

"Boring, we didn't do much today but learn." Zayasu crashed on the couch. He turned to her. "Your also applying to U.A. right (Y/n)-Chan?" She nodded happily.

"Yeah, your about to be in your second year of U.A." Zayasu nodded.

"That's right, I'll be going from class 1-A to class 2-A." Zayasu smirked. "If you make it than we'll be walking to school together."

"I'm aware of that. It'll be like how it was 2 years ago." Said (Y/n).

"Well before you two start thinking about walking to school together you need to pass first." Said a female voice. Zayasu and (Y/n) looked over to see their mother walking over to them. "You still need to train hard before thinking to far ahead. Did you already send in the application?" (Y/n) nodded. Zayasu sighed.

"How come you guys just don't recommend her. She has a combination quirk." Stated Zayasu. Honda placed her hands on her hips.

"Because you should always want to work towards your goal, not take the easy way." Explained Honda.

"It's fine Zaya-Kun. I want to take the test. It should be fun." (Y/n) smirked. Honda smiled.

"That's my girl. Your father is gonna train you when he gets home. He and Taketa went out for hero work. You should get ready." (Y/n) nodded and ran to her room to get her training outfit. The training outfit was specially made for training purposes. It absorbs sweat and the material makes it easy to jump, attack, and run in. She grabbed the outfit and placed it on.

(Y/n) than grabbed a hair tie and placed her (H/l) hair in a ponytail. Once finished she heard her mother call her downstairs. She ran there and saw her 2 older brothers and her 3 little siblings on the couch. Her parents were standing across from them.

"Have a seat (Y/n)." Said Shuji. (Y/n) sat next to Zayasu. Shuji took a step before them. "Now I wanted to let you guys know that we may be getting interviewed later."

"Why?" Asked Zayasu.

"Because Taketa and your's truly had some more crimes today, not to mention our rival family was on the scene as well trying to compete with us." Stated Shuji.

"The Yami family?" Asked Zayasu. Taketa and Shuji nodded. Shuji turned to (Y/n).

"(Y/n) did you see Amaterasu and her siblings today?" Asked Shuji. (Y/n) nodded.

"Yeah, we didn't talk today but she kept giving me a glare. When we left school her and her little siblings stayed longer." Stated (Y/n). Shuji and Taketa nodded.

"Alright, well all of you listen up. When they get here they are gonna ask for 4 things, your name, your quirk, a explanation of it, and your school or hero information. Right now we all are gonna practice that. Afterwards me and (Y/n) will train." Explained Shuji. The family nodded. "Alright I'll go first. I am the number 3 hero; Weather man, my quirk is weather. I can control rain, hail, thunder, lightning, storms of all sorts, and can ride on clouds." Shuji finished. "Alright Honda, your next." Honda nodded.

"I'm the number 3 hero tied with Weather Man, Element Woman. My quirk is Elements. I can control water, earth, fire, wind, and grass. My main two are grass and fire." Honda finished with a smile. Taketa got up.

"I'm the weather hero Thunder Bolt. My quirk is controlling lightning and thunder. My weapons are two small staffs. I'm a fairly new hero but I'm trying to move up in ranks." Stated Taketa. Zayasu stood next.

"I'm Zayasu (L/n). My quirk is half water half wind. I can control water and I can control wind. I have 2 elements from my mother. I go to U.A. and I'm about to be in class 2-A, formerly 1-A." Zayasu sat down. (Y/n) was about to get up next but Noyo got up first.

"I'm Noyo (L/n). My quirk is fire manipulation. I get it from my mom. I can control fire but only a little bit. I go to Kishira Elementary school." Noyo sat down and Isobe stood next.

"I'm Isobe (L/n). My quirk is lightning manipulation. I have my father's quirk. I can control lightening and produce it to shock people and charge up my 3ds. I also go to Kishira Elementary school." Isobe sat down and Rita jumped up.

"My name is Rita (L/n). I'm the youngest in the family. My quirk is Water manipulation. I just started showing signs of my quirk but I can at least control a glass of water. I go to Kishira Elementary school as well." Rita sat down. (Y/n) stood up.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n). My quirk is Elemental weather. I have the full powers of my mother and father giving me a full combination quirk. I can control all the elements like water, grass, fire, wind, and earth. I-i." (Y/n) stopped before she started talking about her weather quirk. "Do I have to talk about my weather quirk? I don't even know what it does." Shuji shook his head.

"You don't have too. Just say you can also control the weather. I understand why you don't want to." Said Shuji. (Y/n) looked down sad. She than picked her head up.

"I go to Kishira middle school but now I'm applying to U.A." (Y/n) finished. Shuji nodded happily.

"Good job, now everyone knows that a quirk does change your body in some way, don't forget to state that your hair colors changed because of your quirks." Stated Shuji.

"But what about my hair? My hair isn't really like that." Asked (Y/n).

"You have a combination quirk so of course your hair doesn't count." Said Shuji. (Y/n) nodded. "Now they should be coming soon. (Y/n) I have to talk to you alone real quick." (Y/n) got up and the two walked into another room.

"What's up dad?" Asked (Y/n).

"Well I wanted to tell you that the entrance exam is in 2 months. So we will be getting stronger and making sure your prepared. I don't exactly remember how it was to take the exam so if you have any questions you should ask Zayasu." Explained Shuji. (Y/n) nodded.


"Are you sure you want to do this (Y/n)?"

"What kind of question is that dad?" Started (Y/n). She smirked. "You know I'm going to be aiming to become a hero. One day I'll be fighting along you and mom." Shuji smiled and ruffled her hair.

"You still have your reasoning for wanting to become a hero right?"

"Yeah." (Y/n) clenched her fist. She looked at it. "And I'll make sure to achieve my goal." She looked at Shuji with a determined look.

"That's what I like to hear. Now let's train."
It was finally time. (Y/n) was walking to U.A. Zayasu was next to her. He turned to look at her.

"You don't look very nervous. Are you that confident?" Zayasu smirked. (Y/n) smirked back.

"It's not that I'm confident, It's that i'm gonna make sure I do the best I can." Zayasu chuckled a little and ruffled her hair.

"You better." (Y/n) giggled and they finally approached U.A. Zayasu walked inside while she stood at the entrance to admire the school.

"Wow, this is so amazing." (Y/n) looked up and saw a boy with green hair walk and trip over his own feet. She was about to help him when she saw a girl catch him. She looked a little shocked before smiling and walking towards the inside of the school after the girl. Once (Y/n) was in she got a card with her name and school on it. She went and sat down in her seat.

"So your really here?" A familiar voice said. (Y/n) turned and saw Amaterasu standing next to her with a smug look on her face.


(Y/n) narrowed her eyes.

"You knew I would be here. I'm trying to become a hero, maybe you should do the same." Said (Y/n) back. Amaterasu sucked her teeth before sitting down next to (Y/n). Soon the lights went dark and Present Mic was giving the orders, he talked about Battle locations and the points awarded for the robots.

"Battle locations huh?" Said Amaterasu. (Y/n) looked at her before looking at her card.

"And it looks like we're in two different locations. I'm in B and your in G." Stated (Y/n). Amaterasu smirked.

"Whatever location I'm in i'm still going to dominate." Said Amaterasu. (Y/n) stared at her. This was her rival. Amaterasu looked at her with a frown. "Listen up (Y/n), if you know what's good for you you would drop out now and head home." (Y/n) grit her teeth.

"I'm not going anywhere." Said (Y/n). "I'm gonna be a hero." Everyone was leaving to go to their testing areas. (Y/n) got up and walked away, Amaterasu growled at her and left to get to her testing site. (Y/n) was walking around trying to find the site and saw a boy with blonde hair and red eyes ahead of her. She ran up to him. "Hey, can help me get to testing site B?" The boy looked back at her.

"If you can't even find it yourself than there's no way you should be hero. I guess you'll just be one those people that will only be a stepping stone to my greatness." Said the boy. (Y/n) was shocked at the boy's snarkiness. She grit her teeth.

"Listen here you narcissist, the only great thing I see about you is your ego. Your not exactly All Might you know." (Y/n) made sure to give this boy a piece of her mind. The boy laughed at her.

"I'll be more popular than all might himself. So you better watch how you talk to a future hero." The boy smirked at her. (Y/n) kept a glare. The boy walked away and she followed him. Once she made it to location B she stretched a bit. She looked back over at that guy.

"A asshole at it's finest." Thought (Y/n). She turned to the door and saw it open. She ran inside ready to fight the robots. She saw the first robot and charged at it but before she could attack it that same boy jumped on top of it and blew it up. She looked shocked as he saw her.

"Gotta be quicker than that. If your that slow than I doubt your can pass these exams." The boy jumped and ran to the next robot. (Y/n) clenched her fist.

"So I'll have to use my quirk to get ahead." (Y/n) controlled the earth under her and lifted the rocks along with a big rock under her to take her in the air. She than rode the rock like a surfboard through the air destroying robots with rocks she launched at them. She smirked at she kept going. She jumped off the rock she was on and punched a robot with a flaming fist. She than used her wind to push herself in the air and backflipped onto the rock she kept in the air. She saw the brown small section of hair she had sense she was using her earth side of her quirk. "Let's keep going." (Y/n) saved two people. She than heard rumbling. She turned and saw the 0 points monster.

"That thing is huge!!!" Yelled a random contestant. (Y/n) grit her teeth as it created a huge gust of wind.

"Even if it's 0 points. It has to be stopped." (Y/n) started riding her big rock towards the giant robot. She than jumped backwards off the rock as she sent it through the robot's head. She started falling. "Oh crap this is bad. Let me try to get another rock." (Y/n) started controlling the rocks but they were all too small. She started freaking out. "Ahhhh at the velocity I'm going giving my mass and if I continue to fly towards the ground it's going to be a reaction to my impact which will be my inevitable defeat!!!! In other words....I'M GOING TO TAKE A BIG SPLAT! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!" (Y/n) tried to think of other ways to save herself but couldn't think of anything, that was when she was caught in the arms of someone. (Y/n) looked to her savior, he had red spikey hair and red eyes.

"Are you alright? That was cool how you took down that robot." Said the boy. (Y/n) nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thank you." Said (Y/n) the boy put her down and he was clearly taller than her. He held his hand out towards her.

"I'm Kirishima, what's your name?" (Y/n) smiled and shook his hand.

"I'm (Y/n)." She introduced herself. Kirishima gave her a big smile.

"It's nice to meet you (Y/n). I hope you did well on the exams." She nodded.

"Same to you." They both smiled again and ran off. Soon the alarm went off making the testing over. (Y/n) walked out of U.A. and sighed. "I wonder If I'll ever meet Kirishima again." Zayasu came over to her.

"Hey you ready?" Asked Zayasu. (Y/n) saw Amaterasu come out the school and walk the other way. She narrowed her eyes remembering what she said.

"Yeah, let's go." Said (Y/n). They started walking home. (Y/n) started telling her brother about the exam. Zayasu nodded and told her about his exam and what he did. Once the two made it home Shuji and Honda approached them.

"(Y/n), how do you think you did?" Asked Honda.

"I think I did pretty good. However, there are some things I have to work on." Said (Y/n).

"Well if you want you can train. We'll tell you when the letter from U.A. comes in." Said Shuji. (Y/n) nodded and changed into her training suit. Once there she started working on a recovery.
It had been a week and (Y/n) was on the floor breathing heavily as she finished training.

"Nii-Chan! NII-CHAN!!!!" Screamed out Rita. (Y/n) turned to face her sister. Rita came over to her. "Your letter arrived." (Y/n) looked surprised before jumping up.

"Already?!! Oh god I'm so nervous. The chances of me getting into this school is small, the fact that there were 6 test locations and around 100 students for each gives me a small percentage of getting in, not to mention with the many different quirks I have no idea how people in the other locations did. So the chances of getting into a good class let alone the school is--

"NERD!!!!!!" Screamed Zayasu from the doorframe of the backyard training ground. (Y/n) looked shocked.


"Your taking this too deep, and analyzing your chances will only make you worry. The letter is here so come see what's up." Zayasu explained before going back in the house. (Y/n) walked back in with Rita. Once inside Shuji gave her the letter. Her family stared at her before nodding at her telling her to go to her room. (Y/n) walked into her room and sat at her desk in her room.

"This is the moment of truth." (Y/n) breathed in and out before opening the letter. A chip came out and a video started playing. "Oh my god is that ALL MIGHT!!!!" the recording started to play.

"Hello young (Y/n) (L/n). Today I am here to happily inform you that you did well in the entrance exam. Your score and even your rescue score was quite high. In fact you scored the second highest in both destroying robots and rescue points." Started the video.

"This can't be happening." (Y/n) held her face as a huge smile spread across it.

"Without further ado, I want to say this. (Y/n) (L/n), welcome, to U.A." (Y/n) screamed happily. She pumped her fists in the air.

"I DID IT!!!!! I WAS ACCEPTED INTO U.A.!!!!!!" (Y/n)'s family bursted through the door and hugged her. (Y/n) was shocked.

"I'm so proud of you (Y/n)." Said Honda as she tightened her grip around her. Zayasu smirked.

"Looks like you and me will be walking to school together again." (Y/n) hugged her family back as the video ended.

"I'm so proud of you (Y/n)." Said Shuji. He ruffled her hair. (Y/n) giggled and fist bumped Taketa.

"Thank you all so much. It's time for me to be the next hero."
(Y/n) and Zayasu was walking to U.A., it was the first day of school. They got inside the school.

"I can't believe your in class 1-A with All Might as a teacher. You lucky jerk." Said Zayasu as he smiled.

"I guess you were just one year late. Well I'm kinda nervous about this. It's the best hero course." Zayasu pat her shoulder.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. Now if you keep going straight you'll make it to class 1-A. I got to get to 2-A. I'll see you later." Zayasu started walking away. (Y/n) nodded and started walking towards the class. As she walked over she heard and saw a girl saying 'break' over and over again. (Y/n) tapped her on her shoulder. The girl turned to her.

"Hey can you move. Your standing in the way of the door." Said (Y/n). The girl jumped out the way.

"Whoa sorry!!" Shouted the girl.

"Hey (Y/n)!!" Shouted Kirishima as he spotted her. (Y/n) saw him and smiled.

"Hey Kirishima." Said (Y/n). "So your in 1-A too?"

"That's right. But I'm not surprised your in here after you destroyed that giant robot." Said Kirishima. A green haired boy turned to her.

"You destroyed one of those big robots too?" Asked the boy. (Y/n) nodded.

"Yeah, it was a danger so I decided to break it before it could hurt anyone." Said (Y/n) with a smile.

"That must mean your really strong like Midoriya." Stated a boy with dark blue hair and glasses.

"Midoriya?" Asked (Y/n).

"M-me." Said Midoriya. (Y/n) looked at the green haired boy again.

"Oh, so you destroyed one of those big robots too. I can't wait to see what you can do Midoriya." Midoriya blushed lightly.

"U-hhh same to you." Said Midoriya. The girl started jumping around.

"This is going to be great, we'll all be the best of friends I can't wait." Said the girl.

"If your only here to make friends than you can go now." Said a voice. The 4 turned and saw a man on the floor with black hair in a yellow sleeping bag. "This is the hero course." He turned to a boy that was outside the door. "And you, either get in or go home." The 4 turned and saw a boy with green hair and red eyes with a blush on his face.

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