A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 39 - For the Pride of Our Guild!

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A New Fairy Tail Member

Chapter 39 - For the Pride of Our Guild!


Me: Family, Friends, Love Ones! The Power of Bonds! 

My Family and I: HEART'S CONNECTION!!!

Together, my family and I attacked.

A rainbow colored wave shot out of my hands and attacked Zeref, making him fall to the ground. 

After the attack disappeared, I went back to normal and fell to my knees.

Everyone ran to me.

"Melanie!", Aurelie yelled.

"Melanie!", Natsu yelled.

"Melanie..are you alright?", Gray asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I replied as I got up.

"You didn't become unconscious. You are getting stronger," Master said with a smile.

I smiled back.

"That was an impressive attack," Zeref said as he got up.

Everyone reacted with surprise.

"But, that wasn't enough to stop me."

"N-No way..", I said to myself. "What do we do now?"

We all looked at Daniel with surprise.

I stood up from the ground.

"Oh! Are you giving up now?", Zeref asked.

I looked at him with confident eyes, "NO!! WE WOULD NEVER GIVE UP TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU!!"

Zeref's eyes widened.

"LET'S GO EVERYONE!!!!", I yelled as we all ran to him.

Laki: Wood-Make: Violent Approach!

Max: Sand Blast!

Wakaba: Smoke Crush!

Macao: Purple Rain!

Bisca: Bullet Storm!

Alzack: Guns Magic: Blast Bullet!

Reedus: Cannon: Fire!

Droy: Knuckle Plant!

Levy: Solid Script: Fire!

Cana: Summoned Lightning!

Bickslow: Baryon Formation!

Evergreen: Fairy Machine Gun: Leprechaun!

Freed: Dark Écriture: Pain!

Mirajane: Soul Extinction!

Laxus: Raging Bolt!

Erza: Ex-quip! The Knight! Heaven's Wheel: Blumenblatt!

Juvia: Water Slicer!

Lucy: Open! Gate of the Lion: Leo! Regulus Impact!

Gray: Ice-Make: Lance!

Wendy: Sky Dragon's Roar!

Gajeel: Iron Dragon's Roar!

Natsu: Fire Dragon's Roar!

Aurelie: Water-Ice Dragon's Roar!

"She's a dragon slayer?!" , Natsu thought.

Me: Fire, Water, Earth, Windshooter!

All of our attacks combined and created a huge blaze of light.

The blaze came towards Zeref, but he stopped it by placing his hand in front of him.

Everyone reacted with surprise.

"No way...", I said to myself as I started to tremble with shock.

The blaze slowly disintergrated, which revealed Zeref's evil grin.

"You will never stop me!", he said as he started to laugh.

"This is hopeless!", Droy yelled.

I looked at him with surprise.

"Our powers are not enough!"

I looked down.

"Let's just give up."

"NO!!!!", I yelled as everyone looked at me with surprise.


"But our powers.."

"Who cares about our powers! Who cares if our magic is not enough! It will always be enough, if we don't give up! When our hearts are stong enough, when we believe in ourselves, then our magic will become unstoppable! IT WILL BE ENOUGH!! WE CAN'T EVERYONE!! OUR GUILD AND MAGNOLIA WILL BE DESTROYED IF WE GIVE UP!!! NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO GIVE UP!!! WE HAVE TO KEEP GOING!!!! FOR MAGNOLIA, FAIRY TAIL, AND FOR MY FAMILY!!!!! I know that they don't want to see us like this! PLEASE!!! WE HAVE TO KEEP GOING!!"

Everyone was silent as I turned around and face Zeref.

"But if that doesn't convice you, then I will scarifice my life for everything."

Everyone reacted with surprise as I walked towards Zeref, slowly.

"Good choice, Melanie," Zeref said with a smile as I continued to walk.

As I continued to walk, I stopped, feeling strange. I turned around and found out that Aurelie was giving her power to me.

I was surprised.

Then, one by one, everyone started to lend me their power.

I started to cry tears of joy, "Everyone..."

Zeref reacted with surprise as I turned around and looked at him with confident eyes.

I jumped into the air.

Me: Ex-quip! The Light Enchantress!

I grew my wings and flapped them while I was in the air.

"W-What is going on?!", Zeref yelled.

While I was in the air, everyone kept sending their magic to me.

I folded both of my hands near my chest and closed my eyes.

"Heh. Whatever you are going to do, IT IS NEVER GOING TO WORK!!!!!"

Me: Friends, Companions, our Family! For the Pride of Our Guild!


Everyone, including me, got back and pushed their magic.

UNISON RAID!!!!!!!!!!!!

A huge blaze appeared.

The blaze showed images of everyone in the guild, everyone in Magnolia, and my family.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!", Zeref screamed as the blaze made him fall to his knees.

As he fell to his knees, I landed on my feet, and Zeref's spirit was removed from Daniel's body.

The battle was over.

"Daniel!", I yelled as I ran over to his side. 


"Yes. It's me."

"I-Is the curse gone?"


"What happened to Zeref? Did he disappear?"

"I'm afraid not. Even though we defeated him, he still exists."

Daniel closed his eyes and exhaled.

"Are you alright?", I asked.

"Yes. I'm fine," he replied as he sat up by himself and pulled me into a hug.

I reacted with surprise.

"Thank you, Melanie. Thank you, everyone! Thank you so much!"

Everyone smiled.

I smiled too as I hugged him back.

"Congratulations everyone," a voice said in the background.

Everyone looked at the ocean and found out that a person was standing on it.

"M-Mavis Vermillion?", Erza asked.

"The first master of Fairy Tail?!", Natsu said.

Mavis smiled.

"Yes. It is me."

I helped Daniel stand as I got up.

"I came here to congratulate you. You all were very brave, especially you, Melanie."


"You were the only one who encouraged everyone to not give up! You were the only one who was able to bare and use everyone's magic to defeat Zeref. So, as an award for being strong, I am giving you this ex-quip."


"This is one of its kind. Use it wisely."

Mavis placed her hand in front of her as my body started to glow.

Seconds later, I transformed into my ex-quip. 

I wore a red and gold warrior dress that had the Fairy Tail mark on the upper part, I had white stockings with gold knee-high boots, and my hair was in pigtails and was longer than before.

"W-Wow," I said as I looked a tmy transformation.

"Behold, ex-quip, The Fairy Tail Warrior!", Mavis said as she gestured to me.

I faced everyone and everyone looked at me with awe.

"You look amazing!", Happy said.

"That dress is beautiful," Lucy said.

I made a blushing smile to everyone.


Mavis threw a red and gold spear to me.

"This is the weapon that goes with your ex-quip."

I looked at it for a moment and then I looked at Mavis with a smile.

"Thank you very much."

"Your welcome. Now, as for your cousin."

I looked at him. "Do you have anywhere to go?", I asked Daniel.

"N-No," he replied.

I walked towards him. "Would you like to join Fairy Tail?"

He reacted with surprise.

"We always welcome newcomers," I said with a smile.

He was silent as he looked at me with surprised eyes.

"So, what do you say?"


He looked at everyone. Natsu made a thumbs up and Gray, Lucy, Erza, and everyone else smiled.

"...umm. Sure!"

Everyone cheered.

"Great! Then.." I placed my hand in front, wanting to shake his hand, "Welcome to Fairy Tail, Daniel."

He smiled and placed his hand in mine, "Thank you, Melanie."

I looked at Mavis one last time, but she disappeared.

I couldn't see her, but she was still there.

"*sigh* Fairy Tail never changes huh. Makarov, you truly kept this guild alive. and you have recruited great wizards.

Another battle is finished. Another one will come soon, and until then, the one who inherits the power of water and ice should stay alert of what comes to her...."

Mavis disappeared towards the sunset as we all continued to cheer for our victory.

Tomorrow is another day...

Another battle has been finished...

But, work still needs to be done.


We returned to Magnolia, walked towards our fallen guild, and stopped.

Master sighed and started to cry, "WAAAAAAAA!!!", he yelled.

"Master! Are you alright?", Erza asked.

"NO! ", he said as he sniffed. "This will take a fortune to rebuild!!!!"

He continued to cry as I sweatdropped, "Oh Master..."

"Excuse me," a voice said as everyone turned around.

There were Rune Knights standing on the side.

Lahar, the head of the 4th Custody Enforcement Unit, walked in front of the crowd.

"We are here to arrest a person who killed the family of Melanie Ayame."

I reacted with surprise.

"Daniel Kahoko."

He reacted with surprise.

"Come with us. You are hereby arrested for the murder of Alice and Peter Ayame and the Kahoko Family."

He stood and trembled in fear.

Should I allow this to happen or should I not? 

*sigh* Here we go again...

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