A New Fairy Tail Member - Chapter 28 - The Second Test!

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A New Fairy Tail Member

Chapter 28 - The Second Test!


Natsu and Happy - PASSED

Gajeel and Pantherlily - PASSED

Gray and Loke - PASSED

Levy and Lisanna - PASSED

Melanie - PASSED

Lucy and Cana - ELIMINATED


"WELCOME BACK EVERYONE!", Master yelled. "I hope you are ready for the second test! For a little reminder, in case some of you forgot, for this test, you will be fighting each other. These will be the following battles:

Gajeel vs. Gray

Levy vs. Melanie

From Melanie's situation, these battles will be one-on-one battles. Natsu, I'm sorry, but you won't be able to fight."

Natsu snapped, "WHAT?! I WANT TO FIGHT!!!"

Master punched him with his fist, making him go into a tree.

"Be patient boy! You will have your chance!", Master said looking at him and then looking at us. "All right, let's get this test started!"

"Wait! We're going to have it here?!", Loke asked.

"Yep. Right here, near the lake," Master said.

We all looked at each other, with glares, and then we went into our positions.

FIRST BATTLE: Gajeel vs. Gray 

"ALL RIGHT!", Gray said as he ran to Gajeel.

Gajeel immediately reacted.

Gajeel: Iron Dragon's Roar!

Gray: Ice-Make: Shield!

The shield blocked Gajeel's attack.

Gajeel: Iron Dragon's Club!

Gajeel's fist made of iron, stretched to Gray.

Gray: Freeze!

Gajeel's fist made of iron froze and then it broke.

"SHOOT!", Gajeel yelled as he clenched his teeth and got ready for his next attack.

Gajeel: Iron Dragon's Spiral!

Gajeel made his way to Gray in his spiral form.

Gray: Ice-Make: Prison!

A prison made of ice fell on top of Gajeel. He tried to brake it with his iron fists, but it didn't work. Suddenly, Gray removed the prison which made Gajeel fall down from its hold.

"Come on, Gajeel. Is this all you got?", Gray asked.

On the ground, Gajeel clenched his fists and stood up, starting to feel pissed off.

Gajeel: Karma Demon: Iron God Sword!

Gray reacted with surprise and dodged the attack. When he dodged it, he landed on the ground.

Gray: Ice Blade: Seven Slice Dance!

Gray repeatedly slashed Gajeel making him go back seven times. When his magic wore off, Gray continued to attack.

Gray: Ice-Make: Knuckle!

Knuckles came out of the ground, hitting Gajeel, making him fall down. As he slowly got up, Gajeel said, "I've had enough of you!"

Gray's eyes widened.

Gajeel: Iron Dragon's Lance: Demon Logs!

A large number of steel spears were shot from his spear-like arm. 

Gray: Ice-Make: Wall!

The wall blocked the attack.

Gajeel reacted with surprise as Gray made a smirk.

Gray: Ice-Make: Floor!

A floor made of ice appeared, making Gajeel fall.

Gray: Ice-Make: Geyser!

A geyser, made of ice, came out of the floor, and froze Gajeel.

Gajeel vs. Gray - VICTOR: Gray

"Awesome job, Gray!", Loke yelled from the sidelines.

SECOND BATTLE: Levy vs. Melanie

"Good luck, Melanie!", Levy yelled.

"Good luck, Levy!", I yelled.

"I'm going to go first!"

Levy: Sold Script: Fire!

Me: Water Whirlpool!

Her attack of fire got sucked into my whirlpool, which made it disappear.

Levy: Solid Script: Storm!

Me: Rock Wall!

My wall blocked her attack. Once I blocked her attack, I attacked.

Me: Leaf Blade Shooter!

Leaves in the shape of blades came to Levy.

Levy: Solid Script: Guard!

A shield appeared in front of Levy which blocked my attack.

Me: Wind Current Shooter!

Wind currents were shot at Levy's shield, but it still didn't brake.

Me: Fire Blaze!

The shield still didn't brake.

Me: HIgh Tide!

The shield still didn't brake. But, I saw that Levy started to struggle with keeping her shield up, so I made one final attack.

"I'm sorry, Levy!", I yelled as I moved my arms to each side of my body.

Me: Fire, Wind, Earth, and Water!

Levy reacted with surprise.

The Power of the 4 Elements!

Levy closed her eyes.

Universal Wave!

From my attack, Levy fell down and her shield was finally broken.

Levy vs. Melanie - VICTOR: Melanie

"Good job, everyone! Now the second test is finished! Here are the results:

Natsu - PASSED




Melanie - PASSED


Now for the final test, you will battle the S-Class Wizards."

"The S-Class Wizards!", Natsu said with excitement.

"These will be the battles:

Natsu vs. Gildarts!

Gray vs. Erza!

and Melanie vs. Mirajane!"

We all reacted with surprise.

"Get ready for tomorrow and have a good sleep! Tomorrow is the last test! Don't fail me! THAT IS ALL! And also, GOOD LUCK!"

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