Grand Magic Games - Day 4

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You woke in a different hotel. It seemed significantly more expensive than the one Fairy Tail had supplied you with. The beds were more comfortable, there was more room, and everything generally seemed better. When you woke up, it was to birds chirping and sunlight streaming through the window. A face sporting a pair of small brown eyes was also hovering over you.
"Alicia? What are you doing?" You asked groggily, pushing the girl away and sitting up slowly.
"We should go for breakfast before the games." She stated. You noticed that she was already fully dressed and ready to go. You groaned.
"Fine." You muttered, walking into the bathroom.
"No showering!" Alicia called.

You shuffled begrudgingly down the street behind your friend. You didn't necessarily want to sleep, it was more that your bed was incredibly comfortable this morning, compared to last night when you couldn't get into a comfortable position. You were hoping to stay quiet, and observe the games without showing anyone who you were. You would talk to your guild after the games, when no one was stressed out and didn't corner you. Looking for a place for breakfast turned out to be harder then you thought. Everywhere was either full, had disgusting food, or was closed. Both of you sighed as you turned the corner leading to the last possible place to eat. Alicia checked her watch, long green hair swaying as she turned her head.
"If this place isn't full, we'll have an hour to eat before we have to go secure our seats at the games." She informed you. You nodded in response.
"And if it is full, we can go buy some food and sit around for an hour." You added.

Turns out that the restaurant was full, having a reputation for the best waffles in Crocus and everything. So the two of you went to a local store to grab a few things, before walking out of the Crocus gates, and finding a nice place to sit. Turns out the nicest places, according to the locals, are surrounded by monster infested forests, thorns and traps. Of course neither you nor Alicia were backing out of this idea. So you ended teleporting you both, and the food of course, to one of the pretty hills in the middle of the forest.
"Hey. You really can teleport." Alicia muttered, sitting down and digging through the food bag.
"You doubted me?" You asked, sitting beside her.
"Of course. It didn't seem possible for someone to have all the magics. And you'd only just met me, why would you tell me that?"
"I mean, I slept over in your hotel room and I only just met you." You replied, digging into the bag of food yourself. Inside were a couple of waffles, though not from the famous waffle restaurant, a banana for Alicia, a pear for you, and iced coffee for both of you.

After an hour, you and Alicia threw away your rubbish (which was basically just throwing your natural wastes into the trees and you transforming the other things into natural stuff to throw into the forest), and made your way back into Crocus, and the grand magic games arena. You secured the same seats as the day before, right in the middle of a pack of Sabertooth fangirls. When they walked on, a collective scream arose, practically deafening you
"Fantastic." You muttered, in your fangirl disguise. Alicia nudged you.
"Not used to being surrounded by screaming girls?" She teased. You scowled.
"Definitely not. The only fangirl I've ever really known is Juvia. Being around this many Juvia's is difficult for me to deal with." You sighed. Alicia snorted in amusement.
"Did you just label the fangirl kind as 'Juvia's'?" You peered over at her.
"Of course." Then the games began.

The fourth days event was the Naval Battle. During this, participants had to knock each other out of the sphere of water. Points were awarded according to the order that the contestants were knocked out in, with the last person remaining gaining top points. When only two people were left, a special 5-minute timer would start. If a person is knocked out of the sphere during this time, they will be put in dead last instead of second. The participants were Riseley Law from Mermaid Heel, Jenny Realight of Blue Pegasus, Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail A, Juvia Lockser representing Fairy Tail B, Sherria Blendy from Lamia Scale, Minerva Orland of Sabertooth and Rocker of Quatro Puppy.
"Where's the Raventail contestant? Or guild generally?" Alicia asked. You sighed.
"Obviously you weren't paying attention. They were disqualified because their whole team was attacking Laxus, and their guild master - my father - was participating." You informed her.
"Oh." She muttered, seemingly disappointed. You furrowed your eyebrows. You had told her about Raventail, but she seemed generally concerned.
"Let the event begin!" Mato the pumpkin mascot screamed at the crowd, causing cheers to, once again, deafen you.

"What is she doing?" You nearly screamed, watching as the Minerva lady from Sabertooth practically tortured your guild mate.
"That cant be allowed! She's really hurting her! She could kill her! Someone needs to disqualify her or something!"
"She isn't breaking any rules for the games, so they can't disqualify her. Unfortunately, she's going to have to tough it out. Anyway, look on the bright side, shes not going to come last!" Alicia tried to cheer you up. However, you were so angry that you were practically tearing your hair out.
"Damnit! That doesn't matter! She can't be alright!" You cried, though you had to whisper so that the screaming Sabertooth fans wouldn't hear and shun you. Alicia said no more, but you could sense that she was also stiff and nervous. You had learnt that Minerva was actually the daughter of her guild's master, so a lot of pressure was put on her, but she was also cruel, malicious and constantly plotting something.

At the end of that event, Sabertooth came first, followed by Fairy Tail A and B, then it was Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel and Blue Pegasus. Quatro Puppy was in last. Because of the odd number of participants thanks to Raventail's disqualification (which Alicia still seemed too concerned about) the two Fairy Tail teams had to merge. In this team was Natsu, Gray, Erza, LAxus, Gajeel and as a reserve, Juvia. Lucy had been placed into the infirmary after her torture during the Naval Battle. She was probably alright though, Lucy was much tougher then she looks, and she looks like the definition of a 'damsel in distress'. The Fairy Tail team would continue the games with the amount of points that Fairy Tail A had - 35. But next up were the battles, but not single battles. Two people from each guild would battle.

The first battle was Ichiya and someone dressed in a bunny costume from Blue Pegasus, against Bacchus and Rocker of Quatro Puppy. Unlike the other battles that didn't feature Fairy Tail or Sabertooth, you couldn't tear your eyes away. And not because it was intense, it was more that it was so... bizarre. The bunny costume person turned out to be a cat, or Edolas, version of Ichiya, and he was knocked out immediately after the explanation of how they found each other. Then, Bacchus and Rocker proceeded to beat up Ichiya, only for him to turn into a terrifying, buff version of himself after a while. He then knocked them both out in a single punch, terrifying everyone in the arena and winning the battle for his guild. You weren't terrified by the sheer power of his punch however, it was the look he gave the two before knocking them out that scared you.
"I'm gonna have nightmares." You whispered to yourself, unable to tear the mental image from your head. The next battle was Kagura and Milliana of Mermaid Heel versus Lamia Scale's Lyon and Yuka. The battle was interesting at first, (you were trying to be more polite and not deem battles 'uninteresting' as soon as they didn't have Fairy Tail or Sabertooth in them) but it went for so long that it ended in a draw. The next battle however, was one that you were excited to watch.

The last battle of the day was Fairy Tail's Natsu and Gajeel versus Saberooth's Sting and Rogue, or the 'Twin Dragon Slayers' which was the name they went by.
"This is a real battle." You laughed, eyeing the four tense dragon-slayers.
"You really wanted to see Fairy Tail go against Sabertooth, didnt you." Alicia stated more than asked. You nodded, eyes now fixed on the black-haired Sabertooth dragon-slayer in particular. You remembered blurting all your secrets to him before sprinting away.
"Of course." You lowered your voice. "I am a Fairy Tail mage, and Sabertooth intrigues me." You swore that you noticed Alicia twitch when you mentioned Fairy Tail. The battle did not start out calm at all. The two pairs rushed at each other with such ferocity, anyone else would've already been torn apart. It seemed Sting had a particular thing against Natsu, the same for Rogue with Gajeel. After the two Sabertooth mages were beaten and bashed by Gajeel and Natsu, they activated their Shadow and white drives, allowing them to become more powerful, though the Fairy Tail dragon-slayers were still able to keep up.

After a while, Sting knocked both Natsu and Gajeel underground, winning the match. You eyed the rubble and dust carefully, sensing that the two were perfectly alright, and still able to fight.
"Well, that was a rather intense battle." Alicia said, standing up and stretching. "I'm going to meet up with so-"
"It's not done." You stopped her mid-sentence, urging her to sit back down. And, just as hesitantly sat back down, the dust cleared, revealing both Natsu and Gajeel, standing and ready to fight. The whole arena gasped in shock, the Fairy Tail guild and few fans cheered wildly, and you crossed your arms and smiled cockily at the other girl, who flicked her green hair over her shoulder and turned away from you. Your smile faded, quickly replaced by a frown. She was acting very strange. Maybe you didn't know the real Alicia, you had only met her yesterday.

Once again, the battle commenced. Unfortunately, you had to stare at the big lacrima hovering over the arena to actually watch the action. You would've preferred watching it face to face, and the switching camera angles were making your head spin, but it was the only way you could see. Turns out, Natsu's ego had won out against his teamwork skills, and he had pushed Gajeel into a cart, facing the Sabertooth dragon-slayers by himself. Even when Sting and Rogue activated their dragon force and, as a last resort, their Unison Raid, Natsu came out on top, deflecting the major attack with his dragon-slayer secret art, and blowing everyone away.
"I knew he could do it." You muttered smugly. Alicia scowled.
"Come on. Let's go. I have someone to meet." She groaned, pulling your hand out of the arena, and walking around to a new part of town.

When you arrived to... wherever you were,  Alicia turned to you, a new and serious expression displayed on her pretty face. Her brown eyes were narrowed, and she flicked all of the green hair off her face and shoulders.
"We need to talk." She stated coldly. You were slightly taken aback, but replied evenly.
"Ok, about what?" You asked. In all honesty though, you were annoyed and confused. This wasn't like the Alicia you had gotten to know over the last two days, and she had pulled you away before you could find out the days results.
"I-..." She hesitated, before taking a deep breath and meeting your masked brown eyes. "I cant be your friend."
Your eyes widened and you felt like crying. No way were you going to give up on her because of some weird problem that she obviously had.
"Why?" You asked, barely choking back sobs.
"You're a good person, and I really like you as a friend, but I've been lying, and you don't deserve the pain I'm going to bring."
"No! You don't bring me pai-"
"I was trying to play nice!" Alicia screamed, cutting you off. The lump in your throat disappeared immediately. You had noticed that she was acting weird, but apparently she was acting normal and her facade was breaking.
"I never liked you! I was using you to get information about Fairy Tail!" She was absolutely furious. She then proceeded to wrench up her light blue t-shirt sleeve, and show you a symbol on her inner forearm. You knew that symbol very well, as it was a symbol of the guild that you hated the most. But before you could react, Alicia ran off, and you swore you saw something glint in her hand.

You sprinted after the girl that you had called your friend. "This is why I don't trust people." You told yourself bitterly, nearly missing the long green hair whipping around the corner. After a while of running, you found yourself weaving through crowds of people, some were even competing in the games. You had just lost her, but were still attempting to intercept her. After all, it looked like she had a knife in her hand. You noticed, a familiar head of blonde hair, surrounded by a helmeted head, and two heads of green hair - slightly lighter than Alicia's. But hen you saw the person you were chasing, directly behind your brother. Your eyes widened, noticing her retracted hand, knife ready to throw. You couldn't get over there in time to stop her from throwing, and you didn't want to fight her, so you did the only other thing you could think of. You teleported directly between your brother and Alicia, right when she had thrown the knife. But you didn't act fast enough to catch it, so the knife plunged into your body.

Your breath hitched, knees buckling. The knife had landed just above your heart, barely missing it. You saw the look of fear on Alicia's face, as someone screamed and people came to handcuff her. You felt your disguise flickering. Soon, you couldn't hold it, and knew that everyone saw your dragon-like form. Your yellow eyes were wide, gradient rainbow hair probably stained crimson with your blood. You felt someone supporting your back and laying you on the cold ground, but you couldn't hear anything but a dull ring, and your sight was limited to darkness, speckled with white. You smiled as you felt someone checking your heart beat.
"I'm... fine..." You croaked out, attempting to sit back up, only to be pushed back down. You were determined to stay conscious, even if your head was spinning and your sight was gone. One voice however, pierced through the others.
"You idiot! I was going for him! You shouldn't have gotten in the way! It's all your fault that I was found out!"
Your smile immediately faded, and you felt yourself blacking out, no matter how hard you tried not to. You did manage to say one more thing though.
"You had to be Raventail, didn't you." It came out as barely a whisper, but you were sure she heard it because of the frustrated scream that followed. But then once again your hearing disappeared, along with everything else, and you passed out.

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