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Once it was time to go and invade your uncle's space, the three of you: you, Yuta, and Shirou went on the final mission to take him down.

A mile away from the destination, you made sure everyone knew their job. "Okay Shirou, use your technique to cover Yuta's presence right now. Make it look like you're the graceful son to bring back their main food source, and you two head out together to take down other followers. You already know where I'm going to be." Just repeating yourself again caused anxiety in your heart. You're so close to your uncle yet so far. Any wrong error will result in a bad outcome, and you wanted to get this over with.

"Y/n, we've got your back!" Shirou encouragingly smiled, trying to uplift your spirit because you deserve it. He really prayed for the best because this was a dangerous mission to do if it's only the three of you guys.

"Yep, just like what Shirou said! We're not going to let you die. We're all going to protect each other!" Yuta added and you felt a bit better from their words, not entirely since you guys weren't close to the place. Maybe once you're in front of the doors, your anger and confidence will come back ten times stronger because old memories will come gushing back.

You put on a smile for them as you nodded your head. "I know, I know. It's very nerve wracking that's all."


After 20 minutes of walking, Shirou used his ability to hide Yuta as you and Shirou entered the large building that your uncle and his followers resided in. Yuta had to wait five to ten minutes before he could enter.

Walking beside Shirou, he announced your arrival in the halls so everyone could hear his voice echo. "My fellow family, I've come back with our one and only goddess!!!" His voice roared loud enough that it hit all corners of the building.

Out of curiosity, all of your followers peaked their heads to where Shirou and you stood. They didn't know whether he was faking it or not, but the moment they laid eyes on you, they were immediately gasping and crying.

"She is back!!! She has returned!!!" One of your followers shouted, falling on their knees and it triggered you. You were overwhelmed in disgust as you wanted to kill all of them on the spot, but you knew being hasty wasn't going to make this plan seamless.

"I... I returned..." You tried to be enthusiastic about it, but you didn't have the heart to fully say it and mean it when you didn't yet you had to be convincing enough to fool them. However, they'll always be fooled because they can't see through your lies; they love you too much to believe you'll stray from them.

"Now, let us gather inside this room and have everyone come in!!! Let her meet her greatest worshippers first!! You deserve her more than anyone else!" Shirou swayed the crowd because they've been deprived but to prevent them from telling your uncle, you also had to say something too.

"I'll surprise my uncle later, so please don't tell him. I need to see him one-on-one." Your lips strained a smile as your eye muscles twitched. You did your best composing yourself under their watch. If Shirou wasn't here and they all gathered around you, you knew you would've lost it and killed them. "Let's head inside the room." You gestured to an empty room and made sure everyone came inside. You weren't going to allow anyone to be left behind. They're all going to die together.

Once all your followers were inside, you nodded at Shirou that he could finish his part of the job as you did yours. You closed the door behind you, keeping your bright smile and unraveling your devious plan. They were going to receive the same treatment from the last group you persuaded.

The moment Shirou saw the door shut, he knew it was his time to go. His feet lightly jogged in the hallway until he heard some rattling noises. Immediately, Shirou stopped his movements as he looked around. It sounded like someone was using a pulley to lift something off the ground.

"Where is it coming from? Is it her followers? Uncle? I don't know— ACKKK!!" Shirou screamed, feeling electricity zapping his body as he fell on the ground twitching. An electrical net, planted by your uncle, fell from the ceiling and purposefully aimed at his enemy. Your uncle came prepared even if he wasn't anticipating much from you. He wanted to make sure he was safe regardless.

The electrical net sent down a heavy amount of electricity to knock out Shirou. After ten seconds of being trapped, he was unconscious as his limbs turned into stone and the electricity stopped shocking him.

Outside the building, Yuta looked at the lines he drew to make up the minutes he's been outside waiting for his turn to come in. "Well, it's been five minutes. I'm not gonna stand around for five more minutes! I'm going in." All he could think about was you— if you were okay, if you were safe, if you needed help and so forth. For starters, he really thought the end mission would've been him doing this all by himself. He never expected you or Shirou to be involved.

"Okay, let's go." Yuta calmed himself and switched his demeanor to fit the atmosphere inside. He had to stay focused and trust you.

Taking big strides to the entrance, he opened the door knowing very well Shirou's technique was still concealing him for the time being. Shirou told him that he's gonna be undetectable for about thirty minutes before it wears off. He entered inside a big empty hallway. He turned his head in both directions to see which path he should take as he's unfamiliar with the layout.

"If I go left or right, it'll definitely lead me to the same area. I won't worry too much about this." Yuta went with his left side and scurried off. His eyes gazed in all directions to make sure there's no sneak attacks. He intended to clear a path for you and end this fast.


Yuta's feet hit the tile floor and ran past the same identical hallway for the past twenty minutes or so he thought. The corner of his eye caught this 'different' hallway because he saw something on the ground. It brought some reassurance that he wasn't going crazy nor stuck in some type of cycle.

He stopped in his tracks and proceeded to walk to the thing that calmed his confusion. "Is that a person?" Yuta mumbled, slowing down his pace as he wasn't sure if they're the bad guys or not. However, if they were your worshippers, he had enough time to slice their throat open since his hands were gripping his katana handle.

Little by little, Yuta got closer, keeping a good distance between him and the person lying on the ground. It was apparent that they were trapped under a net. Suddenly, his eyes widened from his realization after inspecting the body from a distance. "Wait... that small body...! It's Shirou!" This time his pace fastened as he jumped to Shirou's side.

Yuta ripped off the net and shook his body, trying to see if he'll wake up. "Hey! Can you hear me?! Wake up!!" To no avail, Shirou was unresponsive and Yuta felt his heart drop to the ground. This was bad news if he's down because now you're by yourself. Who knows what would happen to you if this happened to Shirou. "Shit!!" He cursed under his breath, grabbing the net to inspect what happened to him. His fingers ran across the twisted copper wires. It wasn't laced with any other layers to protect the electricity from hurting people. Yuta knew it was perfectly dropped on the right person to stop the intruder from moving forward. He knew he needed to find you.

"Look at what we have here. We caught one mouse. It's time to catch the other one." A voice behind him said, announcing their presence as Yuta twisted around to fight his opponent.

"Well, the spell wore off..." Yuta sighed, eyeing your group of followers. He had no problem taking them down.


After killing the remainder of your followers, you traveled to another room where you met your uncle as his back faced you.

"Ah, look who it is. I kind of anticipated your arrival. I know you're hungry to kill me." Your uncle snickered. He couldn't understand how a submissive, fragile person like you would turn your back against him. You were in his hands and nobody could take you away so easily until Yuta showed up. He ruined everything he had in store for your future and his occult.

Hearing his voice caused your heart to race in anguish and flourished in a murderous manner. You were barely clinging on to the worn out string keeping you from being impulsive. You really wanted to think with your emotions instead of your brain. "I've been dreaming about this day," your lips twitched as your eyes never left his figure.

"How's the outside world been treating you?" Your uncle casually asked as if you guys were friends who hadn't seen each other for ages.

"It's great except for your interference... And you know what I'm talking about." You didn't need to explain what he did because he knew and only stating it would boost his ego. You weren't going to enlighten him any further than you already were by standing in front of him. "Today, I'm taking my life back whether you like it or not." You took a step forward, breaking yourself out from your uncle's shackle. You must eliminate him or else life won't get easier and nicer for you. Killing the demon which haunted you was the only option to take.

"Hah!" Your uncle scoffed, laughing at your words as his shoulders jumped. He couldn't control himself since you're nothing but talk. After all these years, you finally wanted to challenge him? It's unbelievable how your confidence grew out of nowhere. "You know the jujutsu world is cruel. Didn't they want to kill you because you were involved with me? I also know they like to discriminate abilities too. If it's not 'normal' they don't want you, and your technique doesn't fit their standards. You're in delusion to believe they're going to take care of you."

"But they already have— Gah!" In a blink of an eye, your uncle used his immense speed and pulled out a blade, slicing at your throat as it almost decapitated you. He caught you off guard just like what he wanted. You didn't even have the time to react or fight back. You came into his territory so you had to be prepared for what's to come.

You gurgled in your own blood, feeling it seep out from your open wound profusely. Your hands wrapped around your throat to stop the bleeding despite you knowing you'll heal anyways because it's a lot pouring out of you. Regardless, it scared you as you stumbled back.

Ah, fuck me. I was too slow to do anything!! You cursed at yourself for being so incompetent. You could've done better but you didn't. You let yourself fall into his trap when you already knew what kind of stunt he'll pull.

Then your uncle proceeded to ridicule you as he sneered in your direction, waltzing around you to rub salt into your wound. "You think your two friends are going to save you? I already took down the little boy who betrayed me and his family. My people are already taking down that Yuta."

His statement made your eyes widened, forcing yourself to lock eyes with him. He lived off from the horror written in those crybaby orbs. It reminded him about the good times he was able to control you and break you down.

"Oh?" Your uncle looked at his watch on his wrist and checked out the time. "It's been a minute now... Has your wound healed yet?" He maliciously asked, pointing out the special thing about you—your unprovoked healing body. Once when he said this, it dawned upon you that it never took this long to heal all wounds. You didn't know what he did to you to stop it from happening.

What the hell did you do to me?!!! You raged inside as you couldn't spit words out from your slashed throat.

Your uncle laughed loudly, still keeping his eyes on you and stooping in to be right in front of your damned face. "I was granted a special grade tool to stop a powerful ability like yours. Heck, I could even use this against Satoru Gojo if I'm asking for a death wish! Once it cuts you deep like this, your technique stops working for 24 hours sadly... I was hoping it would stop forever but the world isn't kind enough to help me like that."

Never did you think you would die like this. You always wanted to die before meeting Yuta and changing your life, but now you didn't want to. You wished you could curse the shit out of him, but you needed to apply pressure to your neck. The blood you were losing soaked your entire shirt, neck, and upper back.

"I'm going to kill you. You have no use for me anymore." Your uncle raised his blade in the air and was going to slice it down on you. However, his body was quickly kicked off to the side as he flew across the room.


Dust exploded in the air, causing your vision to be blocked by the particle dancing.

Shit! My body feels weak... Am I going to die? After losing liters of blood, you were losing feelings in your body as you fell on your knees. You never let go of your neck. You held as tight as you could. Your heavy eyes casted to the dirty ground, praying to god Yuta will come. If he couldn't save you, at least let him kill off your uncle, that's your final wish.

I guess it's over. I can't feel my body anymore, I feel tired... I want to close my eyes but then I'll be gone forever... It's funny how I'm receiving this so late when I wanted it earlier in life... You were in your own mind and feared for the worst, but you tried thinking about the positive things in your life so it wouldn't be so bad. Your mind replayed the time you met Yuta and the others, and the moments you shared with Yuta as well.

"Y/n! Y/n!" A familiar voice rang in the air as rapid footsteps approached you.

The dust cleared and revealed a frantic Yuta. "Oh god!" His eyes widened in horror as he couldn't believe the state you were in. "Rika! Protect us for a moment!" Then he turned his full attention back to you, scooping you into his arms. Yuta felt his body shaking in rage seeing you in this condition. It looked like you were on the brink of death and he couldn't understand why you weren't getting better. The first time he met you, you could heal but now you're drowning in blood. "Why aren't you healing? What happened?!"

As he spoke, your eyes were rolling back yet you kept trying to keep it on him. You couldn't stay conscious for long as death was dragging you by the feet.

Yuta noticed your unresponsive nature so he took it into his own hands. He wanted you alive or else he wouldn't live on. "Never mind that. I'm going to heal you!" Yuta used his healing technique and without a doubt, your neck sewed up like it wasn't ripped open.

Your eyes reopened and you clawed at your neck as you were amazed by his ability. This was your first time being healed by him. "Th-thanks...!" Your voice strained, trying to get back to normalcy again. "My uncle has a tool which can cancel one's technique for 24 hours, that's why I was bleeding like that because of him. Now I can't even use my divine beast as I wanted, which sucks ass but I can still fight." You gave him the run down because you had no time to waste. Your uncle would attack you guys even if Rika was holding him back.

Yuta frowned at the news and sighed. This took a huge turn but he wasn't going to let this get to him. There's many ways to win a battle so he's not going to dwell on it too much. "Well, we'll figure out a way. You have me to help you... and by the way, Shirou was taken out by an electric net so he's unconscious right now. No harm was done to him."

Biting your lips, you cursed under your breath. "Damn!" You couldn't believe your uncle was one step ahead of you. "Let's go beat his ass!" You were overwhelmed with emotional rage. You're going to make sure you give him death.

"Here, take my katana. I don't need it. I can fight without it." Yuta smiled at you, being your little ray of sun during your darkest hours. It made your heart tingle in appreciation and warmth.

So you returned the smile, holding his weapon against your chest. You were going to make sure it came back in one piece. This was one special treasure you're not going to damage. "Thanks!"

"Rika!" Yuta commanded as Rika went back to his side, and your uncle struggled getting off the ground where Rika punched him to a pulp. He pulled himself back on his trembling feet while showing no defeat. He still had his special grade tool in his hand despite being ruffled up. He held onto that blade with his life; he's not letting it go as it's too powerful to let it slip.

Your eyes targeted the special grade tool since it was his next prized possession. "We're getting that blade out of his hand..." You were determined to make this fight win in your favor.

You and Yuta clashed with your uncle. Yuta gave him kicks and punches imbued with cursed energy, whereas you struck him at any unprotected openings.

"AHH!" Your uncle grunted, unable to find a window to counter back. Knowing he was going to be killed by the both of you, he has no choice but to use his cursed technique. "YOU WILL BE CONSUMED IN YOUR FEARS!!" Your uncle shouted as he activated it and dust exploded in the air. This led to you and Yuta coughing from the particles, separating the two of you.

Luckily for you, you were immune to it since your uncle used this on you for your whole life. But the unfortunate one was Yuta as this was his second time getting hit and it tortured his mind once again. His number one fear wasn't Geto but losing you in this battle.

A few seconds passed and the dust cleared so you were able to see your surroundings. However, you quickly met the ground as Yuta pinned and straddled you, and his katana was back in his hand again, pointing it at the very throat he healed. This felt very nostalgic from the first time it happened. Yuta's eyes were completely black and he was fueled with determination to kill his fear. You're not surprised you were the target again, and you weren't able to shake out from him as his hand locked both wrists above your head.

"I can't fight you, Yuta... I'm not going to win. You're much stronger than me and I'm as good as dead at this point." You laughed in irony. It amazed you how you were always in a situation where you're going to die, and your uncle stripped your ability out of your body too.

"Botan, I'm going to kill you and make sure y/n doesn't have to suffer anymore!!" You felt his spit on your face from him hissing between his teeth. As much as you wanted to be relieved that his fear had changed, you really didn't want to be in your uncle's shoes at all. There's no doubt he hated your uncle more than his Geto enemy. You were going to receive a painful death if you didn't try stopping Yuta.

Shit what can I do to snap him out of it?? I don't have super strength to knock him out with one punch... He has his weapon at my throat and will kill me. He sees me as my uncle in his eyes. If his fear is losing me, should I kiss him? Will that snap him out? I know he likes me so maybe that cliche move will work because all of these scenarios I'm creating in my head will kill me no matter what...

You chose to kiss Yuta and see it'll snap him back. You doubted he'll keep the image of your uncle kissing him and realized it's you. Who else would be that intimate but you?

Hastily, you shifted your body weight to disarm and get on him. You used your legs to twist yourself out of the position you were in then aimed at his armed hand, knocking his katana out as you slammed him to the ground. Your eyes gazed at his defenseless body while you had the

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