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Chanting was heard outside your dungeon-like room as you stared at the metal door in desolate. Your heart felt empty and hollow inside like it was a tunnel with no way out. You were trapped in a situation you never wanted to be in, and you wished you could just die. This was not how you wanted to live; you wanted a better life if there's a chance but you knew there wasn't. Your calls and pleads never reached the sky, hence why you're stuck in this awful position where you're reduced to an object.

You were in your undergarments, staring at the gold lavish kimono displayed on your bed that has seen so much horror in your life. Your lips trembled, not wanting to proceed this anymore. You're so tired and drained. It took a toll on your sanity, and you wanted to end everything.

"Please...! Just let me die...!" You dropped on your knees as your hands were interlocked and shaking profusely. Your eyes squeezed shut just praying for someone to hear you. You're tired of your miserable life. You're tired of being used and abused. All you wanted was peace.


Your body jolted as your eyes were wide open from the loud sound sinking your soul into oblivion. The hairs on your body stood up and you couldn't afford to turn around. You knew who it was while coiling in fear. You felt like a person who was about to get murdered. The sound of breathing could get you killed on the spot. You held your breath, trying to stay still so you wouldn't get beaten.


Heavy footsteps drew faster and closer to you, and then you automatically screamed, feeling the roots of your hair burning from the vice grip of your own blood family: your uncle. He grabbed you like you were a ragdoll and screamed in your face while you shut your eyes.

"YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT! IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE A GOOD NIECE, WHY DON'T YOU BEHAVE AS ONE?!" The volume of his voice was so loud that you might've gone deaf.

"S-sorry...!" You whimpered, unable to look at him in the eyes. You were beyond drained to fight back so you said whatever to please him just for this to stop. However, your meek apology only angered him more as he felt like he didn't have power over you. He wanted more from you because your reaction and response was weak like your willpower to satisfy his emotional needs. So your uncle aggressively pushed you down as you landed on your side. Your hair was disheveled and your heart was racing like crazy. You wanted this to stop.

"Please let me go to the ceremony right now!! You can have your way with me later!! Let them cut me open, but we can't keep them waiting...!" You pleaded through your tears with your head hanging, squeezing your fists so tight it that your nails broke skin and bled.

Your uncle smirked above you as his eyes were filled with vile thoughts. "y/n, don't be delirious." He bent down to your level to watch your cowardice behavior from his gaze piercing your soul like a knife jabbing your skin. "You will be drained by the end of the ceremony... We both know that. I'm not a fool,"

Before you knew it, he drew out his belt and whipped you like you were a savage animal needing to be trained. You covered your face and body from getting red or possibly cut. He lashed out his frustration on you, and you took it in because fighting back only made it worse. As much as you hated him, you were already broken by him a long time ago. You're weak against him and he knew that, hence why he took advantage of your crippled state.

"y/n, why aren't you fighting back? Are you too scared? Are you already in pain? Don't be a mindless doll!! Give me a good reaction!!" He screamed, throwing his belt to the side and began punching you.

Physical abuse was a daily thing that happened behind closed doors. All you knew was blood and black and blue marks on your skin. Maybe if you had a better body, then you would've fought back with the same amount of energy he's giving to you. You took in the hits like a punching bag though in the back of your mind, you were killing him with your hands.

One day... Just one day... I will make you suffer ten folds!! In the next life, I will hunt you down! I will be the powerful one in the situation and make sure you're tortured like me!! You cursed at him with a burning rage.

After the beating, he walked to the door but before he left, he said his final words to you. "Get up, you piece of shit! We have people who're waiting for us!"

Then he slammed the door shut, and you crumbled on your back, crying out your tears of frustration. Your eyes wouldn't stop producing tears and you couldn't compose yourself. It hurts too much to cover it up. You want to kill him so badly but you're afraid and weak too. One wrong move and you're done for.

"If I can't kill him in this lifetime, then I will in the next... Hopefully someone kills me soon so the bastard can feel vulnerable that his source of power is gone... But that alone won't satisfy me." You sniffed, wiping your eyes and picking yourself up before you get another beating for being late.

You threw on the clothes and staggered your way there as your body ached.


Making your way to your own weekly ceremony, your feet felt heavy like it turned into stone dragging across the floor. Your ears detected your worshippers chanting your name because you're their god. They only believed in your holiness and your angelic words, no one else but you. You're different from them. You're the only person who carries positive energy in your blood. There's no ounce of negative cursed energy despite harboring hatred for everything and everyone.




The chanting got louder and louder until they screamed for you when your presence was known in the euphoric room. You were the center of the stage, standing on a high platform and gazing at your followers. Their faces made you want to vomit and slash their identities so they're no longer recognizable. It disgusted you. Their hungry eyes piercing your skin, mouths taunting your torment, and hands violating every piece of you. They're greedy monsters who were brainwashed by my uncle. He orchestrated your life from the beginning.

You couldn't afford to put on a smile. You're drained and tired from your uncle's abuse from earlier.

Gosh... I want this shit to end! I can't handle it right now! I hate their stares! Just die! Let me die! You tightened your fists underneath your long sleeves. If you couldn't show your anger on your face, your hands will do it for you since your abusive uncle wouldn't be able to see your raging emotions building up and sinking you ten feet underground.

Then your uncle walked behind you and gripped your shoulders firmly as he knew something was up with you. He leaned in and whispered with a smile to the crowd, "If you don't act normal then I'll make sure you're unable to move a limb and throw you to your followers who will eat you alive. That will be their only lifetime where they're able to use you as they please until you're numb and on the brink of begging for forgiveness." His callous words forced you to put on a mask and act like you're happy to see them. However, you didn't want to cross the line with him since he has the power to do that to you.

He glanced at you to confirm you obeyed him. "There, perfect! Now that wasn't so hard was it?"

So the ceremony began by your uncle announcing to the anticipating crowd. "I am excited to have you all back again!! This year will be the best year that we, curse users, take over the jujutsu world and crush them from the bottom up!! They won't see it coming!!"

Your worshippers cheered, throwing their fists up in the air as you dreaded the spotlight and the skewed lies coming out from his mouth.

"Our savior y/n will grant you all good luck in taking out all sorcerers! We need to make sure that Gojo Satoru will not interfere with our plans! Once we succeed in taking them out, we will reign the true rulers of this world!! No one will come into our way and stop us!! Curse users shall not be oppressed!! We have the right to use our powers as we please!!" Your uncle rambled on, holding you in front of him as you're the prized winner who will save humanity and kill the oppressors. You're nothing but an object for everyone to control. It's the same old saying that nobody could break free from nor see the lies hidden in all ceremonies. They should know each year users are killed off and their goal to overthrow sorcerers is futile. It's a repeating cycle because you're put on the spot. You're their god who will never betray them despite the hardship but you're no god. You're just a victim like them. They believed in your power because your uncle said so. His words were law compared to you.

"Let us rejoice and drink the blood from y/n! Her blood will guide you and strengthen your abilities as well as her shikigami!! It will protect you through your battles against sorcerers!"

This was the part you hated the most... Being cut open for them to drink you like damn vampires.

Your uncle pulled your sleeves up and slit your inner arm open. "Nnghh!" You twitched and winced from the quick pain. You tried hard to hold in your painful expression as your open wounds stun. It made you so uncomfortable that it was hard for you to stay still and endure this.

Your uncle motioned everyone to come up on stage and drink your blood from your bleeding arm like a leech sucking on your skin. It was hard not to be squeamish feeling their compelled lips trying to devour you. The sensation made you want to pass out and block this moment from your brain. You hate remembering this so you closed your eyes and pretended you were in another place murdering everyone in this room.

Next, your uncle threatened you to create shikigami for them so they're protected when fighting sorcerers. You honestly didn't want to do it but he knew how to manipulate you by using his abuse or your worshipers against your will. It's either inflicted wounds or compliance, and you always chose the latter.

You produced many shikigami from your own body as it was taking a toll on your health. Your muscles were getting weak and exhausted. You couldn't keep on making more for them or else you'll pass out. Sweat broke out on your neck and traveled down your back while your eyelids were getting heavy each second standing on stage.

When the last person got their 'blessing' from you, you finally left the spotlight and headed back to your room. You leaned on the wall to support your heavy body.

"Goddamnit...!" You exasperated, crumbling on your knees to take a short rest. Your eyes were closed as you barely made it to your room. It felt like a long walk when it wasn't. Just twenty more steps then you'll be there. "I feel my body failing me," you couldn't function properly because when you create many shikigami, it takes a toll on your body and health. It made you extremely tired to the point where it could immobilize you and throw you into a high, long fever.

After catching your breath, you managed to get to your room and throw yourself into your bed. Your hands were clammy and you were drenched in sweat. Your skin was so hot, it could cook an egg in an instant. Your trembling hands couldn't even peel off your kimono so you kept it on and fell into bed. Your arms and legs were sprawled out as you panted tiredly. Your eyes rolled back, letting your fatigued state take over.

Meanwhile, your worshippers were still present after you were gone. They chatted in excitement to kill off sorcerers who have wronged them. However, their luck was soon to meet an end as Yuta bursted into the room and summoned Rika to slaughter everyone. He was on a mission to take down an occult that's plotting to overthrow the jujutsu society. Everyone had to die, especially the leaders of it.

Curse users screamed, running in terror but their lives were cut short with Yuta's katana slicing their bodies in half. Blood barely stained his clothes or skin. He was flawless killing everyone in the room.

"Mmm, I didn't think there'd be so many people here. At least Rika is able to reduce the numbers and make it a fast mission..."

In Yuta's view, his victims were scattered across the bloody floor. He knew he killed the majority of the worshippers, but he had the two leaders left to eliminate: you and your uncle.

Yuta's red stained footprints walked many halls and rooms to find your uncle first, but it seemed like he had escaped during the chaos. His track was gone as well as his things in his room.

Yuta bit his lips in disappointment, looking at the room your uncle lived in. It was a mess as objects were thrown in a hurry. "I can't believe he escaped within five minutes. I wonder if he knew this was coming? This is going to be a wild goose chase, but I still have another one to find. I haven't knocked down the other rooms just yet!"

In a search for you, Yuta noticed a metal, heavy duty door at the end of a corner and rushed over there. He knew someone or something was going to be behind there. Once he kicked down the door with his raw strength, he saw you laying in your bed as you stared in his direction. From the hallway light, Yuta noticed your pale face like you were a sick person at a hospital. You looked miserable and dull.

On the other hand, you woke up to the loud sound of your door breaking and you couldn't make out your executer's face. All you knew was he was tall wearing a white jacket and black pants, carrying a katana in his hand.

I guess god finally heard me after all these years... I'm pretty sure my uncle left without me. He doesn't have a kind heart to even care because he's a selfish dick head. Hopefully my death will make him suffer...

Forcing yourself to stay awake due to your sickness, you weakly spoke to the man. "Are you here to kill me?"

"Yes," Yuta stepped closer, hovering above you as he stared in menace.

You saw his face crystal clear. His eyes were dark and hollow from the lack of sleep and empathy, and his complexion looked like it could scare a ghost by his deadpan expression targeting your soul. This man was going to be the death of you, ensuring your reincarnation to the next life where your uncle will die by your hands. You will remember your executer's face because he will bring you peace after this day after begging for your forlorn life to end.

Feebly, you reached out for his katana and guided it to your neck. This shocked Yuta as you're not fighting back. Everyone's scared of him except you. "Decapitate me, sir. That's the only way to truly kill me. I'm ready..." A crooked smile formed on your pale and cracked lips and your eyes also smiled in delight of this news to die.

Yuta's brow rose up in confusion. Why isn't she making a big fuss about this? Wouldn't she fight for her life? For her being a leader of the occult, she's suspiciously acting weird... No evil person would be bedridden and accept death like picking apples off the tree. She's not the leader but a puppet...!

Then he analyzed your face and how slow you were breathing from your mouth. Each puff looked like it was going to be your last one.

Her eyes look lifeless and bleak. I can tell she wants to die yet it's asking for help. Behind those dull eyes is someone who's suffering. I can see the burden casting on her soul. If she's not trying to fight back and wants her life to be over with... Should I even kill her? But she keeps staring at me with those pleading eyes of hers. I'm conflicted.

Yuta's heart squeezed as he's reminded of a version of himself from last year—a person who bore a power that he couldn't handle but turned out that he placed it upon himself. However, in your case, you never asked to be in this position and hold power. You're the total opposite, and although he should kill you, he couldn't. Your nonverbal face said it all.

"Your uncle escaped." Then he dropped his sword to his side, showing you that he's not going to end your life. "I won't kill you, I'll spare you—"

Just when Yuta said that, you freaked out and desperately pleaded for him to reconsider. Your eyes swelled as you sat up quickly and grabbed his hand. If he didn't kill you now, your uncle will surely find you again and torture you for being a failure. Death was the best choice you could take. "No, please!! I don't want to live! It's terrible! If I could kill myself I would've done it a long time ago to stop this madness!!" Tears rolled down your face. You couldn't afford to turn back and face him.

The more Yuta watched you beg, the more he couldn't bring himself to end you even though you're demanding it. He knew you could have a better life if you didn't try to toss your life away like this. There's more than what meets the eyes. His consciousness was telling him you're an innocent person. Yuta can see it on your face and in your eyes. No guilty person would ask for this outcome, so he followed his heart.

"No, I can't kill you. You're coming with me instead." Yuta whipped out his phone to call someone, but you stopped him as you forced yourself to get out of bed and cling onto him. Yuta stumbled a bit, trying to find his balance to keep you stable. When he touched your shoulders to hold you down, he could feel how hot you were burning. It surprised him that you're still awake and on your feet.

Is she having a fever?? How is it possible that she's still standing? Yuta really knew something was wrong with this mission. For one leader to leave another one behind was suspicious.

"What? You're not going to kill me?" You tilted your head back but almost fell backwards from your heavy head feeling like a hefty sandbag trying to take you down. Nonetheless, Yuta secured his arm around your back to prevent anything from hurting you. He knew you're not in a good shape to be standing so he made you sit down on your bed.

Yuta knelt so he's at eye level with you. "Y/n," he already knew your name because it was given in the brief mission meeting with the higher ups. "I'm not going to kill you. You're going to help me find your uncle, Botan. You seem more like a victim than a leader."

Your eyes kept blinking to stay awake as your ears tried its best to register his words but it was partially connecting and trying to make sense. "O-okay..." you nodded, then began thinking about your uncle.

If he's not going to kill me then my uncle will believe that I'm alive. He won't stop searching until I'm back in his hands... I gotta do something about that.

"Make it look like you killed me! I'll heal from it,"

You saw how hesitant Yuta looked as he stared from you to his blade. He wasn't sure if he heard it right. You wanted him to inflict an open wound on you? Of course, he can also heal you too, but it's an odd request to ask.

Yuta didn't make a move, so you boldly grabbed the blade with your bare hands, cutting your fingers and palms in the process and sliding it across your throat.

Yuta's eyes widened from your action as blood sprayed from your neck, coating the walls and your bed. It even covered half of his face and white shirt. He was too stunned to speak, watching you fall on your back and become unresponsive.

"Y/n...?" He called, wondering what just happened as it didn't hit him in the face just yet. Yuta was trying to process everything you did to yourself, and it only took a few seconds for his senses to knock him off his feet. "Y/n!!" Yuta shouted, pushing your hair to the side so he could see the wound.

Did she say that just to kill herself?? My intentions

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