Chapter 38

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What could Izuku say? He was proud of himself. He watched Shoyo jump off his chair as his mother got out her phone to take a photo of her son and his hero. A rush of warmth filled his chest when Shoyo ran to him and dragged him over for a photo too.

Once everyone was settled in their seats and All Might had left Sano-san took over the conversation.

"Now, Shoyo-kun, I know what happened the other day was very surprising and scary, but I'd like to reassure you that I'm gonna do my very best to help you understand and control your quirk, okay?" Sano said in a sweet voice. Shoyo nodded and held his mother's hand.

"First, have you tried using your quirk at all?" Shoyo shook his head 'no'. "And are you willing to try? You can be honest, it's completely up to you." Shoyo took a moment, his brow furrowing in concentration.

"I-I can try." He said determinedly. Izuku didn't miss the look of surprise on both Ms. Sakai's and Sano-san's faces.

"That is very brave of you, Shoyo-kun." Sano said as she looked back at her notes. "Usually kids don't feel comfortable in the first session."

"Izuku-senpai said that my quirk doesn't make me bad. A-and he said my quirk might do good! But Mama said I have to do this first to find out. And I want to find out!" Shoyo exclaimed.

"Well if you are comfortable, Midoriya-kun had an idea that I'm very interested in. After your quirk came in, did you start filling anything odd around you? Like a string, or a presence in your mind?"

"Um, sometimes when I think about my quirk there's a um, I don't know how to explain it..."

"That's okay, quirks are very difficult to describe." Sano encouraged.

"Is it like a feeling? Or a thought?" Izuku stepped in when he saw Shoyo's frustrated face. "Try to think about your quirk now and say what comes to mind."

Shoyo closed his eyes tightly and sat there for a second.

"It's like a string, but there's more than one. And, and they all are different." Shoyo stated. Izuku smiled.

"What makes them different?" Sano asked.

"Well, um, one is a lot smaller than the other ones. And one is warmer. Oh and that one is shorter, too!"

"How many do you feel? If you could guess?" Sano asked.

"Um, there's a lot... I don't think I can count that high..."

"That's okay," Sano said while taking a quick glance at Izuku with something akin to pride in her eyes. "Sounds like Midoriya-kun might be right. He thinks that your quirk creates a small connection between yours and the people around you's mind. Isn't that cool?"

Shoyo-kun opened his eyes and smiled brightly at his mother.

"Like Papa!" Shoyo stated proudly. His mother smiled proudly as she gave her son a small pat on the head. 

"And you said you can only feel it when you think of using your quirk, right Shoyo-kun?" Izuku asked from his seat. Shoyo turned to him and nodded. "Then you might have a better control of your quirk than we thought." The look of pure joy and awe on the boy's face made Izuku's heart squeeze.

It's been... What? Ten minutes? And I already know I'd be willing to do anything just to keep this boy smiling.

"Midoriya-kun is right," Sano agreed. "This is already a big step in the right direction." She continued making a few more notes before looking at Detective Tsukauchi and Sakai-san in turn. "I believe young Shoyo will only need a minimal of five appointments. This may change as things go on, but just from our conversation today I can tell Shoyo will be just fine."

As Sano-san, Tsukauchi and Shoyo's mother began discussing the next appointment, Izuku turned to Shoyo.

"I'm really proud of you Shoyo-kun," Izuku said with a kind smile. "I knew they weren't lying when they said you were brave." 

"Th-thank you, Izuku-senpai!" Shoyo responded, giving his own toothy grin. "You're really cool! And smart! I hope I can become just as smart as you when I grow up!"

Izuku sat in shock before quickly reigning himself back in. He placed his hand on the boy's head, ruffling their hair just like his Auntie does to him when she's proud. The adults finished their conversation and Izuku led the Sakai's to the exit, Shoyo grasping both Izuku's and his mother's hands the whole way.

"Thank you so much for your help, Midoriya-kun." Sakai-san said while she helped her son zip-up his jacket.

"No need to thank me, Ma'am. I'm just glad I could help." Izuku said, a small blush on his cheeks. He leaned down to the boy's level before saying, "If you ever need to find me, just tell Tsukauchi-san and I'll give your Mom a call, okay?" The boy boy nodded his head before following his mom outside. 

"Izuku-senpai! Bye-bye!"

"Bye-bye!" Izuku called back. He heard someone snicker behind him and a small comment of 'cute' as he made his way back towards Tsukauchi's office.

When he made it, he knocked before entering so that the adults knew he was there. Yagi was sitting in the chair in front of Tsukauchi's desk and the two men nodded as Izuku entered.

"You did really good, kid." Tsukauchi said as Izuku took a seat at his temporary desk. "Not only was your analysis spot on, you were able to make that kid feel so much better about his quirk. I'm really impressed."

"I-It really wasn't much." Izuku said shyly, organizing the rest of the witness statements from the case before putting them in their new folder.

"I don't know, Young Midoriya." Yagi said, his hand on his chin. "I don't know who the kid was more excited about getting a photo with, me or you?" Izuku's blush returned more fierce than before at the thought. Tsukauchi laughed at his red face, muttering something about a strawberry before handing Izuku another file to go over.

Izuku spent the rest of the morning reading over the witness statements of a minor robbery before filing them. All Might stayed for a while before saying he'd return later for a meeting he would be having with Tsukauchi and a few others.

Asahi ended up bringing a box of pizza in for the two of them, which Izuku thanked her profusely for. She laughed at him and called him 'too cute' before leaving them to eat. Once their lunch break was over, Tsukauchi gave Izuku some more files he could go over while the detective continued his own work.

It wasn't fun, but Izuku didn't mind it either. He was able to point out a few things he found odd to the detective who listened them and even asked him to make sticky notes for him when he reviewed the case later. Izuku gladly did so, and had a few sticky notes in each file he organized.

"Looks like it's time for my meeting. You can bring that case to Asahi's office, or you can just hang out." Tsukauchi said as he stood with a bundle of papers. "You've gone through a lot more than I thought you would, so I don't mind you taking a break."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Izuku said as he gathered the statements in his arms. He made his way to Asahi's office, knocking politely before entering. Asahi was at her desk and gestured happily at. the chair across from her.

"Come take a seat kid." She said kindly. Izuku did so and placed the statements in front of him, making sure they took up as little space as possible. 

The two worked quietly, both occupied with. their own tasks until Izuku realized he had finished reading through all if the statements. He organized them as slowly as he could before placing the file on the desk and looking around. Asahi, of course, noticed the lost look on the boys face and giggled, closing the tab on the computer and leaning back in her chair.

"So, why are you interning her kiddo? Tsukauchi said you're in the support course." Asahi asked.

"Oh, I want to be both a support engineer and a quirk analyst. So, having some knowledge about investigations could help me perform better in the future." Izuku responded. "I had an internship at a support company during middle school, so I have a good idea how the support industry works. And I don't really want to have to go to university, so Nezu said that I could learn everything I needed at U.A. And I'm saying too much. I'll stop now. Sorry...."

"You are not saying too much, kid." Asahi assured him with a kind smile. "That's really neat, how you want to work two jobs like that. I don't think I could ever do it."

"I'm sure you could Asahi-san! I've only known you for a day, but I can already tell that you're a really hard worker and. you get along with people easily too!" Izuku said, a small blush on his cheeks.

"Has anyone told you that you look like a strawberry when you blush?"

Forget small. It was a full blown, bright red blush that spread from his neck to his hair.

"Oh my gosh! It's even better now!"  Asahi giggled in her seat and Izuku desperately thought for a way to get the attention off of him.

"Um, so what made you want to work in the police department? If you don't mind me asking." Izuku asked, trying to tame his blush.

"My Uncle Daichi was a police officer here." Asahi responded fondly. "I didn't know what I wanted to do, I knew university wasn't for me, so he got me a job here. He recently retired and moved back to his home town last year."

"That's really nice of him." Izuku commented. Asahi nodded, she was about to say something else when there was a know on the door. Tsukauchi walked into the room, a tired look on his face.

"That look screams 'coffee'." Asahi commented as she made her way to the corner of the room. Izuku saw a thankful look cross Tsukauchi's face before he turned to Izuku.

"You did good today, kid. You can head home now so you can have dinner with your mom. Here I'll take that file." Izuku handed the man the file before thanking both him and Asahi-san and moving to Tsukauchi's office to grab his things.

When he walked out of the department, Izuku caught sight of All Might in the corner of his eye. He looked over and saw him end a phone call before looking up and seeing Izuku standing there. Immediately a smile found the man's face, a similar one of Izuku's own.

"Yagi-san, did the meeting go well?" Izuku asked as the man approached him. 

"It went as expected, nothing too interesting happened though." All Might answered. "On your way home?" Izuku nodded. "Need a lift?"

"Oh! That's okay, sir." Izuku responded. All Might shook his head before saying,

"Nonsense, I don't mind." Izuku relented and followed the hero to his car, a very nice, and very expensive, maroon Bentley Continental. 

The whole ride, Izuku talked to All Might about various things, like school, how his internship was going, and All Might's fear of his former teacher.

"So he hasn't hit you with his cane?!" All. Might said in disbelief. "Even when you get a question wrong?"

"Well, I haven't necessarily gotten one wrong... I mean! Not one that I should know!" Izuku said, quickly fixing his mistake. "The ones I've gotten wrong were ones he didn't expect me to know yet. I really hope I don't end up getting one wrong in the future though."

"Hopefully he'll keep his cane-hitting to me," All Might said as he reached over to ruffle Izuku's hair. Izuku froze at the contact, before leaning into the contact happily. "We need to keep that smart brain of yours protected. Your mother truly is an amazing woman for raising you so well."

It was then that All Might turned down Izuku's street. At the mention of his mother, he couldn't help but remember how well her, All Might and Mr. Shield had gotten along. His mother didn't keep much time for herself after his father left, Aunt Mitsuki and her coworkers being the only ones she spoke of. Then an idea came to Izuku's head. As All Might parked in the parking lot next to his building, Izuku turned and used his most innocent smile on the number one hero.

"Would you like to join my mother and I for dinner?"

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