Chapter Four

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Sierra's POV

It had been about an hour since the first time someone checked the door. Sierra went to check once more with no luck. It felt like someone was holding it shut. She took her phone out to text Colby only to find that he texted her already

From: Colby Brock

How is it going with you guys? Catch anything cool?

To: Colby Brock


We kinda got locked in a room and have been stuck in here for about an hour now

But we've got some cool footage so far

From: Colby Brock


You're locked in a haunted room and don't know what or who locked you in.

To: Colby Brock


I'm fine. Don't worry.

"Still locked?" Sierra asked Rowan.

"Yeah, I texted Denise to come and let us out," Rowan answered. Sierra looked around the room, everyone was on the phone with someone. 

From: Colby Brock

You got touched?

Are you okay?

"Dammit," Sierra cursed under her breath.

"What?" another girl, Meredith asked.

"My friends found out I got touched."

"Colby?" Liv asked. Sierra nodded. "More like your soon-to-be boyfriend. As soon as you get your head on straight."

"Shut up, Liv," Sierra said. Everyone laughed a little.

"You would look really cute with him," Meredith said.

"Why is everyone saying that?" Sierra asked, not expecting an actual answer.

"Because it's true," Katrina said.

"And you know it. You just need to admit it," Liv said.

"You know why I can't date again," Sierra said to Liv who sadly nodded.

"That happened when you were sixteen," Liv said. "He can't get you anymore."

"I know that, it's just," Sierra stopped herself before she revealed information she didn't want strangers to know. "Never mind. Colby and I are just friends."

A few minutes later the door opened showing the other group of people standing on the other side.

"The door was unlocked, why did you call me over here?" Denise asked the group.

"No, it was locked for like two hours," Rowan said. Sierra looked at Katrina who was holding the camera for the time being.

"Okay, well, let's finish the tours on time please."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Denise and the other group of people walked away mumbling and cursing. Sierra scoffed before turning towards Rowan

"She's a stickler for the rules, isn't she?" Sierra asked.


"Can we leave the room, I just got really cold," Hazel said, breaking the silence. Sierra's phone dinged as everything got gathered from the table.

From: Colby Brock

You didn't answer me. Are you okay?

To: Colby Brock

I'm fine. It was just someone touching my leg

I'm fine really

From: Colby Brock

I don't believe you

To: Colby Brock

Well maybe you should for once

From: Colby Brock

I don't think so.

I have to go. Be careful and tell me next time something happens.

To: Colby Brock

Yeah, you'll see when we post the video!

Sierra laughed as she hit send. Kat looked over at her with a raised eyebrow. Sierra just laughed.


"I'm not saying anything."

"You're thinking it."

"You are too if you know what I'm thinking."

Dammit it. Sierra knew that was true.

"It's not true."

"That's a lie. Who were you texting then?" Liv asked as Rowan led the group into an old surgical room

"Shut up."

After the tour was over the people who paid for a solo investigation got to stay and had a section of the building to do what they wanted to. Sierra, Liv, and Kat went back to the room that they got locked in earlier that night.

"Let's put a brick or something so we don't get locked in again." Sierra suggested. The three grabbed a few bricks and held the door open with them then moved to the table where Kat and Liv sat in the chairs while Sierra sat in between them on the table.

"So we are here at Dennis Memorial Hospital and we just finished the tour with some amazing people. Shout out to Rowan here, they are awesome," Liv said first.

"We have already had so many experiences in the short time we've been here," Sierra heard a knock on the wall as she said that.

"Did you hear that?" Katrina asked.

A few more knocks happened. 

"I heard those," Liv said. Sierra shushed her. They listened for a minute, waiting to see if anything else happened.

"Anyways. The story behind it here goes in 1864 the hospital opened and ran until 1984, changing owners and companies fourteen times, until the Demiea family bought it out and changed the name from Great Falls Hospital to Dennis Memorial after Dennis Demiea who was a super influential person in their home country," I started. "Then, ten to twenty years ago, some homeless people broke in and made this building their home, pretty much." Liv explained.

"There have been many reports of poltergeist activity here in the last year, people have been touched, things have levitated in front of people. We were informed that there is a dark energy here and that people have run out from seeing this thing," Katrina said, reading off Sierra's phone.

"That's what we know so far so let's get on with the investigation," Sierra said and Liv stopped the camera. They moved to a surgical room nearby.

"Should we put the rempod here or there?" Sierra asked as she pointed to different parts of the room. Katrina and Liv both pointed to the same spot. As the group started their investigation in the room they heard knocks and taps throughout. They started to set up for a spirit box session when they heard a thud outside the room.

"What the hell was that?" Liv exclaimed when they went outside. The three of them searched around for a minute but found nothing. They went back into the room and sat around the box.

"Doctor," a voice said through the spirit box after a couple of minutes of just silence.

"Are you a doctor?" Sierra asked.

"Yes, surgery," they responded.

"What's your name?" Katrina asked.

"Doctor Rena."

"Push one!" a female voice came through.

"Move," a voice said in a hurry. Katrina looked over at Sierra when her phone rang.

"Call," the female voice said.

"It's Colby," Sierra said. "Why is he calling me right now?"

"Oh la la," Liv teased, earning a glare from Sierra. "Go answer him."

Sierra stood up and went to the other side of the room before answering.

"Hey, what's up?" She answered.

"Nothing. Why did you call?"

"What are you talking about? You called me," she said.

"It showed that you called me," he said to her.

"That's weird. Are you still at the hotel?" she asked.

"No, we just left. Are you guys still at the Hospital?" he asked, Sierra felt her heart skip a beat.

"Stop it," she whispered to herself.

"Everything okay?"

"Did you hear that?"

"Yes I did, everything okay?" he asked again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I should get back to the others."

"Probably," he said in a soft tone. She tried to ignore her face heating up.

"I'll text you when we finish," she said to him.


Sierra went back to the others while they were asking more questions. They finished up before moving back to the base room. While they were setting up the equipment, Sierra noticed a black mist move from the window to the door. She snapped her head towards the door to see a faint figure of a woman standing in the doorway. She felt her heart getting faster, she sat down in a chair. 

"Sis? You okay?" Liv asked, sitting next to her.

"There's a shadow right there," Sierra pointed to where it was standing. Katrina picked up the camera just as the rem pod flew off the table to the ground. They all turned to the spot, the rempod started to slide across the floor as the lights started to flicker as it moved across the floor.

"Oh, shit," Katrina said.

"They said the lights didn't work in this room, right?" Sierra mentioned, feeling a little scared.

"Yeah, Rowan said that this room's lights hadn't worked in years," Liv said as the lights flickered again. They continued to do questions and got answers through knocks, taps, and the rempod.

"Do you guys smell that?" Katrina asked. Sierra and Liv sniffed the air, smelling rain.

"The rain smell?" Sierra asked. She and Liv nodded. Sierra noticed how the shadow was dripping wet. 

"What do you see?" Katrina asked, putting a hadn on Sierra's arm.

"The shadow is back. I can fully see them this time."

"What do you mean by that?" Liv asked.

"It looks like a person with a blur effect standing over there," Sierra said pointing to where the shadow was standing. The figure raised its hand and pointed towards the door. Sierra watched as the door shut again. Liv jumped up to try to open the door.

"Locked. Again," Liv said, moving back to sit down.

Colby's POV

"Are you seriously sulking over not seeing Sierra?" Sam asked, sitting down next to Colby.

"I'm not sulking, she just hasn't texted me in hours and it typically doesn't take them that long to do an investigation."

"Mmhmm, sure," Sam said, dragging out the word. "Dude, she's probably just finishing up."

"You're right."

Colby's phone dinged. He expected it be Sierra, instead it was Olivia. 

From: Olivia Anderson

Have you talked to Sierra in the last couple hours?

To: Olivia Anderson

No, I haven't

Did something happen?


From: Olivia Anderson

She's kinda freaked out now.

Give her a call

We just left the Hospital

To: Olivia Anderson

What happened?

From: Olivia Anderson

Just call her.

Sierra answered as soon as Colby rang.

"What happened? Liv said you are freaked out," he said as soon as she answered.

"Uh, yeah. I am a little freaked out."

"What happened?"

"I saw something."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Have you ever seen something?"

"Like what?"

"Person. A shadow?"

"Not a person per se, but I've seen stuff."

"I'm freaked out, Bee," Sierra said, her voice shaking.

"I know. Are you guys finished there?"

"Yeah, we are changing our flight to tonight."

"Come here when you get back. We can watch a movie and order pizza," Colby suggested. "And if you want, we can talk about what you saw."

"Thank you."

"No problem, see you soon."

Colby felt his chest tighten as he sat down.

"What is this?" He asked himself, rubbing a hand across his chest. He got up to start make some lunch for him and Sam.

"Hey bro," Sam said, as he sat down.


"Did you talk to Sierra? Katrina told me she was freaked out about something."

"Yeah, I just got off the phone with her," Sierra said, finishing up the sandwich and handing one to Sam. "We should start editing the Conjuring video."

Sam nodded so the two boys ate and went to go edit the newest video. Hours later, the door opened, and there stood Sierra and Katrina. Colby rushed to wrap Sierra in a tight hug. Sierra held onto him tight, not letting him move.

"How was the trip?" Sam asked.

"It was fine," Katrina answered. Sierra stayed silent.

"Well, Kat and I are going out so the place is yours," Sam said.

"Thanks, man," Colby said as Sam and Katrina left the room.

Sierra followed the routine that she does every time she goes to Sam and Colby's place, starting with a quick shower, removing all of her makeup from that day. She then goes into Colby's closet to pick out clothes that he'll never see again. It's been a routine since Sierra had been going over multiple times a week.

"So do you want to talk about what you saw? Or do you just want to watch the movie?" Colby asked as Sierra got under the covers of his bed and plugged in her phone.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, I just want to watch the movie first," she said, Colby noticed how she stuck out her hand.

"You want to order the pizza?"

"Why do you think I have my hand out?"

Colby laughed and gave her his phone. He noticed how much of a smaller hoodie collection he had when he went to pick one out. By the time he finished, Sierra had a movie on and the food was ordered.

"What did you choose?" Colby asked, sliding into the bed, next to her.



"Hey, you left me in charge of choosing the movie. You knew this was going to happen eventually."

"Fair enough."

The two made a rule to never start a movie or show until they have their food in front of them. When the food did arrive Sierra was almost falling asleep on Colby.

"You door dashed Red Bulls, seriously?" Colby asked her, holding up a bag.

"Once again, you left me in charge of food. Plus I'm a little tired and don't want to fall asleep."

"You're going to anyway. You always do."

"Well maybe it'll prolong it." Sierra said with a laugh as she opened the can and took a drink.

Sierra started falling asleep about halfway through the movie. Colby moved her so that she was laying down and covered her with his blanket and went to his couch to sleep.

Colby woke up long before Sierra so he went to get coffee for everyone, he drove to Starbucks and ordered the caramel drinks and one pumpkin spice for Sierra. Colby laughed as he paid, Sierra had always liked the fall and Christmas ones, Colby couldn't lie, he liked them too. Colby got back before Sierra woke up, he handed two of the drinks to Sam.

"Thanks Colbs." Sam said, taking the drinks. He handed one to Katrina. Colby smiled and went back up to his room as Sierra was starting to wake up. He sat next to her on the bed and handed her a cup after she sat up.

"Thank you," she said with a yawn.

"You're welcome. Do you want some breakfast?"

"I'm starved, but you're not cooking," she said, laughing as she got out of bed. She threw her hair up into a ponytail.

"What? Why not?"

"You're great at the meal planning stuff, but you can't cook breakfast to save your life."

"That's not true."

Colby begged Sierra to let him help cook breakfast. She tasked him with the job of flipping stuff when they're ready. "Those are burning."

Colby moved quickly to flip the pancakes, sure enough the bottom of them were burnt. He threw them into the trash.

"Told you."

"Okay, you smart ass." Colby said.

Colby grabbed some flour. He smashed the fistful of flour into Sierra's hair. Sierra threw some flour at Colby. They both started laughing while throwing more flour at each other. By the time Katrina and Sam came downstairs to the kitchen area Sierra was covered in flour

"Morning, you two," Kat greeted as she came into the kitchen area. Sam just raised an eyebrow at the two.

Colby and Sierra stopped what they were doing and just stared at the couple. Colby and Sierra finished cleaning the kitchen, Sierra insisting on doing the dirty dishes, with much protest from Colby. After everyone ate and drank their coffee, Sierra went up and changed into some new clothes. Colby looked at Snapchat, seeing a picture of Sierra in his closet with one of the XPLR hoodies on.

To: Sierra Anderson

You told your fans that we know each other?

From: Sierra Anderson

No. Not officially. They'll know by the time the video gets posted.

To: Sierra Anderson

How? Why? What did you do?

From: Sierra Anderson

You'll see

Sierra appeared in the kitchen a few minutes later, Colby had cleaned up the dishes from breakfast. Sierra sat back down next to Colby. Kat and Sierra started telling us about the girls' weekend. Sierra got quiet when Kat mentioned Sierra getting grabbed. Colby set a hand on her back, she relaxed at the touch. Kat started to tell them that she had also seen a figure of someone.

"Are you okay now?" Sam asked her, placing a hand on her arm. Colby pushed away the urge to push Sam's hand away.

What is going on?

"Yeah, I'll be fine. It's just really scary. That was the first time I've seen anything," Sierra said. Colby moved his hand from her back to her free hand and gave it a small squeeze. He noticed the ache in his chest coming back.

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