"You're getting married tomorrow! You must be so excited!" Ginny grinned, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"I was absolutely sick the evening before mine," Hermione added. "The nerves drove me mad. I thought I was going to vomit reciting my vows."
"Way to make her feel better, Hermione!" Ginny frowned, noticing Alexandra was already extremely distracted.
"I'll be right back," Alexandra stated, hearing Hermione and Ginny bicker as she apparated out of the room and into the joke shop. "Where's George?"
"With Angelina," Fred answered, seemingly unphased by her entrance.
"Good," Alexandra sighed. "I have to talk to you."
"Are you here to tell me you're calling off the wedding because you realized you've loved me all this time?" Fred asked, turning away from what he had been doing and towards her with a smirk on his face. "Sorry to tell you, love, but I'm taken now."
"I know," Alexandra smiled. "It's quite the opposite actually. I was going to ask if you'd give me away."
Alexandra grew nervous when Fred didn't say anything. She had known for a while now that she wanted Fred to be walking beside her at the wedding, but she was too afraid to ask. There were too many reasons why he could say no.
"It's just that you mean so much to me," Alexandra continued, the short second of silence feeling like days. "I know it's strange to ask, since it's usually a job for the father, but-"
"It's not strange at all," Fred smiled. "I would be honored to give you away."
"Really?" Alexandra asked, a smile growing on her face. Fred nodded.
"I'll always care about you, and I'll always be here to protect you from the evils of the world," Fred continued. "But I think it's time to give someone else a chance to love you, yeah? Isn't that what it's all about now anyway?"
"You don't know how much this means to me," Alexandra grinned, pulling Fred into a hug. "I'm sorry I waited the last minute to ask."
"It's not like it's a difficult task. All I've got to do is drag you down the aisle," Fred joked, pulling away. Alexandra laughed, resting her head on his shoulder.
"Are you sure I won't be the one dragging you?" She asked. Fred laughed. "Would you like help with inventory since George has left you to do it alone?"
"You've got a wedding to prepare for," Fred smiled, standing up and holding out his hand to help her up as well. "You might change your mind if you spend too much time with me, and we don't need a runaway bride situation. Although, Ginny would get a kick out of it."
"I've still got no idea what I've gotten myself into, leaving her in charge of everything," Alexandra laughed. "Hermione's helping, of course, but I don't know if that's better or worse."
"I'm sure you'll be pleased," Fred smiled. He yawned, and Alexandra took that as a cue to leave.
"I suppose I'll leave you to it, then," Alexandra sighed, hugging Fred.
"Goodnight, Alexandra."
"Goodnight," she smiled lightly, apparating out of the joke shop. Fred sighed himself, sitting down and putting his head in his hands for a brief moment before getting up and departing into his bedroom.
Alexandra now stood alone at King's Cross Station, holding Draco's time turner carefully in her hands. She placed it around her neck, and stared at it skeptically before turning it fifty six times. In seconds, she was no longer alone.
Coming out from behind the pillar she had been hiding behind and keeping her head down, Alexandra snuck between a large crowd of students as they piled onto the train. If her timing was right, students should be returning from the Christmas holidays.
She quickly ran towards the bathrooms, her head still down, and hid in one of the two stalls for the entirety of the trip making sure to take off her ring and hide it in her pocket in case she ran into someone who isn't meant to see it.
When finally arriving at Hogwarts, she waited until the last possible moment to leave the train before taking an empty carriage to the castle. She took a deep breath, wondering where her and Tom would be at this moment in time.
"Brilliant," she sighed, remembering exactly where they would be: the potions classroom.
Hearing a door open as she approached the room, she immediately hid behind a nearby statue. Alexandra watched as her and Tom quickly exited the room, but she couldn't take her eyes off of him.
Her attention was turned back to the classroom when Slughorn exited. She watched him walk towards the bathrooms, and checked that nobody was around before running into the room. She grabbed a nearby vial and poured the last drop of the potion into it before existing the room as if she was never there. Taking the potion wasn't part of her plan at first, but it could answer a question she's had in the back of her mind since that day.
Ducking behind every statue she could find, Alexandra made her way to Dumbledore's classroom. When she entered, he was nowhere to be found. She was thankful, though. She couldn't face him again. She'd go mad.
She did, however, force herself to face the things that drove her even more mad; her memories.
She kneeled in front of the blue spheres, and watched as every event played out. She couldn't help but notice that many were never completed. She saw Fred lying in rubble, but never saw his head move. She saw Harry lying in Hagrid's arms, but never saw him get up. She saw Hermione being tortured and Ron screaming for mercy, but never saw them escape. This entire time both her and Dumbledore feared these moments, but never anticipated that there was more to them.
"To what do we owe this pleasure?" A voice rang, startling Alexandra. She turned to find Tom, standing before her with a smirk on his face. "I must admit, you've aged nicely. Three, maybe four years I'm guessing."
"I can't say the same for you, unfortunately," Alexandra stated, hiding her panic. Quickly, she thought of a lie. "I'm not here to stop you. I've accepted my fate. I just need a question answered before I no longer have a chance to ask it."
"And what might that be?" He asked, bringing his hand to her cheek and running his finger across her scar.
"Did you love me?" She asked, taking a deep breath when his face faltered and he took a step away from her.
"I'm sure you already know the answer to that ridiculous question," he spat.
"I think you did," Alexandra told him. "I think you did love me, and it scared you."
"You know nothing," he glared.
"You're right, I don't know anything," she admitted. "And I don't suppose I ever will. I was stupid to think coming back would do me any good."
"I suggest you return to whatever time you came from," Tom stated angrily, going to leave when Alexandra began to panic once again.
"I loved you," she admitted, causing him to stop in his tracks. "I could never admit it for the same reasons you refused to admit your feelings. I was terrified. I wasn't supposed to love you, but I did."
"Are you happy?" He asked quietly. "Now?"
"Yes," she responded. "I am."
Alexandra would never know, but those words are what convinced Tom to send her home. He would always hate himself for falling weak in that moment, but he would never fully regret his decision. Deep down, he wanted her to be happy, even if it was only for a couple of years before he ultimately killed her. At least, he thought he would kill her.
Alexandra let out a deep breath as he wordlessly left the room, quickly focusing her attention back on her memories. She couldn't concentrate, though, as she began crying. She had forgotten what it felt like to be as hopeless and afraid as she once was. It felt like bricks were piled on top of her heart, making her chest feel tight and heavy as she struggled to breathe from the weight.
Without thinking, she turned time back again. She went back eight years, to before Tom had attended Hogwarts, and watched as the shelf of her memories vanished into nothing. Instead of the spheres being lined up in front of her, she noticed they were sitting in a pile towards the back of Dumbledore's classroom. She examined them, and she saw nothing; they were empty.
She wanted nothing more than to fill them with her true memories; Fred and Harry surviving, winning the war...
Something stopped her, though, when she suddenly remembered the ring she hid in her pocket. If she changed her memories, and changed her life as she knew it, she may have never met her friends or fallen in love with Draco. There's the possibility that all her pain and suffering would cease to exist, but at what cost? Why go back and change everything now when she's finally happy? Would it really be worth it?
Hearing people approaching, Alexandra quickly began transferring her memories into the spheres sitting before her, leaving them exactly as she would find them years later.
She attempted to apparate out of the castle, and was genuinely surprised when she was successful. She thought the barrier just hadn't been put in place yet, but she was wrong. Dumbledore had taken it down only seconds ago in order to apparate to Wool's Orphanage and meet Tom Riddle for the first time.
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