"Alex!" Ginny screeched, sprinting across the room and practically jumping on her friend. They would have fallen if Remus wasn't behind them to keep them steady. He laughed lightly, feeling joyful as he watched the two friends reunite. "Thank Merlin you're alright."
"Mum! Dad! George! Alexandra's returned!" A voice Alexandra missed so dearly echoed. Fred practically pushed Ginny away, embracing Alexandra himself. He was close to tears as he held the girl he thought he'd never see again. Molly, Arthur and George all ran into the room, happy with the surprise.
"Oh, dear," Molly sighed, noticing how thin, tired and pale the girl looked. Regardless, she was happy to see her alive and relatively well.
"It's good to have you back, kid," George smiled, pulling her away from his brother to hug her. Alexandra relaxed, taking in the wonderful moment and ignoring the slight pain from all the hugging. Her body was still sore, but it felt like nothing compared to the pain she's endured in recent months.
"Let me make you some tea, dear. It'll help you get some rest. You look like you could use some sleep," Molly smiled lightly, rushing to make the warm drink.
"We've got all of your things in your room," Arthur started, noticing Alexandra's expression fall slightly. "You'll be sharing with Ginny, of course."
Alexandra relaxed, letting out a sigh of relief. She was truly afraid of being left alone.
"Here you go, dear," Molly smiled, handing her a cup of tea conveniently brewed with magic. Alexandra took it thankfully.
"Oh, how wonderful," Muriel smiled, greeting the girl she's met on many precious occasions. "I've just put fresh linens on your bed, and I made sure to give you some extra blankets. Good thing I prepared, I didn't expect you so soon."
"Thank you, Auntie Muriel," Alexandra smiled. "Sorry if I'm a burden."
"Oh, of course not!" Muriel protested. "You're always welcome here. You're part of the family, dear. Take her to the room, Ginerva. Make sure she's comfortable."
"You know, you're the only one she hasn't insulted. Was even rude to Hermione when they first met," Ginny stated, bringing the girl upstairs with Fred and George following behind.
"She absolutely loves you," George pointed out. "Probably because you're not actually a Weasley."
"You could be," Fred joked, making Alexandra smile.
"Already? Fred, she just got here," Ginny protested.
"I've got her to smile, haven't I?"
Alexandra examined the room as she entered, noticing how neat her side was compared to Ginny's. The blankets were perfectly laid out, and the pillows were perfectly fluffed. A pair of her pajamas was folded neatly on the bed, topped with a new toothbrush. Her things were packed in boxes, labeled and placed in line under the bed where she could easily access them.
"I suppose I'll go brush my teeth then," she smiled, placing her tea down on a nearby table and heading to the bathroom. Ever since she's returned, Alexandra has been obsessed with showering and brushing her teeth as often as possible. She hoped it would make her feel less dirty, both inside and out.
Upon entering the bathroom, she caught a quick glimpse of her appearance in the mirror. Dropping her toothbrush and pajamas on the floor, she couldn't take her eyes off of her reflection.
Walking closer to the mirror, she examined her face for the first time in months. She almost didn't recognize herself.
Her hair was much thinner, her skin was whiter than ever before other than the black beneath her eyes, her cheek bones stuck out, her lips were chapped and she was just now seeing the scar that ran across her left side. It began at her chin and ended right above her ear. She didn't want to know what she looked like before Bill and Fleur began healing her.
"I still think you look beautiful," Fred told her, leaning against the door frame. Alexandra wiped away a few tears that had fallen, picked up her toothbrush, and quickly began brushing her teeth. "You think I'm lying."
"Of course you are," she argued, spitting out toothpaste into the sink. She wiped her mouth before turning to him.
"Your eyes still glow the brightest green, and your smile still lights up the room."
"Have you been reading Ginny's romance novels? Or have you just gone mad?"
"Oh, how I've missed your rejection," Fred smiled. Alexandra rolled her eyes, not being able to hide her own small smile. She ignored him, though, and continued to brush her teeth.
"I can't change with you in here," she stated once she was done. He shrugged.
"I don't see a problem."
"Fred," she laughed, pushing him out of the doorway. "I hope you know I love you."
"Just differently, I know," he smiled, having accepted the fact a long time ago. He still used every chance he could get, however, to mess with the girl. He knew it wasn't exactly fair, but he did it anyway because he knew it made her smile. "I suppose my heartbreak will heal eventually."
"Let me change, will you?" She laughed. He laughed as well, eventually leaving to let her dress.
Alexandra soon began crying, overwhelmed with the joy she's been feeling since she reunited with her friends and family. All the hope she lost had began flooding back as she began to remember what it felt like to be happy.
That night, she was finally able to fall and stay asleep. She thought it was because she was finally relaxed, but Molly had actually slipped her a sleeping potion in the tea. She had originally brewed the potion for herself, not being able to sleep knowing each of her children were in danger, but she decided to spare some for the girl. She would happily give up a night's sleep or two to provide Alexandra with the rest she so desperately needed.
"She's the strongest person I've ever known," George said, watching Alexandra as she slept. "I don't think I could have done it; fought as long and as hard as she did."
"Everything she does, she does for the people she loves," Ginny explained, looking at Draco's wand sitting on the night stand. "I just wish she'd do something for herself."
"I don't think she can, knowing the information she knows," Fred added. "Maybe when the war is over she can finally be free from it all."
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