Two Magicians and a Shaman

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Note: I can't believe we're almost done with this! It's absolutely insane to me. After this, there's one more chapter for you all, then a sappy author's note from me. I hope you all enjoy this one. <3

Patrick travels the rest of the way to Volcanta with Mislan in the little boat. As he suspected, it takes a couple more days, which pass by fairly quickly now that he has someone to listen and talk to. Between Mislan and Sunny, the company is good, but he remains impatient.

Patrick and Mislan reach Volcanta mid-day when the sun is high in the sky and the world is bright and filled with summer cheer. Patrick just about launches himself out of the boat in his haste, so excited that he can't contain himself. Mislan just laughs at him and flashes him a wide grin accompanied by an enthusiastic wave.

"I'll see you next time I come by Volcanta!" he calls.

"It was good to meet you! See you then!"

Mislan rows away from the bank and Patrick lets him go with a last call of 'be careful' before wrapping up Sunny's longer lead and taking her reins instead. He walks beside her through Volcanta, which is a bustling little mountain town. Just by being there for a few minutes, it becomes clear that this is a hot spot for many passing through this area of the pink.

Numerous vendors line the village and Patrick spots several taverns just along one street. One side of town has fancy houses- the kind that are painted bright colors and have delicate carved edging around the doors and windows. Farther away from the heart of town are the more cottage type houses and he starts toward those, but not before recasting the spell on his ring so he can make sure he's headed the right way.

The spell leads him farther inland and deeper into the trees- quite a bit away from the actual town. He passes other houses, but his ring leads him onward until he spots a field of bluebells bordering a dirt path. He turns onto that, giddy.

At the end of the path is a trellis covered in winding vines- a clear mark of an entryway. As soon as Patrick steps through it, a surge of magical energy runs through him and he shivers. Aodhan put a lot of spells around this place; he can feel his magic everywhere. Sunny doesn't want to go through the doorway, but after some coaxing, she calms down and allows him to lead her through.

The cottage the path leads them to reminds Patrick of a witch's house from one of the storybooks he got from the library when he was younger. The door is painted blue and obnoxious paisley curtains hang in the windows. A windchime hangs from the edge of the roof. A garden frames the right side of the house. By the looks of it, this garden has only herbs and flowering plants in it rather than foods for eating. The left side of the grassy area is home to a large walnut tree that would be wonderful to sit under. Various charms hang from its branches, still in the air.

Patrick ties Sunny to the walnut tree and speeds over to knock on the door, ring humming on his finger. It only takes a moment for someone to answer the door and Patrick wastes no time in throwing himself into Aodhan's arms.

"I missed you."

Aodhan laughs and he wraps Patrick up in a hug, pressing kisses to his cheek as he does so. "I was worried you wouldn't come. Clementine let you go?"

"She's in faery jail. I'm pretty sure. She got summoned, anyway."

Patrick pulls away, but doesn't move out of Aodhan's personal space. He takes off his necklace and returns it to Aodhan, carefully slipping it over his head. Aodhan smiles and takes his hand. His other hand cups Patrick's face. Patrick's breath catches as their eyes meet and he cants forward to smash their mouths together.

Aodhan hums, surprised yet pleased. Patrick can feel him smile against his lips, feels Aodhan's hand move from his cheek to the back of his neck. Aodhan's movements are sure and forceful and Patrick leans into that confidence, heart throbbing.

Aodhan's arm hooks around Patrick's waist and Patrick wraps both his arms around Aodhan's, pulling him closer, closer, closer until there's no space between their mouths or their bodies. Aodhan sucks his bottom lip into his mouth and gently bites down. Their mouths meet again forcefully, lips sliding wetly together.

When they finally pull away, Patrick's sure he looks dazed because Aodhan grins fondly and brings him in for another kiss, this one softer, assuring they have all the time in the world. The kiss leads into another hug. Patrick buries his nose into the crook of Aodhan's neck and he can sense the smile that earns.

"Where's William?" Patrick questions.

"He's out back. He found a doe by the river. She must have escaped from an otter attack or something. She was pretty bad off, but she's just fine now and she sticks around. She likes him," Aodhan says, pulling away to rest his hands on Patrick's upper arms, looking him over. "You got here all right, I see."

"I'm very capable."

Aodhan smiles. "I know you are. Come on."

Aodhan grabs his hand and presses a quick kiss to his cheek before leading him around to the back of the house, where William sits on a wicker chair, a deer standing next to him. The doe nibbles on the grass and William scratches her cheek and behind her ear like one would with a dog or cat. The doe goes on high alert as soon as they approach and bounds a few paces away to watch them warily. William is on his feet in an instant and soon Patrick has an armful of grinning William, who he gives a tight squeeze and a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"You're here!"

"I'm here."

When the hug lessens and there's more room between them, Patrick places a fleeting kiss to William's lips with a smile. William's whole face burns red, but he smiles through it and pulls Patrick closer, shyly informing, "You can kiss me again, if you want."

Patrick does indeed want, so he eagerly brings their lips together once more. Unlike Aodhan, kissing William is less feverish, more like a soft rain than a waterfall. William has him take the lead, gently holding him by the elbows. Patrick's stomach warms, goes fluttery so that he loses all thought except William.

The musical giggle William makes when he adjusts their position and presses their lips together in a series of little kisses sends Patrick's nerves alight. When they pull away, they're both breathless and flushed. It's wonderful- absolutely wonderful. Patrick never wants to stop.

"I'll make you both lunch if you want to take a kissing break," Aodhan teases, an affectionate smile on his face.

William ducks his head, blushing, and Aodhan laughs and tilts his chin up to kiss him quickly. Patrick's heart nearly bursts at the sight. This is real and he has this. He's made it. By the Bells, he's made it.

I'm so happy, Patrick thinks, practically vibrating where he stands.

William takes him by the hand and Aodhan opens the back door to the cottage to let them in. The inside is a spacious area compared to how small it appeared from the outside. The room they enter in is the sitting room, which has a fireplace and a table and chairs by the window, as well as a nicer plush couch set behind a table in the middle of the room. Bookcases line the walls, filled to the brim with books and decorated with various crystal points. Across from the table and chairs by the window there's a few cupboards and a space to cook.

The living room opens to two other rooms, one which would be the bedroom, and another which is likely Aodhan's workspace. Drawings are plastered all over the doors to them and Patrick knows that Signe did them. A huge scenic painting of a rabbit nibbling on a dandelion in a field of flowers and butterflies hangs on the wall near the entryway. Signe must have done that one, too.

The three of them squish together to fit at the tiny dining table (Patrick in the middle for maximum attention) and push aside the lilac filled vase so they have room to eat. Aodhan boils some dough to make rice-shaped noodles, which they eat cold, topped with tomato, basil, and mushrooms. It's delicious, especially since it was made by someone he cares deeply for.

"How are you doing?" Aodhan questions. "You had to ride here by yourself, didn't you?"

"Better now that I'm here," Patrick says sweetly.

Aodhan smiles, eyes crinkling. "You sweetheart. I take it you did okay."

"It was kind of lonely," he admits, "but I had Sunny- she's my horse. I also met a fisherman named Mislan and he took me the rest of the way."

"Oh, look, you're making friends all by yourself now."

Patrick pouts, which makes William laugh and gently poke him in the side until he laughs and bats his hand away. "Don't do that. It tickles."

Aodhan promptly runs his hand up Patrick's thigh, causing him to jump and splutter in protest. Aodhan just grins and kisses his neck, then his jaw, hand still resting firmly on his leg.

"Are we- are we lovers?" Patrick blurts out, mouth working before he has any possible chance of overthinking it.

Aodhan laughs joyously, leaning against Patrick's side to brace himself. "I would say that the kissing should make it obvious, but I suppose we can never know with you, considering the first time I-"

"We don't have to talk about that," Patrick says gravely. "We can even forget that happened. I think about it sometimes and I die a little inside." William giggles and Patrick indignantly adds on, "You're supposed to be nice, yet I'm never going to live this down."

William coos softly and kisses Patrick's cheek in apology. Aodhan smiles at the sight, then looks back at Patrick with a twinkle in his eye.

"One day I'll tire of teasing you about it, but that won't be today. You may be embarrassed, but I was so surprised you could have slapped me and I couldn't possibly have been more shocked. I was so sure I had it in the bag and you were going to confess your undying love for me then and there."

"It... sounds like you had a plan."

"I did," Aodhan agrees. "It was a good plan, too, but I had to tweak it. That's fine. We got there in the end- and I got William on board before you, which I didn't expect."

"I can tell when people are flirting," William says, fingers curling around Patrick's wrist. "It's not your fault you can't."


Both Aodhan and William laugh and Patrick can't keep up the offended front (although he is just a smidge offended) any longer, so he joins them in the laughter and happily soaks up the attention and touches they bestow upon him.

"But, to answer your question: yes, we're very much lovers, Paddy. You said you loved me in front of the Seelie Queen, even- unless you meant it platonically. I'd be very confused if you did. I thought that pretty much sealed the deal if it wasn't already. If we weren't so tired, I could have taken you then."

Patrick turns cherry red. "Well, that wouldn't have happened, since we're not married. So."

Aodhan grins. "Hear that, William? He wants to marry us."

William kisses Patrick's cheek, who just about melts. The room feels hot now and Patrick could maybe use a walk to cool off from his embarrassment, but neither Aodhan nor William seem keen on letting up.

"I've never been married before," Aodhan goes on. "That would be a first."

"You've never promised yourself? Ever?" William inquires.

"I've never had anyone I wanted to live with me. It'll be nice to have you two around- have you as mine."

"We're yours," William says and Patrick nods his agreement.

"And I'm yours," Aodhan promises. "Always."

"I love you both," Patrick gushes, unable to keep the words inside any longer. If he did, he might just burst.

"I love you, too," William whispers.

"I love you both, too. You-" Aodhan punctuates this with a kiss to William's head as he stands. "And you." A kiss for Patrick. "Now, who wants to help me clean up?"

Patrick jumps up to help, since neither of them should ever have to lift a finger to do anything ever. He washes the dishes and Aodhan tells him there's carrots outside that need picking, so he and William go to do that. He takes one to Sunny and introduces her to William.

Afterward, they go back inside and curl up on the couch, laying draped in each other's laps. Aodhan comes to join them later, quietly reading a book beside them while they catch up, talking about anything and everything that's happened in the past weeks they've been apart.

Come nightfall, the three of them steal away to the bedroom, where they cuddle up on the large bed, which accommodates them all perfectly. Patrick doesn't think he's ever been this content. Even Ivo likes it here- earlier, he went around the whole house to inspect everything, nonchalantly trying to trip whoever was up and walking about.

Patrick snuggles into the middle of the bed, squished between his two boyfriends. William's head rests on his chest and Patrick's arm lay curled around his shoulder. Aodhan presses up against Patrick's back, arms around his waist. They've slept in a pile like this before, yet this is different. Things are calm and Patrick doesn't quite know how to react to that.

"Good night," Aodhan whispers.

Patrick tenses, but relaxes when both of his lovers immediately start up with soothing touches. "The last thing Lena ever said to me was good night," Patrick confesses. "I don't mean to- I just get..."

"Shh. It's all right," William murmurs. "I understand."

Aodhan hums. "We'll see you in the morning. Sleep well, my loves."

"Sleep well."

"Sleep well."

Patrick's a little sad now, he can't chase the feeling completely away, but he's not alone. He's not alone and they love him.

They love me.

Patrick's on a boat in the middle of an inky black sea. No vultures are in sight and Ivo is nowhere to be found, but he's not alone. Lena's not there and neither is Aodhan or William, but Lady Clementine is. She sits across from him, posture perfectly straight. Her hands are folded in her lap and she stares calmly at him. It's snowing, and snowflakes catch in her hair and stick, refusing to melt. All around them, snowflakes softly drift down and melt upon hitting the water and the boat and the warmth of Patrick's skin. Today, the sea is mostly still.

"I see you still haven't redecorated," Clementine says.

"I haven't really thought about it."

"You've had time."

Patrick shrugs. "Is the trial over?"

"It is."

He waits for her to elaborate, but she doesn't readily offer any word of what went on. Seeing she's not going to say anything, he offers a tentative, "And?"

"Sanctioned for execution. I suspect they'll have me cut apart with iron. Maybe fed to a god monster. Something like that."

Horrified, Patrick chokes out a startled, "What?!"

Clementine has the audacity to laugh at him and he can do nothing but stare at her in acute agitation, gaping. He has the keen sense she isn't as worried about this as he is and he does not like that. She should be worried. This is definitely a matter to be worried about and she's laughing at him like he's the stupid one.

"But you're immortal," he protests. "You can't die."

"Practically immortal," she corrects. "No one is immortal except for things that aren't alive. Being alive means you can be killed. No living thing is completely immortal. There's always a way. So, I'm practically immortal, which is as good as it gets. No one would want to be completely immortal, anyway. That would make us god monsters."

"But... you're... you! You can't die."

Clementine laughs again. "Oh, I have no intention of dying."

"...then what are you going to do?"

"I have numerous connections, all of whom owe me favors. They'll band together, if they know what's good for them. I have a delightful selection of curses picked out for them and for the Courts. It will be magnificent."

"So I shouldn't be worried?"

"Hmm, no. Not really. I'm hard to kill. Many have tried, but alas. I've still got my crown to get."

"Um, good luck with that."

"I don't need luck."

Patrick smiles. Clementine rolls her eyes as if exasperated, but he can tell she's hiding a secret smile.

"Do you need my help?" he inquires.

Clementine exhales sharply through her nose and coming from anyone else, Patrick would be offended. It's a waste of time when it's with her.

"No," she says with a small shake of her head. "You've done your part. You've had your journey. This is mine to get through. It was always going to come. Mab was never going to be satisfied. I knew the moment she came to Lena that I was going to have trouble."

"I'll miss you," he says.

"Don't. It's not like I'm dead."

She turns her head to the sea, to the gentle waves- perhaps hiding a smile though her nose wrinkles momentarily. Silence encompasses them, washes around them comfortably. The waves rock the boat and the steady movement is what wakes Patrick up. When he wakes, his body shivers, feels like it's moving for a moment.

I can rest, is the first thing he thinks upon waking.

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