Mother Bethan's Travelling Cottage

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A large group of servants and soldiers stand outside, along with Harrison, Seamus, and the twins. Aodhan is there, his hands tied together with Runningwind holding the rope. Alistair and Morwenna are brutally screaming at each other off to the side.

"I thought she was supposed to be leaving," Aithne mutters, eyes dark despite the flames in them.

"My dragons are nowhere near here! Don't go blaming this on me! What about your little matchstick? Where is she?" Morwenna is saying, or rather shrieking.

Aithne curses and goes over to them, leaving Patrick alone to scan the crowd for Lena. He breathes a sigh of relief when he spots her next to Morwenna's changeling, Tawny. He catches her eyes and she walks over, guiding Lena by the wrist.

"Thank you for getting her out," Patrick thanks sincerely.

Tawny smiles at him and scurries off to a fuming Morwenna, reminding Patrick of a little mouse. Lena comes to his side, linking her arm with his.

"Was it Aithne?" she whispers to him.

"No, she was with me."

Patrick watches Morwenna and Tawny vanish into the woods. He doesn't think it was Morwenna's dragons. He thinks someone would have been able to see one, which seems obvious. Besides, what incentive would she have to burn Alistair's castle?

Patrick tells Lena of Mother Bethan and she seems delighted by the news. The fire is still burning strongly when Aithne finally finishes her conversation with Alistair and comes over to them.

"Good news," she cheers. "I convinced Alistair to agree to visit Mother Bethan's. That way you can hear what she has to say without having to commit to anything."

Lena beams. "Thank you, Aithne."

"No hassle." Aithne winks, looking like a cat who has just caught her mouse.

She has a plan, Patrick thinks to himself.

Alistair tells Runningwind to keep everyone in check. She looks perturbed about something; her eyes keep flicking around as if she's expecting to be struck down any second.

"What are we looking for?" asks Patrick.

"We're not looking," Aithne says cheerfully. "It'll appear."


"Mhm. The cottage only appears to those who need it, and I must say, you two need it."

"Let's just get this over with," Alistair says grimly.

"Priss," Aithne tells him.

They're in the part of the woods Patrick knows and he thinks he would have remembered seeing the little cottage to his right. Patrick's not as surprised as he thought he would be to see it, sitting there as if it has always been there. The roof is of thatched straw and the walls of wooden plants, reminding Patrick of the cottages in Vertbank, back home.

An old woman sits in a wooden rocking chair outside of the cottage, bundled up in a thick woolen blanket. Wiry white hair pokes out from a hair scarf. Her skin is wrinkly and brown, like those apple head dolls Lena's sister used to make and sell at the market.

A huge python is draped over the old woman's shoulders. Patrick's never seen a snake so large, only the small rattlesnakes around his town. The snake is white with yellow splotches all over, looking heavy enough to crush the old lady settled beneath it. The snake's tongue flicks out.

The old woman lifts her head and says, "Oh, I was expecting you earlier. Guess I fell asleep. Though I don't see why you've had to bring that dalcop."

Lena giggles a little and Alistair scowls, but says nothing.

The woman stands up, surprisingly quick considering the snake, and opens the cottage door. She waddles more than walks, the way pregnant ladies do.

"Aithne, go fix up some chairs. I'll get some water on the stove. We'll talk over a hot cup of tea," the old woman commands.

Aithne goes to go do as the old woman bid, and disappears in the cottage. The woman follows her inside.

Rugs hang from the walls and small silky divans litter the room. The middle of the round room is occupied by a large metal cooking pot. The old woman sits down on a wooden stool by the pot.

"You, young man, young lady. Come here, yes?" Mother Bethan gestures for him and Lena to come to her.

The snake unnerves him, but it is certainly less scary than the dragon of Morwenna's he had seen. Ivo materializes on his shoulder and hisses. Patrick doesn't know who he's hissing at, the snake or Alistair, who's standing next to Mother Bethan.

"What's your name? I've always been called Mother Bethan or simply just Mother. I suppose I've helped enough people to be everyone's mother. I'm old enough to be." She laughs, coughing a little. "Though I won't take responsibility for some. I'm sure you could name a few," she chatters, tossing some herbs into the pot, almost recklessly.

"I'm Patrick," he tells her. "My friend is Lena."

"Those are lovely names. Almost as lovely as mine. Is my snake bothering you? No matter. Morg wouldn't hurt anyone unless I bid it. Or if he was hungry but we don't need to talk about that."

The snake, Morg, slithers down her doughy waist and onto the floor.

"No," Patrick tells her. "I'm sure Lena's rats don't like the snake."

"Rats? I love animals. I've had rats, even wolves. I've had anything you can dream of. Mind if I give them a pat?" Mother Bethan asks.

Lena grins and pulls Vetch, Cosmo, and Clover out of her pockets and places them into Mother's wrinkled old hands. She strokes their heads and they brux, sniffing the air. Patrick swears they start to glow.

"They're nice little dears," Mother Bethan says, handing the rats back to Lena.

"Aren't they?" Lena smiles.

Mother Bethan opens her palm toward the counter and a clay mug flies into her hand. She dips it into the pot, filling it with tea. She hands the mug to Patrick who looks at her in awe.

"She has telekinesis, Lena," he says.

"That's amazing!" Lena says honestly seeming impressed for the first time in a long while, but Patrick can tell she's eager to talk about reversing the curse- always more interested in the things that concern her.

Mother Bethan hands a cup full of tea to Lena and one to Alistair. She sticks a piece of bread into Lena's pocket for the rats to eat. Aithne pulls over chairs and they all sit down.

"So, a little birdy told me that you need to reverse a curse, hm?" Mother Bethan starts, taking a sip of her tea.

"Yes, Mother. Lena's turning into a statue. It was caused by the rose pendant, you know, the one. Alistair said they need to get to the pendant and use it to reverse it, but we were wondering if there was any other way," Aithne says.

"You need the pendant, but above all, you need the one who casted the spell."

"So we do really need the spellcaster?" Lena says, deflating.

"Fret not, child. Rozenn has the pendant and once you're with it, seek a council with the Seelie Court. They're sure to help you."

Alistair looks smug and Mother Bethan shoots him a look.

"Satisfied that this girl is stuck in a curse with one way out? Best take it down a notch," Mother Bethan says, rather sharply.

"Well, thank you, anyway," Lena says, but she looks down.

"Oh, cheer up. You'll find a way." Mother Bethan tilts Lena's chin up.

Patrick finishes off his tea and stands, going to follow Lena and Alistair out, but Aithne grabs hold of his arm.

"Patrick," she says. "Hold on a moment."

Patrick looks toward the door, wondering if Alistair will tell him to hurry up. It was obvious Alistair didn't want them talking alone with Mother Bethan.

"It's fine. Just a minute," Aithne says.

"All right."

"I was thinking and I've come up with a plan, with some help, of course. Did Alistair make you swear fealty to him?"

"No..." he says slowly, wondering where this is going to go.

"Good! That means you're not loyal to him. So, you can technically leave. Rozenn has the pendant, so why not go to Rozenn?"

"You know where she is?"

"No, but Aodhan will know someone who does."

"Aodhan is-"

"Yes, a prisoner, but I'm going to change that. Tonight, we're leaving. The castle is burned and it shouldn't be too hard to sneak away. I'm going to take Aodhan to wherever he needs to be and I want you two to come with us."

"Can we get there faster than Alistair can get the pendant?"

"I know so. Why wait for the pendant to come to you, when you can go to it?"

Patrick feels a mixture of something, hope, bubble in his stomach. "I'll tell Lena."


Aithne pats his cheek. "See you tonight."

Patrick nods and then Mother Bethan calls him over.

"Patrick, boy, come here a moment."

He glances toward the door, wondering if he's taking too long, before walking over to the old woman.

"You have a plan, I see, but you're going to need these." Mother Bethan pulls a pouch out of her dress pocket and places it in his hand.

"One-hundred gold and a few silvers. I won't miss them."

"Thank you!" Patrick exclaims.

Mother Bethan laughs her croaky laugh. "Take this too. Think of it as a gift to remember me bye."

Mother Bethan takes the ring on her finger off and places it in Patrick's palm. It has a simple band of silver and a teardrop shaped obsidian stone placed upon it.

"Um, thank you." Patrick smiles, slipping the ring onto his pointer finger.

Mother Bethan winks as if she knows something he doesn't. "Now go before that ginger dolt starts to think I'm bewitching you."

Patrick laughs and pockets the coins, leaving the house to where Alistair and Lena are waiting.

"What did she want with you?" Alistair eyes him.

"She gave me some silver and this ring," Patrick answers.

"All right," says Alistair, looking a little puzzled and extremely suspicious. "Let's head back."

They walk back to the castle, which is still up in flames. It's almost dark, but the flames illuminate the area, omitting the need for a campfire. The servants have put together a stew using Fallmage's provisions. Luckily, the fire hasn't spread to Fallmage. Patrick would feel awful for the little town.

Patrick grabs himself a bowl then looks for Lena, only to find her already sitting with the twins. Aodhan, who's momentarily untied for supper, waves him over and Patrick goes to sit next to him on the floor.

Alistair shoots them both a look, but makes no move to tell Patrick to sit elsewhere. Aodhan flashes Alistair a smile to which he scowls and continues conversation with Harrison.

"How was Mother Bethan's?" Aodhan asks, sipping his stew.

"It was fine. She didn't tell us anything other than get the pendant and to ask for a hearing with the Seelie Court."

"She's not wrong," Aodhan says gently. "When you get to that point, I'll try to sweet talk the Seelie. I swore fealty to them when I took the healer's oath of nonviolence, so perhaps they would listen to me. Oh, you are coming with Aithne and me, aren't you?"

Patrick nods his head. "I still have to tell Lena, but I think she'll be okay with it."

Patrick glances over at Lena, who's chatting with Oliver and William, seeming a bit happier than she was earlier.

"Afraid you're going to lose your friend?" Aodhan asks, catching his look.

"I- I'm not-"

"You needn't blush so. I'm only messing with you. I'm sure she's just making friends."

Patrick flushes harder at the implications. "We're not lovers."

"You're not? I wouldn't have thought otherwise," Aodhan says, smiling a little.

"We're not. I almost had to get married to her and it's a big relief that I'm not. I do care for her, though."

Aodhan laughs sweetly.

"I'm glad you're coming with us," says Aodhan. "I do enjoy your company."

Patrick smiles, feeling happy. It's nice to know when people do because Lena isn't one to say sentiments like that.

Patrick looks over at Aodhan to see him leaning over to pet Ivo, who is taking form as a cat and winding his way between Aodhan's legs.

"He's unusually friendly for a familiar," Aodhan comments, scratching Ivo's ears.

"He's not very helpful," Patrick says, telling Aodhan about the time with Aithne.

Patrick feels satisfied when Aodhan laughs. "He's a bit mischievous, hm?"

Ivo walks away from Aodhan and jumps onto Patrick's lap, rubbing his head against Patrick's hand. Patrick yawns, tired, and Aodhan tells him to go to bed which Patrick is eager to do.

Patrick curls up on the floor and Ivo nestles up to his side.

Oh, so now you want to be with me, Patrick thinks, stroking his familiar. You're your own thing, aren't you?

Ivo snorts which leads Patrick to wonder if Ivo always hears what he's thinking. Patrick doesn't like that idea, and shoves the thought away before it begins to haunt him. He falls asleep and dreams of being on a boat again. This time, Lena is there except she doesn't have gold fingers and Patrick can see her brown eyes as they once were. The boat rocks and Patrick beats away the vultures as they pick endlessly at Lena's hair and her skin. She shrieks and cries for Patrick to help her. Patrick swings the oar around, felling vultures. Ivo hovers above his head, devouring the birds.

"Don't help me, help her!" Patrick screams.

Ivo just blinks and Lena screams and Patrick screams and then he wakes up, gasping and covered in sweat.

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